
Dark clouds cover the moon.

Someone's sword passed over the woods.

At this point, Jiang Lan slowly walked out from behind the tree.

Just glanced at Xu Feng's location, and left straight away.

Don't dare to stay in the slightest.

I'm afraid I will be discovered.

Tian Xing Nine Steps were used to the extreme, and at an extremely fast speed, they reached the woods in front of the Ninth Peak.

After confirming that he was not being watched, he withdrew his blindfold.

Under the night.

Jiang Lan walked on the avenue, not hurriedly or slowly.

It's not like someone who discovers something, and it's not like someone who is worried.

Step by step is steady, and his complexion is calm.

Although it was so on the surface, Jiang Lan had already set off a storm in his heart.

He glanced at Xu Feng's location before, and what he saw were clothes left by Xu Feng.

Clothing that is weathering.

Before long, Xu Feng will leave nothing.

But why is it so?

Xu Feng was sent by the Demon Clan. There is no doubt about this. What really surprised Jiang Lan was how to get the two peak masters to do it himself with a golden pill?

"Before the second summit started to clean up the traitors, so these two were not here to clean up the traitors in essence."

"Xu Feng is special? Or is he special to First Peak?"

This possibility is the highest, but he doesn't know how it is special.

He couldn't figure it out, and he didn't plan to figure it out at the moment.

What he cares most is that Second Peak has noticed him.

You must be more cautious afterwards.

And the place to do it is irrelevant to him as much as possible.


It may be suspected.

It's just that many times, I can't help him.

Unless, change the attack method?

In the end Jiang Lan gave up. At present, he only needs to make one shot in the follow-up.

That is the monster clan that will act when the entrance of the nether erupts.

Although it was aimed at the ninth peak, it was almost the entire Kunlun matter, and he was mixed in it, which was nothing.

Back at the Ninth Peak, Jiang Lan didn't think about anything more, but chose to retreat.

What he saw and heard today really surprised him.

But it will not affect him, what he needs is to continue to practice and continue to grow stronger.

Surpass the master and surpass the invincible Kunlun, and everything will be broken by then.

If there is still a crisis, the power of the Nine Tribulations is enough to resolve everything.

In the wooden house in the Nether Cave, Jiang Lan sat cross-legged and began to practice.

Cultivation now uses immortal power to temper the body.

It is not difficult for him in the late stage of human immortality to be promoted to human immortal perfection.

What is missing is time.

Master told him that the dragon race is coming and he needs to fight.

So there are enough reasons for not being able to retreat.

Just need to pay attention to light rain.

It will take some time, but not too much.

There will be no impact.



The sun and the moon alternate, and the four seasons change.

In the deep sea, I don’t feel deeply about this change.

The changes in the four seasons and the vicissitudes of the years seem weak.

"In a few more years, are you going to Kunlun?"

Ao Man looked at Ao Ye ahead, eager to try.

The Monster Race has already lost, and the Dragon Race has won a big victory. At the same time, it has paid a lot of money, but the Monster Race is even more tragic.

Although he didn't understand what Yaozu was going to do.

But the conspiracy must not be small, otherwise it will not be so crazy.

He couldn't know such things.

As for whether he was conspiring, he was not sure.

What if the Yaozu’s brain twitched?

"Yes, the Eighth Highness is going to prepare. You go this time, the task is extremely important." Ao Ye said.

He went to Kunlun several times and was insulted again and again, and he had to let Kunlun know what pain he said this time.

Let them know the majesty of the dragon.

"Should I challenge my future brother-in-law?" Ao Man asked.

He had heard someone say before.

I really want to teach that human being.

It's not easy to marry their dragon girl.

"The main purpose of our visit this time is not to challenge the young and powerful in Kunlun Mountains.

But in the end it will evolve into this.

From the first peak to the eighth peak, your Highness doesn't need to care about it, but the ninth peak will be shot by your Highness himself. Ao Ye explained.

This time the number of people in the past is the most.

Moreover, the dragon tribe defeated the demon tribe with amazing momentum.

Can Kunlun stop it?

This time they all went to vent their anger.

More than ninety years ago, Kunlun simply rubbed their dragon faces on the ground and stepped on a few feet.

It's too much.

If it weren't for the dragon clan to be inseparable, it would have been at war with Kunlun.

This time, they just went to get their face back to see if Kunlun could still be as stiff as it was ninety years ago.

Everything will begin with the eighth His Royal Highness defeating Jiang Lan.

"Leave everything to me." Ao Man was very confident in himself.

He is a born celestial spirit, and currently he has reached perfection.

In a few decades, you can enter the real fairy.

Among the dragons, few people are more talented than him.

Dealing with a primordial spirit human, it's easy to catch it.

Ao Ye thought so too. His Royal Highness Eight was born with a fairy, and at the same time he was blessed by the whole world.

Very powerful.

It is by no means comparable to human beings.

"With His Royal Highness's strength, even if it is the strongest human being, the same rank is by no means a one-shot enemy of His Highness." Ao Ye nodded.

Ao Man patted his chest and wanted to respond, but...

Suddenly remembered the human who smashed the red dragon with a punch before.

Forget it.

so horrible.

Obviously they are of the same rank. Killing him is the same as killing him.

No need for a second punch.

Don't meet such a terrifying human being in this life.



Kunlun Yao Lake.

Ao Longyu sits on the edge of the mountain ~www.readwn.com~ his eyes stay outside the mountain, which is the direction of the ninth peak.

Today is the appointed day.

That is when Jiang Lan came to Yaochi to help her look at the soil.

Then help her plant flowers.

"Thirty years have passed before I have time to come. Are you making a breakthrough?"

The last time she went to the Ninth Peak, she seemed to see Jiang Lan about to break through.

"Now is the middle stage of the soul?"

Ao Longyu thought for a while, and then discovered that Jiang Lan's promotion speed was still in the ranks of human geniuses.


If they become immortal smoothly, four hundred years later, it will be the day they get married.

"Get married..."

Thinking of this, she was a little repulsive.

But trying to accept it.

This day will always come, and the younger brother doesn't hate it, and sometimes it makes her very happy.

As for liking, she still doesn't understand.

Maybe one day, she will understand.

If you can understand it within four hundred years, that would be great.

At this time, Ao Longyu felt that someone had arrived outside, it was Jiang Lan.

Without hesitation, she waved her hand.

Make a way for Jiang Lan.

Jiang Lan outside Yaochi, the sword came.

Thirty years have passed since he was in retreat.

It wasn't 30 years ago that I thought of helping Xiao Yu look at the soil and planting flowers, but during this period he needed to practice and read this kind of book.

If it weren't what he had guessed before, he would have nothing to do with Yaochi soil.

Will look embarrassed.

So make enough preparations to come again, it is more suitable.

Not long after, he saw Senior Sister Ao standing on the edge of the mountain.

She stood there quietly, the corners of her clothes being blown by the wind, and her waist-length hair swaying in the wind.

Peerless beauty.

As always cold, as beautiful as always.


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