"What's the familiar feeling? I've seen him before. He works as a sophomore in the inn."

   Zhou Shu said vigilantly.

   "When the inn is the second child?" Jin Yu was a little surprised, but he was the same as Zheng Xi:

   "I also feel a little familiar, as if I have seen it in a very important place."

   "Inn? I remember coming. It's the Ninth Peak." Zheng Xi said excitedly:

   "It is Senior Brother Ninth Peak. I remember that I had an opportunity in the inn. At that time, the first eight of us were eliminated. Senior Brother Ninth Peak cleared the game in one fell swoop, and everyone fell into an epiphany."

   "I remember too." Jin Yu followed:

   "At that time, I stood at a higher position. I saw the senior at the ceremony.

   Follow the goddess. "

   Zhou Shu: "......"

   Life has been hit one after another.

   And, their leader, who is going to marry a goddess?

  The status and status are completely different from other seniors. Even if this senior is criticized by others, he is even more special than other seniors.

   Now, the small shoes can be worn to the death.

   Some regrets.

   If you don't show your superiority, it won't be so.


   Somewhere in the maze, standing on the giant tree in the center.

   Ao Longyu stood on the branch, looking at the maze ahead, frowning slightly.

   The breeze blows, and the blue and white corners of the clothes move with the wind.

   At this time, she is normal, with jet black hair and a graceful posture.

   "The Secret Realm has been closed. If something is abnormal, it should happen."

   Ao Longyu looked around and felt something abnormal, but he couldn't feel the abnormality.

   After a while, she had enlightenment.

   "Formation, someone made tricks in the maze formation, but..."

   It's just that she can't know the other party's purpose. If she just wants to test her own formation skills, it's okay.

   But if she wants to kill someone with a knife, she needs to intervene.

   Then Ao Longyu looked in the direction of those Jiang Lan:

   "There was no obvious change in the place where the last batch came in. It seems that Junior Brother is still safe."

   Jianglan was the last batch to come in, this Ao Longyu knew about it.

  A person who knows how to do things must have his own purpose, and she is one of the obvious goals.

   And now that she is engaged to Jiang Lan, Jiang Lan may also be one of her goals.

   "The formation of the junior disciple is extraordinary, and the person in the dark should not be able to do him any harm with the formation. If it is a strong cultivation base...I will solve it."

  As soon as I thought of this, Ao Longyu went in the direction of the smallest anomaly.

   At this time, she could observe three abnormalities. These three are not obvious, but the scales are different.

   The eldest, she doesn't want to go now, most likely to be ambushed.

   Everyone knows that she will come too, and she is the leader of everyone, so naturally all regions are observed.

  Using abnormality, it is best to cite.

   There should be the smallest, but the possibility is lower.

   is not necessarily an ambush, but be wary of it.


   Jiang Lan walked in the labyrinth, didn't go too far, still looked around nearby.

   The general situation of Zhou Shu's three people, he can also feel it.

   Although something happened, it didn't harm them in any way.

   The three are also cautious.

   Jiang Lan walked slowly, he naturally wouldn't wear small shoes to them as the three had guessed.

   But there is no need, he really won't make a move.

   It is more suitable for them to deal with the dangers by themselves.

   As for whether he can get the treasure, it has nothing to do with him.

   "The movement is getting bigger and bigger."

   Jiang Lan looked at the surrounding formations, and felt that someone was controlling the outermost formations.

   The impact is not big, but it can cause trouble for many people.

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   A branch suddenly began to attack.


   Jiang Lan pointed out.

   But a slight touch, the branch crashed.

   "The level of danger is not high."

   He tried it. This is not too threatening to Jin Dan. As long as you are cautious, don't think that there will be no danger if you walk in your back garden.

   That afternoon.

   Jiang Lan saw sand monsters appearing in the labyrinth, and groups came to his area.

   "Where did it come from?"


   Thinking like this, Jiang Lan swung his sword and directly began to kill the sand monsters.


   The sand and dust drifted away and melted into the soil.

   didn't kill much.

   "There are golden cores for cultivation." Jiang Lan frowned:

   "You can't let these sand monsters pass."

  If it passes, the three new golden core newcomers over there will definitely not be able to bear it.

  He had to take three people to escape, which affected his follow-up actions.

   Without any hesitation, the thunder sky turned on.



   The entire road was directly covered by thunder, and a large number of sand monsters shattered and disintegrated on the spot.

   After the sand monster was cleared, Jiang Lan looked in other directions, he could feel it, there were still there.

   "Is the formation condensed? The source must be found."

   It's not a way to be so clear.

   But now that the sand monster comes out, it's not clear enough.

   late at night.

   Cut out with a sword, the sword intent was raging, and the dust drifted away.

   Jianglan stood on the sand.

   This is the first wave of sand monsters he has cleaned up.

   Fortunately, I finally came to the source.

   is an empty sandy land, where many sand monsters are condensing and forming.

   There is a figure in a black robe, sitting on the edge of the sand, gathering people with a pile of sand.

   is different from the normal condensed ones. The sand people he accumulated and condensed had the strength of the original soul, and there were a dozen.

   Jiang Lan looked at the black-robed man and let the sword in his hand scabbard.

   It seems that there is no need to use a sword.

   But I haven't checked in yet. Although it's not the center, it's close.

   can sign in and have a look.

   But this person needs to be dealt with first.

   "It's amazing." At this time, the black-robed man hid behind the sand monster.

   "I actually killed here with the power of one person. It seems that the rumors are not true. The disciples of the Ninth Peak are far from as unbearable as the rumors." The strange voice of the black robe man continued.

   can't hear men and women clearly.

   But, can a person who is not a fairy pretend to be in front of him?

   Hidden under the black robe is a man with a pale face.

   is like a puppet.

   There is something wrong with the strength, it should be barely mentioned in the middle stage of the soul.

   Jianglan did not do anything for the first time, this person was controlled ~www.readwn.com~ or voluntarily controlled.

   You can try to find the end of the line.

   needs some formation assistance.

   At this time, Jiang Lan was carrying his back with one hand, and the runes were condensed in his hands.

   There is a leaf obscured, and the opponent cannot detect the appearance of the rune.

   "Do you want to know why I was chosen as the betrothal partner?" The black robe man's voice was with a deep smile:

  "Have you ever thought about the conspiracy behind this?

   Based on the strength, background, and talent of the younger brother.

   How can we marry a goddess?

   Will pie fall in the sky?

   Will there be a free lunch in the world?

   There will be, but each one has to pay the price of life.

   Have you ever thought that your destiny may have already been arranged? "

   "Continue." Jiang Lan said softly.

   seems to be very interested in this topic.

   At this time, the rune in his hand is becoming complete.

   can be completed in a short time.



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