The sun is setting.

The remaining sunlight shone in the woods, like a shawl of sunlight.

Behind the sun, Jiang Lan stood peacefully.

He hid in the shadow behind the tree, waiting quietly.

In the shadows, it is difficult for him to be caught by the naked eye, and Yiye blinds his eyes and Yiye covers the sky, making him difficult to perceive.

He is here waiting for that person to come over, wanting to observe.

Nothing was found, so I went straight back.

If it's a spy against him, then do it.

The red glow gradually disappeared, and the night began to take over the sky.

The person did not come, maybe still on the way.

Standing behind the tree, Jiang Lan never spoke or was impatient.

Wait patiently.

If you haven't waited, just go back.

Wait for the next opportunity to observe.

If you can't rush, don't worry.

He closed his eyes, stabilized his mind, and put himself in an ethereal state.

Only by maintaining a calm heart can you adapt to your own strength and progress.

After two hundred and fifty years of practice, you may become a real immortal.

This is a remarkable achievement for anyone.

All he has to do is not to fall into the complacency of this accomplishment.

Need to treat everything with peace of mind.

After waiting for another moment, Jiang Lan suddenly felt that someone was coming from a high altitude, and it felt strange to him.

The arrival of the other party seemed to have caused a storm across the woods, and the storm blew directly on him.

If it wasn't for Yiye Biaomu to open, he would definitely be blown.

"Is this person observing anyone around?"

Not only that, he has a feeling that the opponent is strong.

If he is Firefly, then the person is comparable to Haoyue.

At the moment when he noticed the strength of the other party, Jiang Lan frantically improved his blindness to prevent himself from being noticed.

Once discovered, it is difficult to say whether there is any danger.

At this time, he still remained calm.

At this time, there should be no fear, let alone escape.

The knife seemed to be behind him, and it would be chopped off if he was careless.

No matter how dangerous it is, you can't act rashly.

He did not dare to look towards the source.

When the opponent fell, Jiang Lan soon felt a gust of wind in the sky again.

The wind blew around again.

Its strength is not weaker than the previous one.

‘Two? ’

Jiang Lan's face was a little ugly, he didn't understand how two strong men would suddenly fall here.

"He's coming here?"

A calm voice came from the place where he landed first.

The moment Jiang Lan heard it, he recognized it.

Uncle First Peak, Feng smiled.

It's him.

This uncle had found him halfway before, so many years have passed, although there is no problem.

But the other party was too strong to be a human being, and suddenly appeared.

No matter how you look at it, it's not normal.

But who is the second one?

"It's really coming here. I'll be there in a while."

It's a male voice.

Jiang Lan felt that he should have heard it.

Uncle Liu Jing of the second peak?

The peak owner of the first peak and the second peak suddenly appeared here. What big people are waiting for?

Jiang Lan didn't know.

At this moment Feng Yixiao was standing in the woods, they looked ahead and stopped talking.

The arrival of the two naturally will not allow unrelated personnel to come to the woods.

Da da!

The sound of footsteps came.

"It seems that there is no imperial sword." Feng Yi said with a smile.

"There are restrictions on high altitude here, and Yujian is also low altitude. The problem is not big." Liu Jing answered calmly.

The two of them stood there quietly.

Feng Yixiao stood there, speaking little, but a kind of majesty spread around him.

Liu Jing was a little thin, very handsome, and had a different temperament from Feng Yixiao, and looked friendly.

Hearing these two sentences, Jiang Lan didn't understand, but he didn't think too much, but stayed at ease.

Don't dare to make the slightest change.

Soon he found that someone was coming.

I wanted to see who it was, but to be on the safe side.

It is best not to make any movements.

These two are too strong.

If you get too close, you will be discovered at any time. If you are discovered, the consequences will be disastrous.

With his strength, there is absolutely no possibility of escape.

As for whether his master will keep him in the end, it is unknown.

After all, he has a secret.

This is the threat.

Soon Jiang Lan stopped when he heard the footsteps. He should have seen those two.

"Disciple Xu Feng, I have seen two peak masters."

A respectful voice came.

The gentle voice is a male disciple.

If I remember correctly, it is the one he wants to wait for.

So, the two peak masters are also waiting for this person?

Jiang Lan was a little surprised. The other party was not a personal disciple, and it seemed that he didn't have enough talent to attract the attention of these two.

why is that?


Deal with a Jindan spy and get two peak owners to take the turn?

There is no origin.

At this time, Feng Yixiao looked at the respectful Xu Feng and asked softly:

"When will you visit Kunlun?"

Xu Feng lowered his head, as if panicked:

"Thirty years ago, there was a chance and inheritance from the immortals, so I started out better than other seniors."

"Did the Demon Race let you come, or did the Celestial Race let you come?

Or does the Celestial Race let you go to the Demon Race, and the Demon Race let you come to Kunlun? "Liu Jing's voice came.

As soon as the voice fell, Xu Feng was stunned.

He immediately knelt on the ground and said in horror:

"The disciples don't understand the meaning of the two peak masters."

"Don't understand?" Liu Jing took out a recording magic weapon.

Then a voice belonging to Xu Feng came out from it:

"The ninth peak Jiang Lan, from the rumors, there is no bright spot.

The talent is average, and the legend has a good temperament, and most of them are timid and fearful.

The opponent rarely goes out of the Ninth Peak and the probability of becoming a puppet is very high.

Perhaps this can be used. "

Hearing these sounds, Xu Feng trembled all over.

He looked up at both Liu Jing and said:

"I, I know a lot of Demon Race, I can tell you.

And I didn't hurt anyone. "

"It seems that I don't deny it." Feng Yi smiled at Xu Feng.

He didn't care what Xu Feng said.

What news can a golden pill bring them?

"I, I can redeem my merits." Xu Feng shouted.

At this time, Feng Yixiao's hand grabbed Xu Feng.

"No, no, no!"

At this moment, Xu Feng's flesh and blood separated, turned into blood mist fragments, and melted into a blood red bead.

Liu Jing looked at Feng Yixiao's method and asked:

"That mysterious person who can beat people into blood fog, isn't it yours?"

"No, there has been no news?" Feng Yi smiled and shook his head, his voice as calm as ever.

"There is no news, but so far, he hasn't shown any malice.

Suspected of being a hidden arrogant.

The first peak and the eighth peak have the most people. "Liu Jing made a simple judgment.

"Eighth Peak has asked?" Feng Yixiao asked.

"Jiu Zhongtian said I don't know." Liu Jing's tone was a little helpless.

"As expected." Feng Yixiao thought it was normal.

After that, the two did not say much, but disappeared directly in place.

No one knows which direction they are heading.

Jiang Lan naturally didn't know.

He could feel that these two people had left, but he was not sure whether the two people really left.

Can only wait quietly and wait some time.


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