There is definitely a problem with the black-robed man with wooden people in front of me.

   Ao Longyu can clearly know that the other party has a problem, but can't find a reason to start.

   What the other party said made her want to do it, but there was no way to do it.

   But the sudden talk of her marriage made her frown slightly.

   "What do you want to say?"

   The voice is a bit cold.

   is a bit colder than before, and what she said before was also cold.

   "I'm just curious, is the elder sister very unwilling.

   If you are not reconciled, you can actually reverse it.

   Such as changing to a good person.

   You know, the sister is the goddess of Yaochi.

   It is self-evident that you are very important to Kunlun, as long as you are forced to die, to change to a brother and brother you like.

   What's wrong?

  Kunlun will let you die?

   Your status is high. "Yu Mo looked at Ao Longyu with a smile, and continued:

  "And the ninth peak Jiang Lan, the senior sister should have heard a lot about him.

   Being ill-informed, never dared to speak back, hiding in the Ninth Peak and daring not to descend.

   What kind of xinxing, but greedy for life and fear of death, timid and fearful.

   What kind of peace of mind, not caring about other people's slander, but stubbornness who dare to be angry but dare not speak. "

   "Done?" Ao Longyu's voice was no longer cold.

   seems to be talking casually.

   "Why did the elder sister accept it? Marriage is a lifelong matter." Yu Mo didn't care about Xiao Yu's tone change at all, and continued:

  "The dragon princess, the goddess of the Yaochi, is like the light of the bright moon.

   And the ninth peak, Jiang Lan, the fireflies are not at all.

   In the eyes of the senior sister, it is not an exaggeration to say that Jiang Lan is waste.

   Sister Sister think about the future more, when the Sister Sister will become a real fairy, but the husband is still working hard.

   This kind of person is worthy of senior sister?

   Moreover, the ninth peak Jianglan spoke lightly, and his status was humble.

   There is a big gap between him and the elder sister. If the elder sister is really good for each other, she shouldn’t agree to marry him.

   isn't it?

   Sister, hurt others and yourself.

   Genius and waste have no common language.

  The dragons are noble, but they want to sleep with the despicable humans.

  Sister-in-law thinks..."


   When Yu Mo was about to ask Ao Longyu.

   suddenly saw a sword light, and then the sword light ran across his body.


   One arm flew directly, and then the sword light flashed again.


   Another arm flew up.

   Then the sword light ran across Yu Mo's face, wounding visible bones.

   Ao Longyu retreated, then swung a sword, and countless sword lights appeared.

   The sword fell.

   Jianguang whistled away.


   Dozens of sword lights penetrated Yumo, blood spurting.


   Yu Mo knelt on one knee, with some anger in his eyes:

   "Sister, are you going to kill the same door?"

   "You said, I am the goddess of Yaochi, and my status is outrageous.

  Kill you, what's wrong? "Ao Longyu's cold voice came out.

   "You...haha, the goddess is really amazing." Yu Mo said fiercely:

   "I don't know if the goddess knows, I have a companion, and he will know what's here in a while.

   When the goddess killed the same door, it will be spread out.

   Do you think each peak can accommodate you? "

   "You know, I am a goddess, a princess of the dragon clan.

  My state is very important to Yaochi.

   So killing you is just dealing with traitors.

   Your partner will probably deal with it together. "Ao Longyu didn't have the slightest emotion in his eyes.

   "Haha, reptiles, really cold-blooded."

   "The monster clan is not bad, everyone uses puppet art."

   Ao Longyu knew that the other party was a traitor spy, but could not find a reason to do it before.

   Then she found out that there was no need to look for it.

   "Hahaha, it seems you found out early, but guess what are we going to do this time?" Yu Mo stood up, and the blood on his body stopped directly.

   Then there was a wooden figure directly into his body.

   However, the sword light came directly when he merged into the wooden man.

   directly cut Yu Mo in half.

   At this moment, the breath of life belonging to Yumo began to dissipate.

   "Hehe, the goddess is so impatient, I am a soul, and the goddess is still worried about me making waves?" Yu Mo's voice sounded.

   Ao Longyu ignored it and wanted to kill the opponent.

   The discovery that the other party is a puppet was not at the beginning, but when it shot.

   Otherwise, she would have already shot.

   At this time, she raised her hand, and thunder appeared at her fingertips:

   "I just want to tell you something."

   "Oh?" Yu Mo was a little curious.

   "Jiang Lan is my fiance, it is not your turn to be humiliated." Ao Longyu's voice fell, and the thunder rushed towards Yumo from his fingertips.

   The destructive force directly smashed all the wood and submerged the opponent's body.

   Yumo looked at Lei Ting a little surprised:

   "Dragons are arrogant. I thought they would act on me because their fiance was too mediocre and scarred.

   I didn't expect that it was because she said bad things about her fiancé, which touched her dragon pride.

  I have been with people for a long time, and feelings are as complicated as people?

   However, the seeds will remain after all. The longer you get along, the better you will understand the failure of the other party. "

   Then he watched Thunder accept the destruction calmly.

  He still has his body.

  Who can find his body?

   However, just when he thought he would be completely destroyed, suddenly a big hand stretched in and directly dispelled the thunder.

   A figure that could not see his face suddenly appeared beside him.

   The opponent's hand was on his head.

   "Add you, you can clearly find your body, let me see."

   "Hehe, I found you."

   At this moment, Yu Mo clearly felt that this human being who couldn't see his face could locate his body through him.

   No, how could this be?

   But when he wanted to speak, power poured in.

   He has a feeling of being torn apart.


  Blood fog is permeated.

   Yu Mo's upper body was directly squeezed by Jiang Lan.

   Yes, at the last minute Jiang Lan appeared just in time.

  , he only heard one sentence, which was the last sentence of Ao Longyu.

After    killed Yu Mo, he subconsciously looked to Sister Ao who was aside.

   When Jiang Lan suddenly looked over when he saw the murderer, Ao Longyu's heart was gripped.

   took two steps back subconsciously.

   Out of instinctive fear.

   This man is extremely powerful and never blinks when he kills.

It's him.

   Senior who also appeared on the third peak.

   She has a feeling that as long as the other party moves to kill, she will definitely die.

   Even if she is rebirth.

   She didn't dare to move for a Jiang Lan just glanced at Sister Ao.

   The elder sister in this state is really cold, but also very beautiful.

   is indeed an adult girl.

   It's not good to be able to pick a half point.

   Slender body, graceful figure, peerless appearance.

   It was just a glance to make sure that Senior Sister Ao was not injured, Jiang Lan leaped away and headed towards Yumo's body.

   The other party should know that the puppet here is dead.

   also knew that the puppet on his side had died.

   One minute later, it is easy to be escaped.

   Seeing the mysterious senior leaving, Ao Longyu's cold face felt a little fortunate.

   That senior is really terribly tight.

   seems to like to beat the enemy into blood mist.

   I can't see clearly, it's too mysterious.

   She asked Shimen, no one knew the existence of this person.

   "You have to go to Junior Brother to have a look." Ao Longyu left immediately.

   Someone is coming towards her, they will definitely go towards Jiang Lan.



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