What Liu Jing said is true.

   Many things happened, all aimed at Jiang Lan.

  If Jiang Lan was not on the Ninth Peak, they would be very curious about how an ordinary disciple would get involved in this vortex.

   and being on the ninth peak, it seems normal.

   The Ninth Peak guards the Nether Entrance, and ordinary people cannot stay on the Ninth Peak.

   And Jiang Lan is the only one of these disciples who can stay on the Ninth Peak.

   may seem ordinary, but it also has its own advantages.

   "Senior brother is being kind to his disciples. When someone near Kunlun threatens Jiang Lan's life, he should be able to be found." Fairy Miaoyue said.

   Last time, in order not to affect Jiang Lan's going out, he could directly hide Jiang Lan from everyone and let Jiang Lan go out.

   Fortunately, it's okay.

   If something happens.

   I worked hard before.

   Everything has to be done. Busy till the end may not be able to reverse the situation.

   But with a thousand years of luck, they are not so worried.

   They didn't know what opportunities the thousand-year luck brought Jiang Lan.

  Mo Zhengdong does not ask, and there is no possibility that others will know.

   "Senior brother feels it because of the colorful auspicious clouds? Isn't this technique abolished now?" Fairy Zhuqing asked curiously.

   "It's abolished, doesn't mean it's gone." Fairy Chenxi said calmly:

   "Senior brother can no longer use Seven Color Xiangyun, but he can still use this technique.

   So in recent years, I can still feel the danger.

   After a few years, it will completely fail. "

   "At that time, Jiang Lan should have become a fairy?" Jiu Zhongtian asked.

   This question is for Mo Zhengdong.

   Facing these people’s questions, Mo Zhengdong just shook his head:

   "It's not as exaggerated as you think, after all, he still needs to be careful.

   But it is not a big problem near Kunlun.

   Become a fairy queen, or his colorful auspicious clouds start to become stronger, even if he is a teacher. "

   The colorful auspicious clouds begin to become stronger, and there is a perception of danger.

   Therefore, if Chengxian or colorful auspicious clouds become stronger, Mo Zhengdong will not receive dangerous feedback.

   The strength is already enough, so naturally he doesn't need to worry about his master, he always needs to be independent.

   Furthermore, Jiang Lan is already very independent now.

   What he did is actually a bit redundant.

   People who come to the Ninth Peak now, if their strength is not strong enough, they may not be able to find the Nether Cave.

   Jiang Lan has his own measures, he has always known it, and has always let Jiang Lan make his own decisions.

   So far, Jiang Lan is doing very well.

   Except that I don’t like going out all the time.

   "Since Jiang Lan has no problems, then we will start preparing for other things.

   From a normal point of view, it is certain that the dragon people will come first.

   Decades faster than expected. "Second Peak Liu Jing said.

   "If the dragon comes to challenge, it will probably find an outstanding disciple on each peak to challenge." Feng Yixiao said calmly.

   Then everyone looked at Mo Zhengdong again.

   I am alone because of Peak Ninth.

  Mo Zhengdong was a little helpless:

   "I will tell Jiang Lan."

   There is one disciple at each peak, which is indeed more troublesome.

   Of course, even if the Ninth Peak is crowded this time, Jiang Lan must be the last one to challenge.

  The dragons came to Jiang Lan.

   "If Jiang Lan wins, we will relax a lot.

   But Jiang Lan is defeated, and the Dragon Race will take the opportunity to attack. Fairy Miaoyue looked at Jiuzhongtiandao:

   "Senior brother can challenge them directly."

   "Good." Jiu Zhongtian nodded.

   In their perception, Jiang Lan cannot win, but even if there is hope, they must prepare for the worst.

   However, it needs to be adjusted according to the day.


   On the mountain range one month away from Kunlun, there are two black-haired men standing here.

   A thirty-five-year-old middle-aged person, and a twenty-seven-year-old young man.

   "Do you guess Kunlun has been aware of it?" Middle-aged Wu Mu asked with a smile.

   "There should be something to be discovered." Young Wuchai made a guess.

   "I think too, but even if they find out, they can't stop us.

   Surprise will always appear. "Wu Mu brought self-belief.

   "Kunlun is not an ordinary place. Even if we are prepared, we can succeed?" Wucha felt that there was basically no possibility of success.

   In a head-on confrontation, the demon clan came out in full force, unable to take advantage of Kunlun.

   Don't look at Kunlun, there are only nine peaks, which is ridiculously strong.

   Otherwise, the Dragon Clan would bow his head and let Ao Longyu, who is a goddess, marry someone from Kunlun?

   If Kunlun behaves in a weak position, the Dragon Clan will have to take back Ao Longyu as a threat for a long time and forcefully **** Kunlun’s blood.

   It's a pity that the dragons are harder than Kunlun.

  According to their news, Kunlun is almost fighting with the Dragon clan.

   Kunlun doesn't give the dragons face at all, so if they dare not talk about it, they will go to war.

   I heard that Kunlun was not so hard before.

  "Who can ensure success before taking action?

   And we are not going to capture Kunlun, we just give Kunlun a little trouble.

   Our purpose is the entrance to the Netherworld.

   is not without the possibility of success.

   just wait for follow-up support. "Wu Mu said calmly.

   They have some confidence, but they are not too optimistic.

   Facing Kunlun, they need to work step by step. The steps are too big and easy to collapse.

   "There are two people on the Ninth Peak, one Mo Zhengdong and the other Jiang Lan." Wu Chai looked at Wu Mu and said:

   "Don't talk about Mo Zhengdong, where is Jiang Lan?

   want to kill? "

   "Kill?" Wu Mu smiled and said:

  "Don’t think about this stupid question. After so many years, the Celestial Race wants to kill him every day.

   Our people are not without this kind of thinking.

   What's the end?

   Everyone is dead.

   Isn't the same with your subordinates?

   Heaven and human race don’t know how many waves have been dead.

   So killing Jiang Lan is unrealistic.

   What we need most is to win him.

   As long as you can meet him, you are half done. "

   "You can't kill even if you see it?" Wu Chai asked.

  "You would think so, and Jiang Lan would think so, but the truth is that you can't kill.

   Kunlun must have left behind him.

  His importance is high.

   At least near Kunlun, it is difficult for us to kill him.

  Leaving Kunlun... is another matter.

   But you can use this to threaten him, he doesn't necessarily know. "Wu Mu has a smile on his face~www.readwn.com~ as if it would be interesting to meet Jiang Lan.

   and can't kill, doesn't mean that you can't try to kidnap him.

   "But, can you see him?" Wu Chai asked curiously.

   Since it is so important, I should rarely leave Kunlun, and even be trapped in Kunlun.

   Jiang Lan's performance was not so good. In everyone's perception, he was just a puppet disciple.

   In order to stabilize the goddess, check and balance the dragon puppets.

   The importance is not low, but the strength and the degree of danger appear weak.

  "He should be on the ninth peak, theoretically there is a chance to pull him out.

   No, we can go in.

   There are always more solutions than difficulties.

   I heard that he has a good temperament, but I don’t know what mentality it would be when seeing a real immortal want to shoot him. "Wu Mu smiled, not thinking too much:

   "At that time, we will go to see and see.

   There is still a while, I will arrange specific actions.

   You will be promoted to a real fairy as soon as possible. With your magical powers, your plan will fail and the probability of running away will be higher. "

   "Okay." Wu Chai nodded.



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