In the Kunlun Hall, the peak masters cast their eyes on Jiu Zhongtian.

   Although no one spoke, everyone was a little surprised.

   It seems that the method proposed by Jiu Zhongtian is a bit shocking.

   "Brother, you are too much, Xiao Yu is still under adulthood.

   Although she looks like an adult in normal human form, she is still a little girl after all. "Fairy Zhuqing said.

   "It's really a good way." Fairy Miaoyue smiled:

   "It's true that I only said that Chengxian got married, but I never said that you have to get married before you can have sex."

   "Senior Sister..." Fairy Zhuqing was a little worried.

  "Worry blindly.

   This kind of thing depends on the goddess, how easy it is. "Second Peak Liu Jing reminded Fairy Ju Zhuqing, and continued to the others:

   "The way is a good way, but we can't intervene in this matter.

   It depends on Jiang Lan himself. "

   "You can let a few juniors teach Jiang Lan, so that he understands how to get along with the goddess." Mo Zhengdong's voice came from the corner.

   In a normal meeting, Mo Zhengdong rarely speaks.

   This time I had to speak once for my disciple.

   My own disciple goes out and buys beef for myself.

   brought candied haws to his fiancee.

   is really worrying.

   But he can't teach.

   Then the two fairies present, namely Fairy Zhuqing and Fairy Miaoyue, looked at each other.

   "Senior sister Lan Xinhui, should you understand?" Fairy Miaoyue asked.

   Fairy Zhuqing is beautiful, pure and elegant, and has a kind of majesty that belongs to her.

   It is difficult for the ordinary person to approach.

   Among the people in the Kunlun Hall, she may be a little weaker.

   This is not the case outside.

and so...

   She who is practicing with great concentration, doesn't understand.

   "Let's talk about the hypothesis that the Monster Race and the Dragon Race will join hands when the Nether Entrance erupts." Fairy Miaoyue turned to look at everyone after seeing Fairy Zhuqing shaking his head.

  Mo Zhengdong: "......"



   A figure walked out from the entrance of the Netherworld Cave.

   is Jiang Lan, who has just completed his training. In three years, he has been familiar with the realm of true immortality.

   to ensure that when you start, you can play the strongest combat power.

   But the situation in the Nether Cave made him a little concerned.

   The ghostly breath began to overflow.

   That is to say, the day when the Yaozu hands are approaching.

  "Theoretically, the Yaozu will do it when the entrance to the Nether erupts, but...

   Theory is just theory. "

   One, Yaozu should not be able to calculate the exact time.

  Secondly, everyone thinks that the big outbreak is the most suitable, so will the Yaozu really be at that time?

   should pick a more suitable time.

   "If it's me, as long as the outbreak has an effect, I will do it directly."

   The best results and the best hands-on time.

   Choose the best hands-on time, you may get more.

   Of course, it depends on the other party's methods.

   If it is not in the best effect, it cannot be touched.

   Then there is no way to choose the best time.

   In the yard, Jiang Lan watered plant eggs, thinking.

  The dragons have not come yet, he is a little concerned.

  The dragon should be waiting for a good opportunity.

   "It should be a good opportunity now."

   Jiang Lan raised his head and looked towards the sky, he withdrew the hand of pouring the spirit liquid to make sure he would not pouring too much.

   And just after he put down the spiritual fluid, the dragon chants from the sky.

   A dragon roar shook the sky.

   A dragon shadow came from high above, it was a dragon of colorful clouds, the rays of the sun shone, and the momentum was amazing.


   Jianglan is not surprised, the big forces are not simple.

   There is no good stubbornness.

   The demon clan wants to take action on Kunlun, pulling a dragon clan over to put pressure together.

   told them it was a win-win situation.

   Even if they were still beating their lives more than ten years ago.


   A white light appeared from the first peak, and a figure walked out from the first peak, with extraordinary momentum.

   Then the dragon people were introduced into the first peak.

   Only then did Jiang Lan look back.

   "The formation should be fully activated."

  The dragon clan is here, and it's time for the demon clan to do it.

   Kunlun should also be prepared, as for how to prepare, he doesn't know.

  Master just told him that if there is an accident at the entrance of Netherworld, he will immediately exit.

   He agreed.

   It can be seen that the master knows that the Yaozu wants to do it.

   After hesitating, Jiang Lan walked away from the Ninth Peak.

   Go and listen to those people’s analysis of the situation.

   There are many disciples in Kunlun, and many disciples like to analyze the situation.

   Don't let Jiang Lan know it, but there is a reference value, and they know a lot.

  Unlike him, he practiced on the Ninth Peak all day.

   Someone hit Kunlun, he may not know.

   "It's just time to go to the inn."

  Walking in the woods, Jiang Lan had an idea.

  Because he has never been able to comprehend the Jinghuashuiyue Xinshen Inn, he wants to go and feel the Xinshen Inn carefully.

   Even without going to the counter, he can understand something.

   Soon he came to the place where he preached.

   There are often disciples talking about these things here.

   Most of them are talking about Jin Dan stage with Yuanshen stage.

  The cultivation base is very high.

   Some foundation building is either practicing or listening.

   Jiang Lan is also listening.

   "The dragon people are here and they have gone to the first peak. Do you have any news?"

   "You have to ask the brothers and sisters of the first peak for this."

   "Not yet."

   "But the main purpose must be on the ninth peak."

   "Speaking of speaking, I have never seen the elder brother of Ninth Peak, I doubt if there is such a person."

   "There is definitely there, but it rarely appears.

   doesn’t necessarily know when he appears, and it’s not impossible if he’s around us. "

   Jianglan: "..."

   He changed a place, and nothing can be heard here this time.

   Kunlun Pill Refining Office.

   Many people are paying attention to the arrival of the dragon clan.

  "The dragons are here, and what to do should be known in a few days.

   The momentum is really amazing.

   Although the Dragon Race and the Demon Race have ceased fighting, the Dragon Race as the victor has nothing to do, and the Demon Race, as the defeated side, has been asking other people for trouble. "

   "The monster clan has fought against the dragon clan for so many years, it should be hit hard."

   "There are no big waves, but there are a lot of small movements, I don't know what the purpose is."

   "You can't understand the movements of the monster clan, but the Celestial clan and the Tianyufeng clan really fought I heard that the Tianyufeng clan is at a disadvantage.

   Some people even began to flee. "

   "Isn't it possible? The one from the Celestial Race has completed the Tian Ren Qing Qing?"

   "I don't know, but what exactly it is, I don't know. The outbreak of the war is real."

   "There is also the Earth Underworld Demon Race. I heard that they occupied a strange mountain and began to build a city. I don't know why."

   Jiang Lan listened for a while, and then walked out of Kunlun.



   A long distance beyond Kunlun.

   Wumu and Wucha appeared on the unnamed mountain peak.

   They looked in the direction of Kunlun.

   "The dragon people are here, when shall we do it?" Wu Chai asked.

   He is different now from decades ago.

   The immortal spirit is restrained and has reached the point of being a real immortal.

   "When do you think it is suitable?" Wu Mu asked.

   "After a while, let the dragon clan conflict with Kunlun." Wu crack said.

   "No, let's do it tonight." Wu Mu said with a smile.



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