In the nether cave, Jiang Lan slowly opened his eyes.

   exhale in a turbid breath.

   He has been practicing for more than two hundred and fifty years.

   After learning that the dragon is coming, more than forty years have passed, and he has been ready.

   Renxian Perfection has been polished and consolidated by him.

   He is not much stronger than before, but he is definitely much more stable than before.

   The critical point of perfection is the most suitable point to hit the real fairy.

   A blood-red pill appeared in Jiang Lan's hands.

   Without the slightest hesitation, the entrance of the elixir melts into the hundred veins.

   At this moment, he felt a burning fire, tearing inside and out.

   The body, the soul, seems to collapse at any time.

   Baimai is under boundless pressure, and there is a huge wave in his mind.

   will perish at any time, and will collapse at any time.

   This is the final stage facing the true fairy.

  The last moment that countless people don’t want to face.

   survived, and the mortal body was transformed into a real fairy.

   If you can’t get past, you will fall into the abyss, and you can only see the light again after a hundred years of cultivation.

   Zhong Ze, the body collapsed and died.

   The immortal is very close to the true immortal, even closer than the soul of the soul to return to the emptiness.

   But the danger is more than a thousand times stronger.

   He has been cultivating in the Nether Cave for a long time. Every inch of the meridian and every corner of his body is trying to tear him apart. He needs to control all the power.

   It is necessary to stabilize the meridians of the flesh from being torn.

   Once a crack appears, it may fail.

   Insufficient control of power, it is impossible to use this method to speed up the advancement.

   Under safe circumstances, the fastest time to go from the immortal to the real immortal should be 400 years.

   And he, it only adds up to more than fifty years.

   is beyond the ordinary.

   Jianglan never left the Nether Cave again, and never even woke up.

   This retreat is more focused than before, and you will fail if you don’t concentrate.

   Xiaoyu has come several times, but I haven't seen Jiang Lan, which is not surprising.

   Before Jiang Lan decided to eat the Immortal Blood Pill, he had already notified Xiao Yu that he was going to retreat.

   On the surface, he is actually attacking Yuanshen Consummation.

   The first level of cultivation is the late stage of impacting the soul.

   Xiao Yu's cognition should be on the first level, and the second level is in the middle of her rebirth, which is invisible.

   Five years have passed away.

   This year is the two hundred and sixty-three year since Jiang Lan worshipped the Ninth Peak.

   the same year.

   Every part of his body exudes immortal power, and powerful power is entrenched in him.

   The mind is united, and the fairy appears.

   Get out of the mortal world and prove to be a fairy.

   Feeling all the changes, Jiang Lan slowly opened his eyes.

   The power began to subside, and the fairy energy began to dissipate.

   Really immortal, achieved.

   Jiang Lan lowered his eyebrows and looked at his hands.

When    started, his goal was to become immortal.

After    became an immortal, I realized that there was still some distance from the immortal.

   At this moment, he is a veritable immortal.

   There is an essential difference between the human fairy and the real fairy, and that is the physical body.

   The previous physical body cannot fully drive the power of the immortal. For the immortal, the immortal power flows on the sand and there will be countless obstacles.

   and become a true fairy, then it is like a galaxy falling down nine days, flying down.

   The two are very different.

   Two hundred years of achieving true immortality is indeed something to be happy about.

   But he was not arrogant because of it, nor did he look down on others.

   There are people outside of people, and there are immortals outside of immortals.

  Some creatures are born immortals.

   How terrifying the talent is.

   Jiang Lan got up and planned to go out. He made changes to the first level and second level cultivation base.

   Now he seems to be in the late stage of Yuanshen, hiding his cultivation as Yuanshen to Consummation.

   "The dragon people are coming, it's just..."

   Jiang Lan looked at the Netherworld Cave, caring for a moment.

   Because the portal of the nether is about to overflow, that is to say, the portal of the nether has exploded, just in the past few years.

   a bit earlier than guess.

