My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 187: I'm indeed not returning to the emptiness and consummation



   The blood dripped little by little, gathered little by little, and the crisp voice appeared harsh in the silent environment.

   Mo Yang stepped back some distance.

   held her broken arm with her hand, her face grim.

   Except for the first yell, he didn't scream again, and the pain in his arm was directly suppressed by him.

   In fact, as the late primordial spirit, his broken arm is not so difficult to accept.

   The strength of the man in front of him that really made him unacceptable.

   is just the beginning of a soul.

   Where did the strength come from crushing his arm in an instant?

   still asked him calmly if he was not sour anymore...

   "Junior brother seems to do this kind of thing very often."

   Mo Yang smiled far-fetched, letting himself maintain his tolerance.

   This will calm him down.

   Jiang Lan turned his head to look at the shining formation on one side, and spoke calmly and indifferently:

   "Senior brother's other arm is also sore?"

   The words reached Mo Yang's ears, and his smile instantly solidified.

   subconsciously moved his arm back, and the light of the formation also fell.

   He felt that he was already surrounded by the opponent.

   His advantage instantly collapsed.

   is an imposing defeat.

   He found that Jiang Lan was different from what he expected, or a little different from everyone's perception.

   somewhat cruel.

   "What do you want to ask?"

   Moyang swallowed his saliva and asked.

  He is trying to escape from here.

   The other party was trying to escape, Jiang Lan saw it, and was vigilant, but did not speak to remind the other party.

   is to know more from the other party.

  About the entrance to the netherworld.

   "What do you want to do with the entrance of the netherworld?" Jiang Lan asked.

   "I said that Junior Brother will join us, or let me go?" Mo Yang looked at Jiang Lan and asked questions.

   Jiang Lan looked at Mo Yang, his eyes showed no emotion.

   seems to make this person disappear at any time.

   After feeling the tremendous pressure, Mo Yang directly spoke:

   "It's a monster, I want to come and target Kunlun."

   "Why?" Jiang Lan asked.

   "Junior Brother saw that, I am a little soul, how can I know the details?" Mo Yang looked at Jiang Lan in a low voice, begging for mercy:

   "I'm just following orders, can Junior Brother let me go?"

   Facing Mo Yang's begging for mercy, Jiang Lan was silent for a moment, as if considering the other party's begging for mercy.

   Just soon, Jiang Lan’s voice came out:

   "If I want to join you, who should I call?"

   This sudden topic made Mo Yang, who was begging for mercy, startled for a while.

   "Looking for..." He just stopped talking and changed his mouth:

   "Then it depends on the situation of the younger brother, for example, what is the cultivation level of the younger brother?"

   "Return to virtual perfection." Jiang Lan said casually.

   When Mo Yang opened his eyes when he heard Jiang Lan's words, his first feeling was to lie.

   He checked Jiang Lan for two hundred years, up to two hundred and ten years.

   What kind of genius can return to the virtual perfection at this time?

  The strongest genius of the human race hasn't reached this point. How can he be like Jiang Lan?

   "You said that Junior Brother will kill me too, right?" Mo Yang asked.

   "I will give you a chance to escape." Jiang Lan said calmly.

   "Escape from this clearing?"


   Hearing Jiang Lan said yes, Mo Yang gritted his teeth:

   "I'm not sure who to find, but they want to attack the ninth peak.

   It seems to have found a magic weapon that can shake the entrance of the Nether remotely.

   When the ghostly powerhouse walks out, Kunlun will surely become a mess.

   Those who have hatred with Kunlun will attack them in groups.

   I know this. "

   Jiang Lan was silent. Although he had a rough idea, he didn't have any specific points.

   He wanted to erase the danger, but he couldn't find a specific enemy.

   The demon clan was still fighting the dragon clan, but he came to offend Kunlun again.

   What do they want to do?

   makes people feel abnormal.

   Seeing that Jiang Lan didn't respond, he seemed to be thinking.

   Mo Yang didn't hesitate, and went outside. At this time, the formation was opened, trapping Jiang Lan inside.

   In an instant, Jiang Lan was directly trapped inside.

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   Seeing people escape, Jiang Lan seemed to react.

   and Mo Yang looked at Jiang Lan's face and smiled:

   "Senior brother, teach you a lesson for your brother. After all, the enemy is the enemy, and kindness is the poison.

   You never killed me today, it is your biggest mistake.

   At this time, even if you are truly regaining consciousness and perfection, you can no longer keep me.

   What's more, you are most likely not to return to the virtual perfection. "

   He said that Mo Yang was going to leave quickly, if the other party really returned to perfection, there would not be much time for him to escape.

   But his words can make Jiang Lan feel irritable. In the following formation, as long as he is irritable, he will sink deeper.

   The possibility of him fleeing is even higher.

   Only at this time, he suddenly heard a clicking sound.

   Something is broken.

   He subconsciously wanted to look back.

   However, it was a big hand that greeted him, and a sentence:

   "You are right, I am not returning to the virtual and consummating."

   "You..." Mo Yang looked at Jiang Lan in horror.

   is not to return to the virtual perfection, why did he directly break his formation?

   And it was an instant, there was no time for him to react at all.

   In the middle and late stages of returning to virtuality, can it be done?

   Did he make a mistake in the formation?

   Mo Yang began to doubt himself, but soon he heard even more incredible answers.

   "Because I have become a fairy."

   At this time, the big hand fell on Mo Yang.

   "Fairy? Two hundred years old? Are you... a monster?"


   Moyang directly turns into blood mist.

   He used the strongest force to resist, but it had no effect.

   The other party is really a fairy.

   He couldn't figure out how, someone who was supposed to be weaker than him, in the end somehow became his unattainable existence.

  All the seeds of doubt are useless to such a person.

   Two hundred years into a fairy.

   Human race, ancient and modern.

   Mo Yang died, Jiang Lan did not fluctuate in the slightest.

   is concerned about the entrance of the Netherworld. If the Yaozu wants to do it, it should explode next time.

   There are still some years left.

   "They planned to do it for the last 100 years. Did they fail, or did they not do it?"

   He didn't know, nor had he heard of it.

   But it is correct to add an array to the ninth peak.

   And he has to try his best to enter the real immortal before the outbreak, and at the last time he wants to reach the immortal perfection.

   With a plan, he opened a blindfold to the giant tree before.

   Check in in the past.

   and then hurried back.

   With Xiaoyu's formation skills, he should not have arrived when he hurried back.

   But you can’t get time Allow enough time to prevent accidents.

   The best time is when Xiao Yu is halfway, and he is already in his normal position.


   Zheng Xi and the three were trapped by quicksand, and they were not ordinary quicksand.

   is quicksand that can restrain cultivation.

   They each got a treasure here, which is quite important to them.

   But after he succeeded, he was trapped inside.

   "Think of a way." Jin Yu said.

   There are some injuries on his body at this time, because it is dangerous when he comes over.

  Many dangers are he resisted.

   But now he has nothing to do.

"I'm thinking."

   "I am thinking too, but don't move, the more you move, the deeper you fall."

   They thought for a long time, and there was nothing to do, unless someone pulled them outside.

   "Do you think that the senior brother will help us?" Zheng Xi asked suddenly.

   Hearing this, Zhou Shu and Jin Yu were a little bitter.

   This is really dying.



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