Fairy Chenxi was a little puzzled.

   Still having problems at this time?

   Without thinking about it, he stretched out his hand and began to calculate the situation about the entrance to the Netherworld.

   Look at the next period of time, if anyone wants to use the Nether Portal to do something.

   After just a few breaths, Fairy Chenxi frowned slightly.

   "Senior Sister found it?" Fairy Miaoyue whispered.

   "This is not the entrance to the Nether." Mo Zhengdong also said.

   No one is more familiar with the Nether Entrance than him. The moment he entered, he knew that this was not the Nether Entrance.

   But if it's not here, where is the entrance to the Netherworld?

   Chenxi also looked at Miaoyue.

   Fairy Miaoyue didn't say much, but walked to the entrance of Netherworld, which is the well.

   reached out and tapped gently.


  In an instant, there were cracks all around.


   Nether Cave is fragmented.

   Soon they appeared in front of the real nether cave.

   "Okay, here it is." Fairy Miaoyue looked at the nether cave ahead and explained:

   "Jiang Lan's formation skills are not bad, this formation has his own ideas, and I have seen it for the first time.

It is true that    is not simple, but it is not simple either.

   But what surprised me was..."

   Speaking, Fairy Miaoyue looked at Mo Zhengdong:

   "What really surprised me was that Jiang Lan would actually use the innkeeper's mirror image.

   Brother, what price have you paid? "

   "Jiang Lan wants to learn, I will help him to come, there is nothing." Mo Zhengdong said casually.

   "Brother, can you help me get a copy?" Fairy Miaoyue asked seriously.

   "No." Mo Zhengdong refused directly.

   Fairy Miaoyue didn't care either.

   Chenxi looked at Mo Zhengdong, a little surprised:

   "Are you too kind to your apprentice?"

   "It's just some simple support, everything is up to him." Mo Zhengdong said calmly, after a pause, he continued:

   "He really did not disappoint my support."

   Fairy Chenxi didn't say much, but walked towards the Nether Cave.

   As soon as she entered, she felt the secret of heaven.

   "The formation method to cover the secrets here is not simple." Fairy Chenxi said.

   She doesn't know much about the formation method, but she knows the secret of heaven.

   The formation here can conceal her superficial calculations, which is already very powerful.

   Maybe it is more powerful than she thought.

   It's just that she didn't have time to try, but first to see if anyone wanted to do something here.

   At this moment, her body shimmered again.

  As if all the stars are surrounding her.

  Mo Zhengdong lowered his eyebrows. When he wanted to go out, would he be trapped by the formation.


   early in the morning.

   Zhou Shu and the three of them struggled to open their eyes.

   When they opened their eyes, they were a little confused and surprised for a while, but they regained consciousness in an instant.

   The three directly jumped up.

   Then they found out that they were not dead.

   "No, not dead? Are we saved?" Zheng Xi was a little excited.

   "Yes, we are still alive, how did we survive? Where is this?" Zhou Shu asked excitedly.

   It is better for them to live now than anything else.

   "I seemed to have heard the voice of the senior brother before I fell into a coma." Jin Yu said suddenly on the side.


   Only then did they react, and the only one who can save them is the brother.

   looked around and found that someone was indeed watching them, which shocked them.

  After seeing Jiang Lan clearly, they lowered their heads and said respectfully:

   "Thank you brother for your help."

   Jiang Lan looked at these three people without much thought.

   When they came back, these three were dying.

   is far from death.

   Even if he is late, the treasure left behind can save their lives.

   is not dereliction of duty.

   "No problem, you can continue to explore the maze."

   A calm voice belonging to Jiang Lan came out.

   can't hear the joy or anger.

   The three dare not disobey.

   And the senior brother is willing to save them, and he has some bottom in his heart.

   Just when they were about to leave, a figure suddenly flew in the sky.

   is a beautiful fairy.

   Jiang Lan also looked back.

   is Ao Longyu.

   In the blink of an eye, Ao Longyu fell beside Jiang Lan:

   "Junior brother is busy?"

   Her voice is clear and sweet, although there is no smile, but there is no chill.

   As if she was facing a closer person.

   "Just finished busy." Jiang Lan replied softly.

   is really busy just now.

   The three people naturally saw Ao Longyu.

   I don’t know Zhou Shu, but I do know it by a glance.

   This is a goddess.

   Sure enough, as rumored, like a goddess coming to the world, goddess descending to earth.

   The three bowed their heads and saluted, and then left silently.

   It's not good to bother.

   But I saw the goddess.

   And such a close distance is really exciting.

  The goddess is a legend in Kunlun, and it is almost impossible to meet it.

   "Why do you think the goddess came to see Brother Jiang?" After leaving, the three began to discuss.

   "I don't know, but I found that the goddess is really worthy of the name." Zhou Shu said immediately.

   "In fact, brother is also amazing, but you don't know it." Zheng Xi defended.

   It was because of Jiang Lan's chance that she started to stand out.

   can achieve the golden core within a hundred years.

   "Goddess cultivates through the sky, we should speak quietly." Jin Yu reminded.

   The three dared not say more, but went to other places together.

   Looking for treasures.

   When these three people left, Ao Longyu looked at Jiang Lan again and said softly:

   "Trouble Junior Brother?"

   She still has a calm face, no emotions.

   instinctively with high cold.

   "No." Jiang Lan shook his head and continued:

   "Senior Sister came here, did you find any clues?"

   Ao Longyu at this time can be said to be the most perfect time.

   Different from Xiao Yu's cuteness, now Ao Longyu can't pick out any flaws except for his cold face.

   The first time I saw Ao Longyu approaching, he was indeed lost for a moment.

   will not affect it now.

   "There were some discoveries, but now there are none." Ao Longyu said.

   There is indeed nothing left.

   The only thing you need to watch out for now is the mysterious man.

   But as long as you don't take the initiative to provoke him, it should be fine.

   "Are there any open spaces around here?" Ao Longyu asked while looking at Jiang Lan.

   It seems narrow, there is nowhere to sit.

   "Sister, come with me."

   Jianglan walked ahead and led the way.

   Regarding Jiang Lan's words~www.readwn.com~Ao Longyu didn't ask much, just followed.

   After a while, Jiang Lan took Ao Longyu to a lake.

   "Hu?" Ao Longyu was a little surprised.

   There is still a lake in the maze?

   This is something she never thought of.

   "I don't have enough formation skills, I can't get in, and I can't find it." Jiang Lan explained softly.

   This was unexpectedly discovered by him using real eyes.

   Otherwise, he doesn't know this.

   "Will no one come?" Ao Longyu looked at Jiang Lan and asked softly.

   "Almost." Jiang Lan nodded slightly.

   "With my junior's skills, is it difficult to find this place?" Ao Longyu asked again.

"by coincidence."

   Jiang Lan feels what Sister Ao is going to do, otherwise she won't ask this question again and again.

   has no real eyes, he shouldn't be able to see it either.

   Even if it happens by chance, I'm very sleepy when I want to come in.

   In this labyrinth, there should be someone with higher formation skills than him.

   But if there is a real eye, there will be no one.



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