In the fifth secret realm.

   Jianglan put away the water avoiding bead, it shouldn't be used.

  If his strength is weak, he will need to avoid water beads in the future, but he in the late stage of the immortal does not need these things.

   At the periphery of the maze, there should be nothing but what he needs.

   The only special thing about this treasure is that it was given by Xiao Yu.

   But it's nothing.

   Xiaoyu gave him a lot of things, and the only thing that was given meaning should be the magic weapon for recording.

   records the picture of the light rain coming out of the bath.

   looked up, Xiao Yu was still stepping on the water, like a child.

   But in Yaochi, Xiao Yu shouldn't play that way, right?

   Jiang Lan was a little puzzled for a while. If Xiaoyu stepped on Yaochi like this, how would the goddess album be displayed?

   paw water?

   Is the front paw a hand?

   can't think of the answer.

   then stopped thinking about this, he looked at Xiao Yu and said:

   "Senior Sister knows when will the secret world end?"

   "Ten days and a half month at most." Xiao Yu jumped down, and then replied Jiang Lan.

   For half a month, it's a bit long, but it doesn't affect anything.

   Jiang Lan nodded slightly, then looked at Xiao Yu.

   didn't even plan to read, it was not very polite.

   stepped on Xiao Yu for a while and came to Jiang Lan and said:

   "Is the younger brother more free?"

   "Some." Jiang Lan nodded.

   He doesn't step on the water like a light rain, and he is not easy to read, so he will naturally appear leisurely.

   "Is the Dragon Language for Junior Brother still there?" Xiao Yu sat across from Jiang Lan and said:

   "It just happens to be free now, my teacher brother writes Long Wen."

   Jianglan: "......"

   "Dragon characters are not easy to write, and they were ugly at first, which is normal." Xiaoyu added.

   Looking at Xiao Yu's serious appearance, Jiang Lan could only nod his head in the end.

   is indeed free time.

   He is still observing the three juniors and there is no problem at present.

   Three days later.

   "The younger brother learns very fast, that is..." Xiao Yu looked at the handwriting and was a little hard to say:

   "It's fine, I can still learn.

   If you don’t start from ordinary, the younger brother writes his own name first.

   Then write my name. "

   "Okay." Jiang Lan nodded in response.

   Three more days.

   "Brother, we may have a high starting point. Let's start with the first strokes.

   When I was a kid, I started with ordinary strokes, and then from the very beginning, one, two, three, and then to write more complex.

   Junior and younger brothers are highly savvy, so it must be easy. "Xiao Yu looked at Jiang Lan's writing on the ground and felt that she should start over.

   Solve the problem from the root cause.

   Jiang Lan did not speak, but nodded.

   is still three days.

   Jianglan studied for nine days under the guidance of Xiao Yu.

   These nine days are not all learning.

   Occasionally, light rain would run around, Jiang Lan followed.

   But most of them are teaching him, and then watching him learn words.

   In nine days, Xiao Yu opened her eyes wide and looked at Jiang Lan, as if she wanted to see Jiang Lan's mind.

   "Brother, did you do it on purpose?" Xiao Yu asked.

   These few days are the longest days they get along.

   We met once three years ago, and now we are here together for nine days, which is equal to the previous twenty-seven years.

   There is no interval yet.

   So the relationship is much smoother than before, there are not too many barriers.

   Jiang Lan lowered his eyebrows. He looked at his handwriting, and for a moment he felt whether Xiao Yu was not serious about it.

   If you don’t learn well, shouldn’t it be the teacher’s problem?

   He hoped he did it on purpose.

   Xiaoyu sat across from Jiang Lan, holding her cheeks in her hands, as if thinking.

   "Sister, what are you thinking about?" Jiang Lan asked curiously.

   "When do you want the teacher?" Xiao Yu lowered his eyebrows and said:

   "If the younger brother learns for a lifetime, I will have to pay for it for a lifetime."

   "It won't take long to learn." Jiang Lan said calmly.

   Soon he will become a real fairy. He who is a real fairy should learn faster.

   And he thinks it’s not that difficult to spend some time learning Chinese.

   is the dragon character, which is more difficult.

   Xiao Yu put her cheeks in her hands, then raised her head to look at Jiang Lan, with a slight smile in her eyes:

  "It’s good, anyway, we have such a long time, so I’m not in a hurry.

   For a lifetime.

   can always teach the younger brother. "

   Jiang Lan was stunned, and for a moment he felt that the light rain was surprisingly good.

   He has never had any other thoughts since he has cultivated, and he has been cultivating with all his heart.

   Feelings are a burden to him.

   Betrothed to Xiao Yu is a sect task, but he will not be perfunctory.

   For Xiao Yu's kindness, he will not turn a blind eye, and will try to respond.

   Let everything develop for the better.

   Xiaoyu is indeed beautiful, all over the country.

   But Jiang Lan didn't feel that the beauty of light rain would affect his cultivation.

   But after getting along for a long time, he felt that Xiao Yu was better than he thought.

   If this continues, he doesn't know what he will think of Xiao Yu.

   "What is the younger brother thinking again?" Xiao Yu's voice came over.

   "Thinking about Senior Sister, it's better than I expected." Jiang Lan directly said what he thought.

   Under the sun, Xiao Yu showed a smile, she jumped up and said:

   "Junior Brother is also very good, but what did Junior Brother think of me before?"

   This little rain is still a little curious.

   Beautiful, high-cold, nosy.

   "The look in Junior Brother's eyes doesn't seem to be a good comment." Xiao Yu bent over and looked at Jiang Lan's eyes and said.

   Looking at the light rain bending over, Jiang Lan didn't feel anything special. At this time, the light rain was actually a girl.

   If it's normal...

   may be something wrong.

   "I feel like the senior sister is not smiling." Jiang Lan said calmly.

   This is the case.

   Normal Sister Ao, she feels silent and cold.

   But regarding her responsibilities, she will work hard to complete it.

   Jiang Lan has seen it.

   At that time, he remembered that Xiao Yu's face to the neck should have been injured, and the injury may still be there now.

   just disappears normally.

   "Huh!" Xiao Yu stuck out his tongue at Jiang Lan and made a face.

   seems to be dissatisfied with what Jiang Lan said.

   She can laugh.

   Jiang Lan also did not refute, indeed.

   The elder sister in this state is not only easy to get along with, but also very cheerful.

   is totally two people with the previous one.

   If you don’t see it with your own eyes, it’s hard to believe.

   After making a grimace, Xiao Yu blinked her big and then whispered:

   "Senior brother, practice calligraphy, I'll go catch fish in the lake."

   said light rain and went to the lake.

   After entering the lake, Xiao Yu became a white dragon.

   seems to be going to the bottom of the lake to catch.

   In the perception of the late Jianglan people, there is no danger in the lake.

   So Xiaoyu is safe.

   So Jiang Lan started to write his handwriting, a little absent-minded.

   He was thinking about what happened after he went out.

   The demon clan wants to use special methods to deal with the entrance of the netherworld, he needs to be prepared.

  Promote to the real immortal as soon as possible, and the real immortal will be calmer when facing the monster clan.

   People always feel not enough.

   Decades ago, he killed the Yaozu, and according to the news he got at that time, the Yaozu had already sent people and immortals.

   This time the scale is larger than last time, at least there are people of true fairy level.

   is even higher, he may not be able to handle it.

   still needs to be stronger.

   Get out and start retreating.

   I hope there is nothing special in these years.



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