The mist is rolling.

   This makes them feel a little strange.

  Especially at the source of the rolling fog, there is a human figure.

   This is not strange, but someone is in control of the mist.

   Or the fog is rolling because of this person.

   The three of them felt tight, and subconsciously stepped back some distance, because no one knew who this person would be.

   But the probability of danger is not low.

  Especially the fog is spreading a little bit, there is a feeling of making way for that person.

   The fog they have been unable to disperse, is making way for this sudden appearance, how can they be calm?

   And that person is coming to them.

   The three of them held their breath for a while, shrank in the corner, afraid to make any movements, as if they were worried about being seen by the predecessor who appeared suddenly.

   They would rather be trapped here and don’t want to be taken away by strangers.

   The three of them were terrified in their hearts.

   They hope to be seniors, but they don’t look the same.

   The fog is rolling, as if wherever the person goes, the fog is surrendered and dispersed.

   and the puzzle is retreating.

   This is the most intuitive feeling for the three of us, we must know that there is a formation here.

   But the formation didn't work at all, and he was still avoiding this person.

   They are even more afraid.

   I don't know what kind of powerful senior this will be.

   However, the person kept approaching them, and the fog on their side was rolling and retreating.


   This is their most intuitive key.

   This kind of person who is completely beyond their knowledge can pinch them to death, right?

   The fog dispersed.

   "Close your eyes, don't look."

   Zhou Shu said immediately, Jin Yu and others naturally understood, and then the three closed their eyes.

   "Senior, we are just three little golden pills, let us go."

   "Senior, we have some spirit stones here, all, for you."

   "Senior, we didn't see anything."

   "What are you doing?" Jiang Lan's voice reached the ears of the three of them.

   It's really surprising to see the three people shrink in the corner, and what does this word mean?

   met a robber?

   Jiang Lan is the only one here.

   So he became a robber himself?

   shook his head without thinking too much.

   then continued his calm voice:

   "The mystery is about to end, come with me."

   At this time, the three people reacted, but when they opened their eyes again, they saw Jiang Lan's back.

   Jiang Lan was walking forward, and the surrounding fog kept receding. They are a little unbelievable.

   "Yes, brother?" Zheng Xi was a little unbelievable.

   "It seems to be." Zhou Shu was also surprised.

   They thought that the brother should be more ordinary, but looking at the rolling mist and the retreat formation, they couldn't see through for a while.

   This brother seems to be so strong.

   "It's not the same as the rumors." Jin Yu also said.

   Then the three of them did not speak.

   Maybe it's a difference in realm, they don't understand it either.

   Senior Brother Ninth Peak is after all a strong soul.

   is not comparable to their little golden pill.

  Yes...Senior Yuanshen they have seen it before, but they can walk in like this, let the mist fear, make the formation timid, shouldn't there be?

   The three of them followed with doubts.

   Jiang Lan, who walked in front, didn't care about this.

   He only needs to have enough formation skills to get in, and it doesn't have much to do with the others.

   has a certain relationship with the cultivation base of the soul, which allows him to better solve the puzzle.

  The rolling fog is actually the effect of the formation.

   As for the next three people wanting to diverge, it is because their cultivation base and formation skills are not enough.

   But he also discovered one thing.

   He may be too eye-catching, and it is easy to leave a very powerful illusion.

  ‘Be careful next time. ’

   Then Jiang Lan didn't care. In the big environment, he was still criticized by many people.

   Especially in the light of Goddess.

   The more others underestimate him, the higher his chances of victory over the enemy.

   If a strong person of the same rank underestimates him, he will directly counter-kill him from the very beginning.

   The other party has absolutely no chance to take it seriously.

   Soon they came to the outside of the maze, where they want to leave the secret realm.

   When Jiang Lan came out, he found that many people around him were injured.

   should be due to the sand people in the middle of the road.

   Jiang Lan had a guess.

   At that time, as long as the discovery is late, then it is easy to be besieged by the sand people.

   and the formation is not enough, it is difficult to find these sand monsters in the first time.

  In this case, there is bound to be embarrassment.

   The leader needs to take three people to avoid.

   restricted movement.

  The Zhou Shu three who came out were a little surprised.

what happened?

   Why are these people injured?

   Under normal circumstances, with a team leader, there are very few casualties, but as far as the eye can see, they are all injured.

   Even the leader is injured.

   But they didn't hurt at all.


   Something is wrong.


   Jiang Lan's voice came over, and then the early power of Yuanshen belonging to Jiang Lan wrapped the three of them.

   then rushed towards the sky.

   sank into the clouds, and finally successfully escaped from the secret realm.

   The three of Zhou Shu were placed at the entrance of the Fifth Peak Secret Realm. Jiang Lan left immediately without any lingering.

   "Do you feel a little weird?" Zhou Shu asked Jin Yu and the others.

   "I feel it, everyone seems to have experienced a hard fight, but we have nothing." Jin Yu frowned and felt something was wrong.

   "Go and ask other people." Zheng Xi said.

   The three of them immediately went to a place with some people.

   "Sister Mu." Zheng Xi came to a young woman.

   This is the senior sister of the third peak.

   is not only beautiful, but also nice.

   Talent is also high.

   It's just that she has serious injuries right now, but fortunately, she is relatively stable.

   "Sister Zheng?" Sister Mu looked at Zheng Xi and they were a little surprised.

   was not injured.

   "Sister, will it affect you? We actually want to ask some questions." Zheng Xi said softly.

   Zhou Shu said hello to Jin Yu, but didn't speak any more.

   They are not familiar with this senior sister.

   "No, ask." Senior Sister Mu's voice was soft.

   "What happened to Sister Sister, why are you all injured?" This is what Zheng Xi wants to ask.

   "Don't you know?" Senior Sister Mu was a little surprised, and then she explained:

   "A lot of changes have taken place on the periphery of the maze, and formation monsters such as sand monsters or wooden people began to move out.

   There is a golden core repair.

   In front of the team leader, it's nothing.

   But there are too many, UU reading has every road.

   can't be cleaned up, if it weren't for being taken by the leader, we would have no way to escape.

   Haven't you met? "

   The three shook their heads.

   Then they asked around, all of them were like this.

   At this moment they had a guess.

   It’s not that they haven’t met, but...

   Before all the monsters came over, they were all cleaned up by the brothers.

   "Remember, we have walked some roads, it seems that there is a lot of sand?" Jin Yu asked suddenly.

  He is responsible for attacks and is more sensitive to this type of attack.

   "So, it was the brother who really blocked the sand monster. He came late, didn't he put on our little shoes?"

   Zhou Shu asked.

   The hearts of the three of them were like waves surging, and there was nothing to add.

   Although they didn't say anything at the beginning, Jiang Lan came very late, and they had more or less thoughts of being worn by shoes.

   Now that I think about it, they are still taking revenge.

   Now that the brothers have left, they have come to realize it, but they want to say thank you sincerely, but they can't find anyone.



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