"Master, do you know that Kunlun is the head teacher?" the black robe man asked.

   "I don't know." Jiang Lan shook his head.

   He really didn't know the head of Kunlun.

   He knew about the existence of the master, but he heard that the master has been in retreat, and has not yet appeared.

   In Kunlun, don't talk about him. People who were hundreds of years earlier than him have not necessarily seen the master teacher.

  Perhaps for them, Zhangjiao is a legendary character.

   "Did the younger brother ever know that the head of Kunlun has already stepped into death?" The black-robed man looked at Jiang Lan.

   "The head teacher wants to seize me?" Jiang Lan asked rhetorically.

   "What?" The black robe man was a little surprised for a while.

   And at this moment, Jiang Lan moved, and he came to the black robe man in one step.

   His hand directly grabbed the opponent's head.

   "It seems that the conspiracy you are talking about is very general."


   With a palm, he directly pressed the opponent with his headband and body into a blood mist.

   While pressing this palm, the rune in his hand was activated instantly, and then began to extend.

   was caught by him in general direction.

   Only after the black-robed man turned into a blood mist, a voice came out from the sand at the end:

   "Kill me with one palm?

   Do you hide the cultivation base?

   But are you really not curious about their conspiracy?

  You are just Kunlun's pawn, no one cares about you at all.

   Yaochi will become stable one day.

   Kunlun will not need goddess.

   Then you lose value.

  The goddess will kill you, the dragons will kill you, the monsters will kill you, the celestials will kill you, even Kunlun will not necessarily let you go.

   come to our side and cooperate with us.

   We will keep you safe.

   even help you...become a fairy. "

   "Just become a fairy?"

   Jiang Lan stepped out. At this time, all the sand monsters around him moved. They were all sand monsters from the early days of the soul.

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   They want to attack Jiang Lan and control Jiang Lan.

   even kill.

   However, Jiang Lan ignored all the sand monsters and stepped straight down.


   The sand spreads, and everything around it collapses directly.

   Jiang Lan's hand was caught on the neck of the last sand monster.

   "Are you so strong?" The sand monster was a little shocked, but he didn't care:

   "But what if you can kill me?

   It is difficult for you to become a fairy, and countless people want to kill you in the future. The seeds of fear and doubt have been buried in your heart.

  You are bound to watch out for everyone in the future.

   Your cultivation path will be covered by the crisis in your heart.

   Only when you come to our side can you have a chance to reverse. "

   "The road to practice is full of crisis?" Jiang Lan's voice was curious:

   "When you are in the great wilderness and walk on the road of cultivating immortals, isn't it just surviving in endless thorns?"

   "Do you really think Xiuxian is a child's play?" Jiang Lan said indifferently.

   then moved his fingers, which drove Zhen Shen Jin


  The sand is broken.

   Before that person died, he didn't know what Jiang Lan meant.

   And he didn't know what kind of cultivation Jiang Lan was.

   But he firmly believes that he did not die in vain.

   Jiang Lan didn't feel that the other party was dead in vain.

   because he found it.

   "It's not too far away. It shouldn't take too long to rush over and come back."

   Thinking like this, Jiang Lan took out a bead and threw it back.

   This bead will protect the three of them when the master is in fatal danger, enough for him to go back and forth.

   After confirming that there was no problem, he stepped away.

   He did not sign in.

   keep it, maybe you can see something more central on the way.

   Not signing in today does not affect anything, but it will let him sign in next time, with more possibilities.

   Yiye Biaomu was opened by him, and then began to walk in the air.

   The black-robed man was killed by him, and the other party will more or less find out. If he escapes, it will delay him a lot of time.

  He doesn't have that much time.

   Walking through the air, Jiang Lan saw that the surrounding formations had an effect.

   The eyes are narrow, and the surrounding area is foggy, making it difficult to see through.

   Wuwang's true eyes are opened, and you can see clearly.

   does not affect the speed of travel, here is on the periphery, the formation can not trap him.

   Jianglan's speed is not slow. He looked around, flew for a while, and saw a huge tree in front of him.

The    tree emits a faint light, as if the surrounding formations are extending from there.

"Central location?"

   is a bit like, but it's different from his direction.

  Wait when you are done, check in and try.

   With the decision, he no longer thinks about it, and he realizes the direction before moving all the way.

   I hope the other person is still there.


   Ao Longyu left the tree and went all the way to where he noticed it.

   only when she was going to fly over.

   found that the formation in the air could cover the surroundings. She brought magic weapons, but she still couldn't see through too much.

   Although it has a lot of influence, it can still find the previous position.

   just took some time.

   When she came to the anomalous location, she found that the formation here had been modified, and there were people inside who were pinching the wooden people, and the wooden people were going outside.

   will attack people.

   It's just that there is no one around here.

   After Ao Longyu made sure that there were no other people around, he stepped in.

   There is a grass field in it, the location is relatively empty.

   There are similar open spaces in every area.

   Her arrival naturally shocked the people who were pinching the wood.

   He was wearing a black robe without covering his face.

   More handsome face, cultivated in the later stage of Yuanshen.

   Between the eyebrows, a little bit of anger was missing.

   In his eyes, there is no agility of normal people.

   "Why did Senior Sister Ao suddenly appear here?" The black robe man was stunned, as if he had remembered something, and said gracefully:

   "Yu Mo, this is my name."

   "What is the younger brother doing?" Ao Longyu looked at each other coldly.

   didn't care what the other party was called.

  " In thinking of ways to go to more places, the wooden people can be used by me, so that I can see farther places, as long as the amount is enough, I can find the exit of the maze.

   I want to be able to shock the teacher.

Sister    was also surprised by this, right? "Yu Mo said with a smile.

   It's just that there is no smile on his face.

   "Your wooden man will attack the same door." Ao Longyu said.

  "As long as those brothers and sisters know how to avoid it, naturally it is not a problem.

  The journey of the maze is the experience of a capable person~www.readwn.com~ Sister should understand. "Yu Mo still kept smiling.

   He speaks politely, but what he can say is subconsciously unpleasant.

   but can't fault it.

   "Have you changed the nearby formation?" Ao Longyu asked again.

   "Yes, it is used to judge the formation of oneself. Senior sister thinks there is a problem?" Yu Mo asked with a smile.

   "Where is the younger brother and younger sister who came in with you?" Ao Longyu's face did not change at all.

   can't see the joy and anger.

   She is cold, standing there, like a piece of ice that cannot be melted.

   There was a little bit of cold radiating from his body.

   Ke Yumo didn't care, just smiled and said:

   "I came by myself, and it would be too obstructive to have a younger brother and younger sister to follow, and it would become a wooden person in my hands if I knew it."

As soon as   's voice fell, Yu Mo put down the wooden man in his hand and looked at Xiao Yu and said:

   "Senior sister looks a little angry, is she brooding about the engagement?

  The dragon princess, the goddess of Yaochi, wants to marry a mediocre person, and she will be destroyed by the kind of person who doesn't have any bright spots in her life. "



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