
   Xiao Yu opened her mouth, her teeth and claws.

   seems to scare the roots.

   "Senior Sister, it's Long Yin, and it must be vigorous."

   A voice belonging to Jiang Lan came over.

   seems a little helpless.

   At this time, he is facing Xiao Yu with his back.

   "Junior Brother, I said I didn't overhear it." Xiao Yu turned to look at Jiang Lan, pursing his mouth.

   But he didn't let Jiang Lan cover his ears.

   Then Xiao Yu planned to become normal, but when she wanted to change, she suddenly ran up to Jiang Lan.

   Jiang Lan, who was still thinking about what to do after removing the insects, suddenly saw Xiao Yu running over and was a little surprised:

"All right?"

   He did not hear the dragon chant.

   was blocked by Sister Sister’s spells?

   is not impossible.

   It was just that he was a little surprised soon, because Xiao Yu changed in front of him, his height was growing, and the standard of a woman was changing suddenly.

  'S face also changed accordingly.

   But in an instant, the original light rain turned into normal Ao Longyu.

   "No peeking."

   Xiao Yu's voice was majestic and imposing.

   then walked back.

   With a hint of curiosity, Jiang Lan glanced back.

  The ghost makes a mess.

   just wanted to take a look, just for a moment, Xiao Yu surprised him.

   From big to small, it's nothing, but from small to big, the senses are completely different.

   Especially in his heart, there is no resistance.

   If it is someone else, he might not care.

   was surprised at most, and then calmly thought about cultivation.

   Ke Xiaoyu is different.

   Turn around instantly.

   saw Ao Longyu, but at this look, he was stunned.

   is the same on the other side.

  Because of Ao Longyu at this time, he was secretly making faces at Jiang Lan, with a penetrating smile on his face.

   Jianglan: "......"

   Ao Longyu also instantly recovered from the high cold.

   "Brother, how do you peek?"

   There was a shy voice and a hint of anger, but it was hard to detect.

   Jiang Lan immediately turned around and was silent before speaking:

   "The elder sister who never steals learned to laugh, so I, who never steal, learned to peek."

   The voice fell, and there was a moment of silence.

   In silence, there was a voice:


   "..." Jiang Lan could feel that Senior Sister Ao was calling the tree.


   This is not Dragon Yin.

   When Jiang Lan was a little helpless, he felt the power of the surrounding forces change for a while.

   seems to be much stronger.


   There was a dragon chant, shaking the earth.

   Jiang Lan knew that in just an instant, Senior Sister Ao might have turned into a dragon.

   is very strong.

   At the same level, you may need three punches.

  The dragon clan is not ordinary.

   If there is a secret method, it may be more difficult.

   After becoming a fairy, he should be more dominant.

   The power of the Nine Tribulations has increased his upper limit, and the advantage in the same rank is greater than before.

   I used to feel that the power of nine oxen could compete with the next small realm to kill.

   And the power of the Nine Tribulations made him feel that he could kill the next small realm at once.

"All right."

   A voice belonging to Ao Longyu came over.

   As if to let Jiang Lan look over.

   turned around.

   Turn around.

   I saw the slim Ao Longyu, with black hair and thin waist, and his skin was like condensed fat.

   and then began to shrink again.

   "Alright, brother, let's continue."

After    became smaller, Xiao Yu's voice became particularly crisp, and almost every sentence contained a smile.

   After getting along for a long time, Jiang Lan feels that Senior Sister is really good-looking.

   is different and beautiful.




   Jianglan returned to the Ninth Peak. He looked at the soil problem in Yaochi.

   But to his surprise, it is really not good for planting flowers.

   The soil contains the power of Yaochi, which is somewhat extraordinary.

   Ordinary flowers are impossible to grow.

   Unless some special elixir.

   As for the original ones, I can only say that I am used to that environment.

   But changing to another place is not good for growth.

   After a while, he will check again.

   But it should be more difficult.

