Xiaoyu walked out of the flowers, took out the wooden sword and handed it to Jiang Lan:

   "Senior brother, did this experience go well?"

   She raised her foot cautiously, as if worried about the flower under her foot.

   The flower taken care of by her.

   "It's going well." Jiang Lan said after taking over the wooden sword.

   Xiao Yu is indeed still waiting for him to help bless the true meaning of Dragon Slashing, but still feels against him.

   However, he will not refuse.

   "Have you ever been to a prosperous place?"

   Jianglan and Xiao Yu walked into the yard together.

   "I have been there, and bought something for the senior sister by the way."

   Jiang Lan, who was walking on the road, took out the candied haws and handed it to Xiaoyu.

   "Candied haws?" Xiao Yu reached out and took two bunches of candied haws, moved her mouth to try, and then smiled:

   "It turns out that this is the taste. Both are for me?"

   "Hmm." Jiang Lan nodded slightly.

   did not see the slightest dislike or disgust.


   "That's right." Xiao Yu looked at Jiang Lan and reminded:

   "I'm really not a kid, the me I saw before is the real me.

   This is for the convenience of going out. "

   This little rain has already explained.


   The appearance of eating candied haws is somewhat unconvincing.

   Of course, Jiang Lan doesn't treat Xiao Yu as a child.

   does not look like a child now, but feels that his personality may be biased towards innocence.

   Normal, but I don’t feel that way.

   high cold.


   Thousands of miles away.

   "Junior brother has blessed the true meaning of Dragon Slashing more than ten times, do you want my teacher brother Longyu?"

   At this time, Jiang Lan was sitting in a position to bless the true meaning of Zhanlong, while Xiao Yu sat aside.

   Hearing Xiao Yu’s proposal, Jiang Lan nodded without hesitation:

"it is good."

   He has learned some Longyu, but it is a rough understanding, not proficient.

  There are indeed some benefits after learning.

   With light rain, I can’t practice, so it’s not bad to learn dragon language.

   "Then we start to learn from writing dragon characters, it should not look good at the beginning, dragon characters are more difficult." Xiao Yu looked at Jiang Lan and said with a smile.

   Jianglan: "......"

   it's time to write again.

   More than fifty years have passed.

   Years and years cannot leave enough marks on Xiao Yu's body, can't they still erase some unimportant things?

   Jiang Lan was silent.

   Now he is blessing the dragon sword intent, so naturally there is no time to learn.

   Wait for next time.

   He just came back, there is still a lot to do.

   That evening.

   Jiang Lan sent Xiao Yu away from the Ninth Peak.

   When he thought Xiao Yu was going to return his sword to Yaochi, Xiao Yu stopped moving.

   just stood there and looked at him.

   "What did the elder sister forget?" Jiang Lan asked.

   "Return me." Xiao Yu stretched out his hand and said to Jiang Lan.

   This surprised Jiang Lan:

   "Sister, what do you mean?"

   "My Hanqiu sword." Xiao Yu reminded:

   "I borrowed you when you were out."

I remembered.

   Then Jiang Lan took out the Han Qiu sword and put it in Xiao Yu's hand:

   "Sister's sword."

   He didn't explain anything, just pay it back.

   "Then I will go back, next time I come to my teacher to write Dragon Language."

   Xiaoyu went to Yaochi with a smile.

   Watching the light rain disappear into the sky, Jiang Lan went to the top of the ninth peak, saw Master, and by the way gave Master the good wine and sauced beef.

   Xiaoyu still doesn't hate candied haws, Master doesn't know if she doesn't like it.


   Xiaoyu flew all the way to Yaochi.

   bit the last bunch of candied haws in his mouth, checking the Han Qiu sword in his hand.

   "There is no trace of using it, is it that you never need a sword when you go out to practice, or are you embarrassed to use it?"

   was a little puzzled.

   She hopes Han Qiujian can help Jiang Lan.

   However, the younger brother is not injured, and looks much better than before leaving.

   Something should have happened, and it went well.

   Putting away the sword, she ate the candied haws.


   can't talk about how delicious it is, but she likes this little thing.

   Maybe it’s because no one has ever given her a gift.

   Or maybe there has never been a suitable person to give her a gift.

   Even if it's just a simple meal.

   Other people send it, she won't want it either.

   The fiance can be accepted with peace of mind. It belongs to Jiang Lan's kindness, and she doesn't want to let it down.

   But for valuable things, you have to return a gift.

   No need for this.


   "Master, wine." Jiang Lan stood on the top of the ninth peak and handed the things to Master.

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  Mo Zhengdong looked at the wine and the sauced beef, and didn't know what to say for a while.

   Nothing new.

   is nothing new than his giving gifts.

   He gave plant eggs for the first time...pet eggs.

   gave You Yehua the second time.

   His disciple, except for good wine, is good wine.

   It was a rare experience to go out this time, and he added beef with sauce.

   "Bring something to the goddess?"

  Mo Zhengdong put away the good wine and asked the sauce beef.

   "Two bunches of candied haws." Jiang Lan replied.

  Mo Zhengdong looked at Jiang Lan, somewhat surprised.

   Finally, he said with heart and soul:

   "I can't teach you this for my teacher. If you have time, you can ask the uncles of the Third Peak and Fifth Peak."

   Jianglan: "......"

   He simply brought something.

   Why do you want to ask those two uncles?

   And, even though those two are fairies, but...

   should be a golden saint.

   Speaking of this, Jiang Lan remembered the words of the Fifth Peak Master Miaoyue again, saying that he had admired Master for a long time.

   Let him be a matchmaker.

   And the master is alone.

   Do you want to ask?

  ‘It feels a bit abrupt, wait a minute to figure it out. ’

   He has become an immortal, and the master will grow old too.

   It is human nature to care about the lives of the elderly.

   But he cares more about Master Miaoyue, who feels that what he said is true or false.

   When you have time, you can properly ask Master’s emotional questions.

   "Is there something to gain from going out to experience?" Mo Zhengdong asked about the business.

   The past few years are not long, but it should be extremely important to Jiang Lan, so he wants to get a general idea.

   at least know if there is an opportunity to become a fairy.

   "Some gains, there is a kind of understanding, the future path of the disciple will be much easier." Jiang Lan said softly.

   He has become a fairy, although the road ahead is not so easy.

   is much easier than before.

   can be so smooth ~www.readwn.com~ all because of Master's thousand years of luck.

  Although in terms of sign-in, there is only one more good luck pill.

   But this good fortune pill is an opportunity for him to become a fairy, and it is very important.

  Mo Zhengdong nodded, so that's good, there is no need to ask more about the others.

   "Master, the disciples are a little curious about something." Jiang Lan looked at Mo Zhengdong and said:

   "The owner of the old wine inn, what price did the master pay in exchange for this book."

   He took out the book.

   There are four characters written on the book: Jinghua Shuiyue.

   There should be a record of Xinshen Inn.

   Jianglan hasn't watched it yet, it will take some time to be free.

   just came back, he has a lot to do.

   "It's nothing, I just helped his grandson find some body tempering elixir." Mo Zhengdong shook his head slightly.

   Jiang Lan lowered his eyebrows.

   is an understatement.

   But the innkeeper is already powerful, but he still needs the help of his master.

   How to think is not as simple as the master said.



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