Sending off the light rain, Jiang Lan returned to the yard, and poured the plant eggs with the spirit liquid by the way.

   Those days of his retreat.

   Light rain will come every three to five, so the plant eggs and You Yehua did not die.

   is different from before.

   Now Xiao Yu will not come once every three years, she will come if she wants to.

   Jianglan sometimes goes to Yaochi, but every time he goes there, he has to touch Senior Sister Ao’s hand, which is more troublesome.

   After only a moment, he took care of some weeds around him, and then began to read the book given by Xiao Yu.

   is a book to learn about the methods of the dragon clan.

   "Because the dragons are coming?"

   Xiaoyu is naturally not stupid, and the arrival of the dragon is bound to be hostile.

   And Jiang Lan is the fuse of everything and the beginning of everything.

   Although she has never mentioned this matter herself, it doesn't mean she doesn't care.

   After reading it roughly, Jiang Lan discovered that the Dragon Clan really had a secret method.

   The dragon's blood is boiling, and the strength is greatly increased.

   "Sister Sister seems to have used this kind of secret method."

   Jiang Lan remembered about the Third Secret Realm, but he didn't see all of it.

   is like a pattern wound, vividly remembered.

   After a long time, Jiang Lan closed the book.

   Now he has a general understanding of the dragon race, the dragon language itself is a kind of power, and there are many powers that they are good at manipulating in the world.

  Thunderstorm is nothing but the basics.

  Moreover, the dragon body is far superior to other creatures, and its resilience is amazing.

   Each scale contains great power.

   can be immune to many spells.

   The overall strength is very strong.

  "It is indeed very strong. My ordinary magical skills do not harm the dragons.


   is only when facing the dragon, if it is an enemy, the priority is the power of nine oxen, if it is not an enemy, the priority is the dragon sword.

   On the whole, the Dragon Race does not have any advantage against him.

   The power of nine cows is unreasonable, and the Dragon Sword is unreasonable.

   But with his current strength, it is really difficult to win the challenge of the Dragon Race.

   In the end, Jiang Lan didn't think too much, he planned to consolidate the current cultivation base first.

   Improve the state to the best.

   Deal with emergencies well.

  The dragons are coming, and the entrance to the netherworld is about to erupt, and danger is easy to appear.

   At present, he is really immortal, and it will take a long time to go further.

   At the same time you need to practice, you must also understand the world.

   When the perception reaches Consummation, and the cultivation base also reaches Consummation, you can try to fly through to become a heavenly immortal.

   The gap between the real fairy and the heavenly fairy lies in the word of Tao.

   The true immortal has not yet had his own way, and if he finds his own way, he is qualified to fly into a heavenly immortal.

   The understanding of heaven and earth cannot be measured by time, but it takes a lot of time to improve the realm of true immortality.

   The time limit for the fastest promotion of a human genius is about a thousand years.

   But it is rare to be able to enter the heavens for a thousand years.

   Jiang Lan doesn't know how long he needs, he just entered this realm, he doesn't know enough.

   Need to consolidate cultivation and be familiar with the use of strength.

   also had to take the time to see Master, and by the way, to make sure that he could see through the strength of Master.

   However, his second-tier cultivation base has reached the perfection of his soul. Although he has not yet reached the point of promotion, he should drink the Qiongye Yuye Wine in the past few decades.

   The effect of this wine on him is naturally not high, but the effect needs to be installed.

  Chopping wood and planting trees again?

   shook his head, Jiang Lan walked to the Nether Cave and began to practice.

   The plant eggs have not been brought to the Nether Cave recently.

   It's one thing for the entrance of the netherworld to erupt, mainly because Xiaoyu also wants to raise it.


   The morning sun rises and the sunset sets.

   The wind blows in spring, and the snow melts in winter.

   day after day, year after year.

  The magnificent sun shone on the earth, and the solemn night began to rout.

   For three years, like a breeze, leaving some traces.

   proved that it had come, but then left.

   The scorching sun is a bit dazzling.