   Fortunately, there is no problem with that tree.

   Back to the Nether Cave, Jiang Lan poured the plant eggs and You Yehua with the spirit liquid.

   They are in the same state as before.

   has not improved, nor has it deteriorated.

   has been more than two hundred years.

   don't know when the change will happen.

   Jiang Lan doesn't care, it's quite interesting to raise it like this.


  As a plant, plant eggs are qualified, just water it.

   is much easier to raise than You Yehua.

   Then Jiang Lan began to practice. After practicing, he would look at the mirror flowers and the moon.

   Thirty years have passed, but he still can’t build a Mind Inn.

   is much harder than he expected.

   This book, he has not been able to comprehend much so far, it can be said to be rare.

   is too much for the first part to stabilize the regulator.

   So far, he has not dared to read the first chapter. The stronger he gets, the more terrifying he feels.

   The terrible part of the first chapter is even beyond the creation of heaven and earth.

   "It's no wonder that the Celestial Clan values ​​the Heaven and Human Heart Sutra so much."

   Having the Heart Sutra of Heaven and Human Being, and having enough chance, it is equivalent to owning everything.

   The first article is even better.

   To have the first chapter again, it means to lose everything.

   When everything is lost, the world belongs to him.

   Jiang Lan shook his head heavily, the first part is not something he can touch.

Maybe later.

   It's important to practice now.

   In another thirty years or so, the Nether Cave will explode.

   He needs to keep getting stronger.

   The formation method has not been strengthened for the time being. In recent years, the most important thing is to be promoted to a true fairy.

   And the real fairy is right in front of you, many things can be slowed down.

   After two hundred and forty years of cultivation, his surface cultivation was in the middle stage of the soul, and the second stage cultivation was in the late stage of the soul, and his true cultivation was perfect.


   began to enter the closed time.

   During the retreat, Jiang Lan watched Jinghua Shuiyue when he had time during the day, and took some pills to restore his power.

   At night, he began to temper his body, so that he could reach the critical point as soon as possible.

   It is convenient to use the blood pill to enter the real fairy.

   Although it can be used now, it is not secure enough.

   He can't get promotion failure.

   It’s one thing to harm your body. Once you fail, it’s not ten or twenty years since you want to wait for the next promotion.

   may require nearly a hundred years of cultivation.

   In order to be ten or twenty years away, take the next one hundred years to gamble.

   The gain is not worth the loss.

  He has time now.

   Leaning on the Ninth Peak, he has plenty of time.

   But time can't be squandered.

   Don't treat people at all times.

   Be encouraged in time.


   The years are in a hurry, and the years pass by.

   Kunlun began to appear some messages.

   "Have you heard? The dragon people are coming."

   "I heard that all the posts have been delivered. What are you doing here?"

   "The battle between the monster race and the dragon race has ended, is this to suppress us with aura?"

   "I don't know, but I heard that it has something to do with the goddess. After so many years, the Dragon Race is really not convinced."

   "I don't know if there will be a fight."

   "I feel the elder brother of Ninth Peak is really miserable, this time it must be the target of public criticism."

   "Senior Brother Ninth Peak heard that he was afraid to go down the mountain."

   Luqian listened to these voices and looked at Zhou Shudao on the side:

   "Senior Brother Ninth Peak is now too scared to fall asleep?

   After so many years, I have never heard of anyone who has seen him. I think it is possible that his cultivation level is too low and he has no face to go down the mountain.

   It must be the kind of solemnity. "

   "Don't talk nonsense." Zhou Shu reprimanded in a low voice:

   "Brother Ninth Peak is not what you think.

   is different from rumors. "

   Zhou Shu knows that if you put aside the prejudice against Senior Brother Nine Peaks at that time.

   Then what he saw was a strong and responsible brother.

   Although a little unsmiling, although people seem to wear small shoes for them, his contribution has never been seen.

   At that time, it was really they used a villain's heart to save the abdomen of a gentleman.



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