   Those of the Dragon Clan, and the Monster Clan may have to get together.

   It is not excluded that the Dragons deliberately waited for this time to suppress Kunlun.


   Jianglan stood at the entrance of the Nether Cave, the dazzling sunlight shining on his face, feeling a long-lost feeling.

   The surrounding trees have autumn colors.

   It's autumn.

   On the blue sky, the light is not hot, and under the mountain, the wind is just right.

   One step forward, towards the yard.

   hasn't come out for five years, he is not sure if the vegetable eggs are still alive.

   I haven’t spent so long before.

   a little while.

   Jiang Lan stood in front of the yard with a shocked expression.

   He saw his house collapsed.

   On the ruins, there is a young girl standing with a high ponytail tied, her sleeves rolled up, and a brick in her hand, feeling a little at a loss.

   As if feeling something, she glanced back.

   is the younger brother who has left customs.

   "It collapsed on its own, I will help it repair, maybe it is not happy." Xiao Yu tried to defend.

   Jianglan: "......"

   What did Sister Sister demolish?

   Before the house was repaired, he would call Xiao Yu.

   At that time, Xiao Yu wanted to tear down this one, but it didn't feel so exaggerated.

   This time, the house collapsed directly.

   However, it has been more than a hundred years.

   is also approaching its limit.

   One hundred years of life.

   Housing has a limit.

   More than a hundred years, it is indeed enough.

   "Sister, let's rebuild it."

   Jiang Lan looked at Xiao Yu, and his voice was soft.

   Hearing Jiang Lan's words, Xiao Yu was a little surprised, and then smiled and said:


   talked and threw the head in his hands to the ground.

   Then Jiang Lan took Xiao Yu and started to rebuild the house.

   "Brother, can I build as I like?" Xiaoyu asked Jiang Lan.

   Jianglan did not agree and directly refused:

   "No, it's easy to collapse."

   "Can I add a pool?" Xiao Yu asked again.

   "No, there is no living water." Jiang Lan refused again.

   "Can there be fewer bricks here?"


   "Then can we add two dollars to this one?"

"also can not."

   "When will the younger brother try the bamboo house?"


   Three months.

   Xiaoyu comes to the Ninth Peak during the day and returns to Yaochi in the evening.

   Although it is a return to the virtual cultivation base, but she does not dare to stay on the Ninth Peak for too long, she will be demons.

   Jianglan watched Xiaoyu Yujian go back every time.

   When Xiao Yu returned, he took out Jinghua Shuiyue and just rebuilt the house. He planned to bury the veins for the follow-up Xinshen Yard.

   At that time, the Xinshen Yard will be opened, it will not be too troublesome.

  He occasionally practiced at night, mainly to familiarize himself with the realm.

   However, the progress of the house did not advance at night, it was with light rain during the day.

   The progress of rebuilding the house is not fast. It is similar to the one he built more than 100 years ago.

   The increase in cultivation base and the number of people has not been reflected in the progress ~ ~ the daytime after three months.

   Xiaoyu stood beside Jiang Lan, looking at the house similar to the previous one with satisfaction and said:

"Finally finished."

   Jiang Lan also breathed a sigh of relief, Xiao Yu helped a lot, did not make progress, and did not hold back.

   Jianglan wanted to build the same house as before, but finally made a change.

  The changes are all brought up by Xiaoyu.

   This house has indeed changed a little because of the light rain.

   is not annoying.

   "Here." Xiao Yu handed out a book to Jiang Lan and said:

   "This is to be given to the younger brother, as a gift."

   Jianglan took the book and found that there was no name on it, but after looking at it, it was a record related to the dragon clan.

   Some spell records, habit records, and combat style records.

   Looking at the handwriting, Xiao Yu should have written it himself.

   "What kind of thank you gift?" Jiang Lan asked when he closed the book.

   "Hmm..." Xiao Yu thought for a while and said with a smile:

   "I don't know yet."



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