The rain and dew dripped from the leaves in the early morning.


   The drop of water fell impartially on the crystal clear white hands.

   At this time, a lot of rain and dew had gathered on her hands.

   "Junior, do you think rain and dew will taste better?"

   Xiao Yu held the water in his hand, and turned to ask Jiang Lan, who was still writing behind.

   "I heard some people say that it would be better." Jiang Lan raised his head slightly and glanced at Xiao Yu and said.

   At this time, Xiao Yu walked barefoot on the ground.

   It's just that the land didn't leave any dust on her feet.

   This is the basic ability in the early stage of returning to Void.

   As long as Xiaoyu is willing, there won't be the slightest stain on her body, even the water in the lake can't wet her clothes.

   So far, Xiao Yu’s clothes have not been wet.

   As for rain and dew...

   He has never drank it, but he always sees this kind of thing, and he might drink it better.

   "I feel that the mystery is about to open again, and we should have to leave today." Xiao Yu continued to collect her dewdrops.

   Today is their sixteenth day in the secret realm.

   These sixteen days are not normal except for the previous few days.

   Others are not abnormal in the slightest.

   Jianglan didn't feel that there was a problem with the formation, and Xiao Yu looked around and it was fine.

   So they are here waiting for the secret to end.

   As for the three of Zhou Shu.

   Jiang Lan is paying attention, and Xiao Yu also pays attention occasionally.

   Learning Longwen sometimes occupies a lot of attention, so she helps to pay attention to it, not too much.

   Jianglan looked at the sky, and felt that the sky had strength and was dispersing, it was time to go out.

   There may be another wave coming in, but it has nothing to do with them.

  ‘I’m going out, I’m going to prepare to face the monster clan when I go back, and then I’ll be promoted to a real fairy as soon as possible. ’

   For Jiang Lan to be promoted to a real fairy, it is not that difficult.

   Now as long as he reaches Consummation, he can use the Immortal Blood Pill, and then he can quickly enter the realm of true immortals.

   The true immortal has completely entered the realm of immortality, and at this time, he can show his face in the immortal, devil, **** and Buddha.

   I don’t know how much better than human beings.


   is a cannon fodder in a big battle.

   If you go out without encountering big forces, the problem is not big, and if you encounter it, it will be dangerous.

   So I continued to practice on the Ninth Peak.

   When I surpassed the master, I would probably be safer.

   Now if you have going out to practice, you should be able to shirk it.

   can use light rain as an excuse.

   With an idea, Jiang Lan waited for the secret realm to end with peace of mind.

   But not long after it rained, he came to him cautiously, holding water in both hands.

   is very clear.

   "Junior, do you want to try the taste?" Xiao Yu asked while looking at Jiang Lan.

   She has a lot of dewdrops in her hand, the fruit of the morning.

   This kind of thing is time-consuming, Jiang Lan usually likes to spend this time for cultivation.

   also Xiao Yu would do such a thing.

   "How do I drink it?" Jiang Lan asked.

   The water is in Xiao Yu's hands, he doesn't taste good.

   "Junior brother squatted down first, it's too high." Xiao Yu stood in Jiang Lan holding the water and followed the command:

   "Put your head back a little, so that's it."

   After a while.

   Jiang Lan drank the rain dew that flowed from Xiaoyu's hand to his mouth.

   Somewhat weird.

   is not a monster, but a strange feeling of being fed by a light rain.

   But I didn't think much about it.

   "How do you feel?" Xiao Yu asked curiously.

   Jiang Lan was silent for a moment, and finally replied:

   "Sister, try it and you'll know."

   He couldn't answer.

   Because there is nothing special.

   Xiao Yu also tried to drink the remaining water, then looked at the sky and blinked and said:

   "Well, it feels almost the same."

   Then she sat next to Jiang Lan and did not mention Yulu again.

   It seems to be busy all morning, there is nothing worth remembering.

   Looking at the light rain on the side, Jiang Lan was silent for a moment, and said:

   "In fact, there are still differences."

   Xiao Yu looked at Jiang Lan, a little curious, as if asking the difference.

   "Under normal circumstances, I would not drink those water for no reason.

   But the rain and dew that the elder sister picked up, I can drink it all the time. "

   Jiang Lan's voice came out.

   is very calm, as if explaining a very common thing.

   When Xiao Yu heard these words, he turned his head and looked at Jiang Lan, with an unconscious smile on his face.

   smile like a flower.

   Xiaoyu stood up again, she reached out to Jiang Lan, her voice contained a smile:

"give me."

   This sudden scene made Jiang Lan unable to react for an instant.

   If Xiao Yu shot him, he would react instantly.

   The power of the nine oxen is gathered, and the power of the nine calamities is full.

   However, Xiao Yu didn't shoot at him, but asked him for something.

   "What do sisters want?" Jiang Lan still didn't understand.

   "I was busy all morning, collecting water for my younger brother.

   In accordance with the spirit of the contract, now it is the turn of the younger brother to give something. "Xiao Yu said.

   "Me, take the water for Senior Sister?" Jiang Lan tried to ask.

   He couldn't understand Xiao Yu's thoughts.

   Maybe this is the generation gap.

   Normally, Xiao Yu is about to reach adulthood, and he has been practicing for two hundred and ten years.

   The normal algorithm of real human beings, he has lived out the third life.

   "The sun has come out, and the younger brother can't catch it." Xiao Yu took out the wooden sword as he said:

   "Next time, help me bless the true meaning of Dragon Slashing for free."

That's it?

   Jianglan nodded slightly:

"it is good."

   "Is that if I take it once, I can bless once?" Xiao Yu asked.

   Regarding this question, Jiang Lan still chose to nod his head.


   After a long time, Xiao Yu and Jiang Lan left the lake.

   The mystery is about to end, Xiao Yu wants to leave where she came from.

   And Jiang Lan looked for the three juniors and younger sisters to leave the secret realm.

   "Will Junior Brother have been on the Ninth Peak recently?"

   Xiaoyu asked before Yujian left.

   "Well, retreat and practice." Jiang Lan responded.

   Xiao Yu nodded, then turned and left.

   Seeing Xiao Yu's figure disappear, Jiang Lan turned around to look for the three people.

   The three people searched a lot of places and wandered for a long time, but they didn't go too far.

   is still surrounding.

   Otherwise, Jiang Lan wouldn't be so relaxed. For these three people, going inside would be a great opportunity, but it would be even more dangerous.

   He might go out and pull them in a day or two.

   Fortunately, they did not go inside.

   At this time they were trapped in the mist formation.

   I got a good thing.

   Zhou Shu They are now in the mist, they feel that they can't get out of here.

   "Do you have a way?" Jin Yu asked He had no way.

   He is not afraid of charging and falling into the battle, but the formation is actually a bit worse.

   "I tried many ways, but it didn't work." Zheng Xi was a little frustrated.

   I feel so weak here.

  The golden core stage of them can't break the formation here with brute force.

   Nothing in the maze can be destroyed by them.

   "I feel that the fog is getting thicker and thicker. If I don't go out, I may not get out." Zhou Shu said.

   The hearts of the three people suddenly became heavier.

   I have experienced life and death once, but I really don’t want to experience it again.

   I don’t know if the brother will come to rescue them.

   This is the thought of the three people.

   But I dare not say it.

   Still work hard first.

   In case you say something wrong, offend brother.

   is a little shoe again.

   But when they were at a loss, the surrounding fog suddenly began to surge.

   Then they saw a figure appear.



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