Above the maze, Jiang Lan stepped on the branches and moved forward a little bit.

   This will make it easier to see.

   and can find out if there is a suspicious person below.

   Now his goal is where the puppet's body is located, and the location is not very far, so he will be there soon.

   used two puppets to completely locate it.

   "I do seem to be weaker."

   Jiang Lan had this idea in his heart.

   He planned to be immortal sometime later and press down, but now suddenly he doesn't want to press down.

   at least step into the realm of immortals like a normal genius.

   It’s just that even if he advances at the speed of a genius, he will still be criticized.

   But the limit can only be this way.

   No matter how quickly it is easy to be noticed, it will not do him any good.

   Xiao Yu heard the last words.

   It doesn't feel too big, but it can touch him after all.

   Regardless of why the other party said that sentence, he couldn't ignore it.

   Xiao Yu’s kindness, he needs to respond, not let it be released and dissipated.

   "According to the normal state, within four hundred years, maybe you will be immortal, and you will be married by then. This is another very troublesome thing."

   "But once we get married, it means that everything is a foregone conclusion. Those who target me because of the marriage will choose to give up.

   is not without benefits. "

   But, he remembered another trouble.

  What to do with the robbery?


   It seems that I still need to go down the mountain for a bit of experience, and then pretend to be a catastrophe outside.

   "There are still four hundred years, so don't worry."

   There are still four hundred years left on the plan, maybe for some reason it may be delayed to five hundred years.

   Five hundred years later, I don’t know what cultivation is.

   But invincible Kunlun, it should be a bit difficult.

   The current goal is to see through the master’s cultivation.

   Then surpass the master.

   finally surpassed the strongest head teacher.

  When my thoughts are here, it's almost there.

   Jiang Lan has no time to continue thinking because it is here.

   He landed on the ground and looked around.

   Someone borrowed the surrounding formations, and the masters in the formations might be tricky.


   Sudden fluctuations in the formation, passed over.

   fell on the branch.

   Looking back.

   "The formation I left was touched, Xiao Yu?"

   Under normal circumstances, no one would walk the road above the maze, except for light rain.

   The formation was left just in case, to prevent someone from going to trouble the three.

   It is not easy to pass the normal maze, so as long as you guard against the air, you can protect the three.

   I didn't expect that the elder sister would suddenly rush over.

   "It should be because of that puppet."

   Someone targeted Xiao Yu, so as Xiao Yu’s fiance, he would naturally be targeted.

   After only a moment of thought, Jiang Lan went straight ahead.

  After solving this person, you can go back and wait for the secret to end with peace of mind.

   Xiaoyu's formation skills are not as good as him, but the formation he left is not difficult, I don't know how long it can block.

   For safety's sake, it is still not allowed to stay too much.

   Sure enough, having a fiancee is more troublesome than usual.

   It's not disgusting, it's still acceptable at the moment.


   A clearing surrounded by trees.

   Loess edge.

   Mo Yang squatted on the ground, pinching the little clay figure with both hands, and when he was about to finish, his stretched brows suddenly frowned.

   looked up to the distance.

  "Two of them died, one was Jiang Lan's direction, and the other was deliberately revealing an abnormal position.

   Jiang Lan hides his strength? "

   He had some doubts about Jiang Lan, but he was not surprised by Yu Mo.

   Ao Longyu shot, it is inevitable that people will die.

   just had a feeling just now, as if he was being watched.

   "Do you want to change positions? But it's not easy to walk around here."

   This is a labyrinth, he can borrow some array power, but out of range, he will also be an ordinary member of the labyrinth.

Where    will go in the end is unknown.

   "Leaving instead puts myself in a difficult position, lacking a hole card."

   Familiar location, own territory, can maximize combat power.

   Even if it is Ao Longyu, he has the confidence to trap the opponent here, and then leave by himself.

   It's too difficult to kill Ao Longyu.

   Just leave some seeds of doubt, that's enough.

   On this trip, they did not intend to kill.

   can't kill people either.

   Ao Longyu is too strong for them to shake.

   Jiang Lan is not strong, but they are not much stronger than Jiang Lan.

   Unless he personally goes there.

  Similarly, the strongest Ao Longyu has nothing to do with him. He really doesn't need to care too much about other people.

   "Jiang Lan is not talented enough, his performance is too mediocre, and the possibility of winning is high.

   As long as it succeeds, it will be the biggest killer for the entrance to the Netherworld. "

   Mo Yang whispered to himself.

   At this time, he was holding the villain in his hand, as if talking to the villain.

   "What if it fails?"

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   A sudden voice sounded in front of Mo Yang.

   This sound has no origin, no trace.

   appears out of thin air.

   Mo Yang's heart tightened, but his face remained calm.

   looked up.

   saw a young man.

  'S original calm face suddenly became a little bit wrong, and her pupils contracted because of surprise.

   "Brother?" Mo Yang smiled and said:

   "The younger brother is also nearby?"

  The person here is naturally Jiang Lan.

   When he was planning to kill the opponent with a punch, he suddenly heard the entrance of the netherworld, which made him want to figure it out.

   The entrance to the Netherworld is his residence. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a guardian.

   As a late stage man, he more or less has this kind of strength.

   And the main reason for someone hitting the entrance to the netherworld is equal to a potential threat.

  The first idea is to find out and then see if the situation is taken.

  If the strength is not enough, then he will retreat in peace, and then take action if enough is enough. Some things can't be anxious, not against him, there is enough buffer.

  Master is also the backing.

   But being able to know what the other person thinks is a lot more convenient, and there will be a direction at that time.

   So, that person lived a little longer.

   In order to avoid accidents, he prepared magic weapons nearby to ensure that the opponent could not escape.

   Yuanshen's later cultivation base is very strong.

   does not rule out that the other party has magical powers.

   The necessary preparation cannot be less, let alone the other party.

   "I want to ask brother some questions, is it convenient for brother?"

   Seeing that the other party is polite, he is also polite.

   "Junior Brother, please ask, but I have some questions later, I hope Junior Brother can help me with my doubts." Mo Yang smiled gently.

   His voice fell, he stood up, pinched the clay figure's hand and put it down.

   My finger moved secretly.

   The surrounding formation slowly started, as if no one had noticed it.

   "I want to ask brother, how UU reads www.uukanshu.com to make a fuss about the netherworld." Jiang Lan asked softly.

   "This is a long story." A light flashed in Mo Yang's eyes.

   But he still kept smiling.


   "Then please make a long story short, brother." Jiang Lan said calmly.

   "Uh, it's not impossible." Mo Yang opened the formation, his heart settled.

   He stretched his hand and said lazily:

   "Brother, this arm is a little sore, brother..."

   As soon as the voice fell, Mo Yang found that Jiang Lan appeared directly in front of him.

   Then he saw Jiang Lan's hand on his arm.

   He panicked at this moment, but before he thought about it, he heard a click.

   The next second he saw his arm was twisted off abruptly.

   The blood is flowing.

   Then came a calm voice belonging to Jiang Lan.

   As usual greetings:

   "Brother's arm is not sore, right?"


  Severe pain hits.



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