"The disciple does his best."

   Jiang Lan responded softly.

  The arrival of the dragon clan, although somewhat unexpected, is not unacceptable.

   It stands to reason that the threat of the dragon clan is much smaller than that of the demon clan.


   If it were the same time, it would be hard to say.

   "Come to be a teacher, something?"

  Mo Zhengdong didn't talk about the dragon clan any more, it was enough to tell Jiang Lan.

   What to do, Jiang Lan will arrange it himself.

   "I want to ask, did Master go to the Nether Cavern these days?"

   Jiang Lan asked softly.

  Mo Zhengdong nodded slightly and spoke gently:

   "I did go there a few days ago."

   "Master broke Jinghua Shuiyue?" Jiang Lan was a little surprised, but he was relieved.

   is the master, so he doesn’t have to worry about anything else.

   But the short board should be added, we must continue to add it.

   "Are you questioning being a teacher?" Mo Zhengdong looked at Jiang Lan with a serious expression:

   "Naturally your Master Miaoyue broke it."

   Jianglan: "......"


   Saying goodbye to Master, Jiang Lan went back to hide the formation.

   This time he has to revise the next formation and replace the module.

   Furthermore, he must hand over the surface formation and the method of solving the hidden formation on the first layer to Master.

   and a deeper hidden formation, leaving a mark.

   As long as the master enters, it will not be triggered.

   Then there will be no problems.

   Jing Hua Shuiyue was discovered, and that was also used as a superficial formation, telling Master how to crack it.

   By the way, strengthen the formation of hidden secrets, and add Jing Hua Shui Yue.

   "Under the hidden secrets of heaven, I will arrange a mirror image of flowers and water, and what others will calculate by then is only the ghost cave I set."

When the    formation is triggered, he can also get feedback.

  As soon as he thought of this, Jiang Lan began to arrange.

   If you finish it sooner, you will feel relieved earlier.

   It is not easy to modify the formation method. Jiang Lan made a lot of reference, and then began to arrange the surrounding plants.

   Use vegetation as the formation node.

   Seeing or entering the range, I want to fall into a puzzle.

   then entered Jinghua Shuiyue.

   A year has passed very peacefully.

   This year, Jiang Lan spent most of his time in the formation, surrounding the formation of the Nether Cave.

   "Almost done."

   He stood in the Nether Cave, looked at the surrounding formations, and heaved a sigh of relief.

   The outer puzzle has already been completed, and the Heavenly Secret Formation took him more time.

   Now as long as someone counts, he can get feedback, more or less some news.

   After finishing this, Jiang Lan left the Nether Cave.

   Going out to have a look.

   to listen to the situation in the great famine, to see the people outside.

   Prevent yourself from going on the extreme road.

   Jianglan went down the mountain, and he went to the training ground with more people.

   opened up the natural way and reduced one's sense of existence.

   "I don't know what's going on recently. The people of the Demon Race have changed again. I don't know if they will fight with other forces."

   "Perhaps it's already fighting. The people of the Demon Race don't know what's going on. I heard that they will go out to fight every few hundred years."

   "The monster clan has also been provoking trouble, but it still suffered a loss in the battle with the dragon clan. The power of the dragon clan is much stronger than the monster clan."

   "Who said no, but the dispute between the Dragon Race and the Monster Race is over, will you turn your head and come to Kunlun?"

   "It's not impossible. They were here at the beginning, but they didn't get any benefits."

   Jianglan stopped for a moment, then turned and left, changing the location.

   I didn't hear anything about the Celestial Race, but I heard the Demon Race.

   There are many races in the Great Wilderness world, among which powerful forces are not among the few.

   Four Seas Dragon Clan, Northern Wilderness Demon Clan, Central Plains Celestial Clan, Wutong Mountain Tianyufeng Clan, and Earth Underworld Demon Clan and so on.

  As long as these people move, they will have a great impact on the surrounding area, and it is definitely not a year or a half to end.

   The monster clan fought against the dragon clan for more than one hundred years.

   The consumption is abnormally large.

   The defeated side is even more sad.

   What made Jiang Lan a little surprised was that the Yaozu, as the defeated side, had room to fight the Netherworld entrance.

   is indeed a bit unreasonable.

  ‘There should be no deep meaning, but this kind of thing cannot be understood. ’

   Jiang Lan knows his strength, the only thing he can do now is to stay on the Ninth Peak.

   guard the nether entrance.

   This is tantamount to protecting your own safety.

   Of course, the master is mainly there.

   But the master has a day when he gets old, he needs to become strong enough before he gets old.

   is strong enough to hold the ninth peak and protect the master.

   I didn't know if Kunlun could be invincible at that time.

   But it’s not easy to say how the monster clan thinks. Every time the monster clan comes, it’s nothing to the monster clan as a whole.

   Of course, there are too many strong ones, too eye-catching, it is better to have a higher success rate than weak ones.

   At the Kunlun alchemy site, Jiang Lan stayed for a while.

   "Wutong Mountain seems to be captured."

   "Really? What's the matter?"

   "Isn't it? No matter how strong the Celestial Clan is, it is impossible to capture Wutong Mountain."

   "But the news I got is roughly like this, otherwise the Celestial Race has broken into Wutong Mountain."

   "There is no wind in the hole, it seems that the Celestial Race and Wutong Mountain are serious this time."

   "If the Celestial Race really attacked in an all-round way, does it mean that the Tianjiao of the Celestial Race wants to accomplish the celestial ecstasy?"

   "Who knows, heaven and man are forgotten, I heard that the future is limitless."

   Jiang Lan turned and left.

   It is good for him to start a full-scale war between the Heavenly Human Race and the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Race.

   In a short time, the Celestial Race could not care about him.

   The more time, the stronger and safer he will be.

  No longer staying, Jiang Lan intends to stroll around again.

   just walked for a while, he suddenly felt bad faith coming from the front.

   This made him a little surprised, someone saw him.

   looked up.

   There was indeed a young man walking in the front.

   late Jindan.

   Malice disappeared the moment he raised his head.

   "Brother." The young man came to Jiang Lan and bowed slightly.

   seems to have a question to ask.

   This is a man who is not tall, quite handsome.

   Really right now, there is no change.

   There is no problem in appearance and cultivation.

   "What's wrong with Junior Brother?" Jiang Lan asked softly.

   I don't know where the other party's malice comes from.

   It must be a spy ~www.readwn.com~ or it must be someone who knew him and was not convinced.

   For example, why can he own an entire peak of resources alone, and why can he marry a goddess?

   Although Ao Longyu is not familiar with others, she is really perfect.

   He hasn't felt anything wrong until now.

   If there is, it is too bright, too high status, there will be some trouble.

   "I want to ask brother, how to get to Kongjing Lake." Xu Feng asked with a gentle smile.

   "The direction of the first peak." Jiang Lan pointed to the position of the first peak and replied.

   "Thank you, brother, then I won't bother brother." After Xu Feng thanked him, he went to the direction of the first peak.

   This makes Jiang Lan a little strange.

   If he hadn't noticed malice before, he would really think that this was an ordinary disciple asking for directions.

   But the other party is someone who sees through his natural way.

   is not easy.

   After hesitating, Jiang Lan opened a blindfold in an empty place.

   then hid in the woods that must pass to the empty quiet lake, trying to observe.



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