Ao Longyu stood by the lake, looking at Jiang Lan.

   then whispered:

   "The younger brother helped me look around."

   Jiang Lan has some doubts.

   A bath is definitely not enough.

   Ao Longyu is not such a person.

   Although he didn't know the specifics, he nodded and arranged some formations outside to make sure that no one was near.

   Or someone can be found close by.

   After Jiang Lan got it right, Ao Longyu took off his shoes, and then began to shrink in front of Jiang Lan.

  'S appearance has also changed a little.

   shrank to about fifteen or sixteen years old.

   Take a closer look, the height change is actually not that big.

  Only the height difference of Xiaoyu at the beginning was big.

   But what surprised Jiang Lan the most was the normal female sign.

   has changed a lot.

   I didn't feel anything before, after all, there was no clear contrast.

   is obvious now.

   does not conform to common sense.

   This thought flashed past.

   At this point, he also has a clear understanding. Sister Ao is going to be smaller here, and it is really not suitable to be seen by others.

   "What is the younger brother thinking?" Xiao Yu tilted his head and looked at Jiang Lan with a smile.

   The morning light fell on Xiao Yu, and his smile was particularly brilliant.

   "Senior sister can laugh normally in this way, but she seems taciturn in a normal way."

   Jiang Lan spoke softly.

   He didn't say anything like cold, he was indeed taciturn.

   Although he didn't ask why, Xiao Yu should understand.

   "When I'm normal, what would Junior Brother call me?" Xiao Yu asked curiously.

   "Senior Sister Ao?" Jiang Lan thought for a while to answer.

   Normal Ao Longyu, he is indeed called Senior Sister Ao.

   "What about now?" Xiao Yu asked again.

   "Little rain?" Jiang Lan subconsciously said.

   Yes, in two states, he will have two different names.

  Because facing the normal Ao Longyu, he felt that he needed to be more serious.

   Xiaoyu's words, because I didn't know it at the beginning, and I came into contact with it more.

   is relatively casual.

   But what does this have to do with Xiao Yu’s two completely different personalities?

   "Junior Brother is still confused?" Xiao Yu asked curiously.

   Jiang Lan nodded slightly.

   "Because of habit." Xiao Yu whispered:

   "In normal times, I treat everyone like that, and I haven't talked much with Junior Brother.

   But although this appearance is unfamiliar to other people, it is more familiar with the younger brother.

   helped out at the inn with the younger brother.

   is more natural. "

   So the elder sister at this time is the real one?

   has a real personality.

   After confirming that Jiang Lan understood, Xiao Yu ran into the water, as if he liked to step on the water.

   Jiang Lan didn't say anything more, but found a place and sat down quietly.

   While vigilant around, inspect the lake.

   This is what he found, but he hasn't been here before, let alone what's going on here.

   is unlikely to be an ordinary lake.

   Xiaoyu also only walked on the edge of the lake, not daring to get close to the center.

   Because they don’t know if there is any danger in the center.

   or light rain is also avoiding danger.

  Neither of them had any plans to take risks.

   Xiaoyu walked by the lake, stepped on the water, and occasionally looked at Jiang Lan.

   Jianglan glanced at Xiaoyu, then turned his gaze to the center of the lake.

   There is something in the center of the lake.

   I don't feel the special danger, but this lake has some trapped formations, which makes it impossible for people to come up.

   and there is a sacred formation.

   Although this formation is dangerous, it is not special.

   After realizing this, Jiang Lan got up and walked by the lake.

  The lake is very big, he plans to take a stroll.

   Arrange something by the way.

   Jiang Lan was walking around, Xiao Yu came to Jiang Lan the first time, and said in a curious tone:

   "Junior is studying this lake?"

   "No." Jiang Lan shook his head lightly and said:

  "There are fabulous formations and hidden traps in the lake.

   I intend to crack the trapped formation, and by the way, I will really pause for a while. "

   Xiao Yu blinked.

   She didn't find out.

   Junior brother, this is the end of the study?

   "There are treasures inside?" Xiao Yu asked curiously.

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   "Uncertain." Jiang Lan squatted down and arranged some formation runes.

   This is used to resist the Absolute Spirit Array.

  Relatively speaking, this lake's Absolute Array is more dangerous.

   If it's just a sleepy formation, Xiao Yu's return to virtual strength should be forcibly broken.

   But in the Absolute Array, his strength cannot be fully utilized in the first time.

   Once dragged down, the consequences are unpredictable.

   "Then what the younger brother is doing?" Xiao Yu also squatted beside Jiang Lan.

   She looked at Jiang Lan's formation, and wanted to see if she could tell why.

   Soon, she discovered that her skills in the formation were too far from Jiang Lan.

   It's no wonder that I can go to the mountain peak and leave the sentence of God's reward for work.

The four words    are still hanging on the fifth peak.

   became the legend of the fifth peak.

   "If the elder sister wants to go into the water, it is safer."

   Jiang Lan spoke calmly.

   Xiao Yu looked at Jiang Lan and blinked, then paused, then curiously said:

  "The younger brother is not curious about the treasures in the lake?

   There is a formation here, there is a high probability that there will be treasures. "

   Jiang Lan continued to walk forward, and when he was in the right position, he would squat down and prepare:

   "Ninth Peak, there is no shortage of treasures, right?"

   "It seems so." Xiao Yu stood up, then jumped to the lake, and continued to step on her water.

   Jiang Lan walks some distance, and she will follow.

   Talk about what the baby will be in the lake.

   By the way, talk about Yaochi.

  "There is nothing on the edge of Yaochi, not many trees, and few flowers and plants.

   is completely incomparable with the yard of the younger brother. "Xiao Yu was a little envious.

   remembered living in Yaochi.

  Jianglan's first concept is the wind and the sun.

   It's raining, where to hide?

   There should be a formation method, there is no way to approach it, and neither the naked eye nor the perception can be extended.

   Rain should not easily fall in Yaochi.

   "Senior sister can bring her favorite flowers to transplant it." Jiang Lan suggested.

   This time is almost finished.

   Jue Ling Zhen and Kui Zhen can't threaten the light rain by the lake.

   For the sake of safety, let's make a few more formation runes.

  "I tried it, but the transplantation couldn't survive in the past.

do not know why. "Xiao Yu kicked the water and said.

   When Jiang Lan went out to practice, she tried it, but she kept failing, so she didn't mention it.

   "It may be a soil problem." Jiang Lan said casually.

  He is not good at The reason why the Ninth Peak can be planted better is entirely because the Ninth Peak has a good land.

   and most of them have been adapted to the ghostly breath.

   So those flowers are equivalent to always rising in a place with strong spiritual energy.

   Thinking of this Jiang Lan suddenly understood.

   How can the flowers of the Ninth Peak survive in Yaochi?

   When he wants to speak clearly.

   Xiaoyu suddenly took a step ahead of him, her voice was very soft, and her calm tone had a little ups and downs:

   "Then Junior Brother, would you like to take a look for me?

   See what kind of flowers are more suitable. "

   This sentence is common, but not common.

   At least it made Jiang Lan unable to say what he said just now.

   At last he nodded slightly, did not choose to speak out, nor did he choose to refuse.

   just softly respond to the light rain:

"it is good."

   "When the younger brother is free, remember to tell me, I will help the younger brother lead the way."

   There was a crisp sound, with a hint of smile.



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