   The wind is scorching hot, blowing the flowers and trees of Kunlun.

   It's summer.

   "It feels very hot this year." First Peak looked at the sky and said.

   At this time, he just came out of retreat.

   successfully entered the initial stage of returning to Void.

   has been practicing for more than three hundred years, not the fastest, but it has always been in the first gear.

   Jingting originally planned to get related resources.

   just turned around, there was a huge noise from the sky.


   A dragon chant shook the world.

   turned around and looked.

   I saw clouds like dragons descending on Kunlun.

   "Dragons, are you coming?"

   "It seems that Junior Brother Ninth Peak is going to be uncomfortable. I don't know what will happen in the end."

   Although Jingting is a direct disciple, but his cultivation level is not enough, he can not know many things.

   But anyone with a discerning eye can see that the arrival of the dragon must be related to Jiang Lan.

   or it is related to the goddess.

   Other people in Kunlun also saw the arrival of the dragons.

   "Here, I feel that it has been a few years since defeating the Yaozu. I thought they would come sooner."

   "You are just guessing, but the dragon is really here, I don't know what it is for."

   "What else is there, but I don't know the specifics."

   "I will find out after a while."

  The disciples of Kunlun are discussing it, and the people of Kunlun Hall are naturally discussing it.

   "Brother, what happened to the Netherworld entrance?" Fairy Miaoyue asked Mo Zhengdong in the corner.

   Everyone looked over.

   Feng Yixiao is not here this time. As the Peak Master of the First Peak, he is going to meet the people of the Dragon Race.

   "It's already started." Mo Zhengdong said.

   The others were not surprised, as if everything was expected.

  The dragons really wanted to take advantage of the fire.

   Not only that, the Yaozu may also deliberately release the news to the Dragons to reach a tacit understanding.

  The dragon clan is not compatible with the monster clan, just finished the fight.

   But the monsters turned to Kunlun, so the Dragons naturally wanted to take advantage of the fishermen's profit.

   "The demons only have the ability to secretly act on their hands and feet, and the dragons can really value them." Jiu Zhongtian said.

   "It is not important to look down, but to have an advantage to them.

   No matter how small the advantage is, sometimes it can be infinitely magnified. Fairy Miaoyue smiled and said:

   "Look, they can hold on for a while.

   even used Jiang Lan as an excuse to enter the Nether Cave. "

   "There is no trace of the demon clan nearby, it seems that they are far away, and there are very few people." Liu Jing suddenly said.

   The opponent is small, mainly for surprise attacks.

   Kunlun is naturally not afraid of their sneak attacks.

   But the target of the sneak attack is the Nether Entrance, which is a little troublesome.

   "Is it possible that the demon clan let others help them?" Fairy Zhuqing said.

   "It is possible." Liu Jingjing head, it seems that you need to be more vigilant.

"Dragons are coming here It seems that they want to take a big bite." Fairy Miaoyue has a smile in her voice, although there is a veil, everyone knows that Miaoyue must be beautiful at this time. Smiley face.

   Then Fairy Miaoyue made another voice:

   "Give them some poison, who will do it?

   dare to make trouble, all stay in Kunlun. "

   "I went to the Fourth Peak and heard that someone was studying Yaozu poison.

   Try the effect. "Second Peak Liu Jing said.

   "However, this kind of thing treats the symptoms rather than the root cause, and the goddess' emotions need to be taken care of after all." Liu Jing said again.

   "Xiao Yu accepts it in the end. Although many things make her sad, she still chooses to accept it.

   But she is a minor after all, if the pressure is too much, it will directly crush her.

  Especially fighting the dragon clan. "Fairy Zhuqing wore a sad look between her eyes.

   But the dragon clan keeps causing trouble, Kunlun cannot give in.

  The conflict cannot be avoided.

   "If Xiao Yu had a child with Jiang Lan, would the Dragon Clan have nothing to say?" Jiu Zhongtian said suddenly.

   Everyone was stunned, and they all looked at the wine in the sky.



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