Ao Man held a Fang Tianji, evoking a round of thunder, arrogantly in all directions.

   The thunder spread, and the force surged and hit the surrounding five people.

  He wants to survive this battle with his own power, so that he won't insult his identity as an innate fairy.

   But whether he could go back alive in the end, he didn't think about it, it was too far.

   What he needs to care about now is not how to get back, but how to live. ,


   Five immortals, five powers, they marched bravely all the way, directly tapping the full of thunder with magic weapons or bare hands.


   Ao Man inserted Fang Tianji into the ground, and then pinched his handprints with both hands, and thunder appeared on the tips of his fingers.

  The voice of the dragon came out:

   "The earth is thundering!"

   Low and deep sound, like thunder roaring.

   At this moment, countless thunder appears from the earth, and the white light shines on the night, tearing the night apart.

  The power of horror began to rush to the five people.

   The five immortals did not hesitate at all. Fire appeared among them, the earth deformed under their feet, and the light of wings shone.

   The violent power directly crushed the ground thunder.

   Seeing this, Ao Man no longer stays.

   Instead, he was holding a square halberd, thunderstorms gathered around him, filled with water and thunder, and shot out, and a tornado of thunder and water rushed directly to the place where the fire was shining.


   The forces of both sides collided together.

   The flames were repelled directly.

   But at this moment, a long spear arrived, and the spear rolled up the ice and stabbed at Ao Man.

  The attack was approaching Ao Man, and the next moment he would pierce the back of Ao Man's head. At the moment of the moment, Ao Man moved his head. He turned his face to face and bit the spear.

  His longan is erected and his face is ferocious.

   At this time, the dragon scales have covered his face.



   The spear was directly crushed by Ao Man, and the next moment Fang Tianji waved, trying to kill the immortal who came over.

   is a female.

   Did Aoman keep his hands at all.

   only when he is about to attack the opponent.

   The huge shock came suddenly, it was bear feet.


   Ao Man was knocked out.

   The powerful impact caused him to hit the barrier, and a dull voice sounded, but it did not cause any harm to the barrier.

   Before the five had spoken, they launched an offensive again.

   Aoman stood up and swallowed the blood flowing out.

   then grasped Fang Tianji to launch the strongest counterattack again.

   Several figures collided in the dark night, and their power raged in all directions.


   A figure was shot out. It was the female demon holding a spear before.

   At this time, she was bombarded by Ao Man on the barrier.

   And Ao Man has already rushed out of the siege, with many injuries on his body, and the dragon scales on his waist have been broken.

   But he needs to kill that banshee, kill one, he has one more chance of winning.

   The figure came in an instant, Fang Tianji shot away, but the banshee was not afraid, and the ice spear appeared, trying to replace the injury.

   Ao Man tried to retreat, but it was already a step too late, so far he had no idea of ​​avoiding it.

   Kill first before talking.

   However, just as his Fang Tianji was about to pierce the banshee, and when the banshee's spear was about to penetrate Ao Man, the barrier suddenly heard a clicking sound.

   There was a crack in the whole barrier, and the voice had not yet fallen, a fist penetrated the barrier just to hit the banshee.

   At this moment, a fist replaced everything and captured everyone's eyes, as if this fist was the whole world.

   comes with a fist, everything will be destroyed by him.

   In the next instant, everyone saw that the banshee turned into a blood mist, and her body was shattered.

   The ice spear in her hand and the Fang Tianji that Ao Man was about to pierce the banshee were all shattered.

   turns into dust.


   The blood mist wet Ao Man's whole body, but he didn't know it.

   At this moment, his eyes were replaced by horror. Just for a moment, he saw the appearance of a fist.

   He thought he was dead, his blood was trembling, and his dragon scales were afraid.

  The power is timid.

  A creature like him is vulnerable to a blow in front of the opponent.

   Not only Ao Man, the four immortals behind were also stunned. Someone broke the barrier and killed one of them.

   But they didn't see who the hands were.


   The hurricane howled.

   At this moment, the barrier shattered, the blood mist drifted away, and a figure walked into the barrier, as if the wind was blowing from him.

   The wind blew the corners of this man's clothes, and also blew away their courage.

   But while breathing, Ao Man saw it.

  The visitor looked like a man, he seemed to see his face, but he did not see his face.

   I feel that the other person has a calm face, but it seems that there is nothing at all.

It's him!

   But in an instant, Ao Man guessed the person coming.

   The one who smashed the red dragon with one punch.

   It must be him.


   Jianglan stood at the entrance of the barrier.

   He found this position and was stopped by the barrier.

   This enchantment is not that strong, but it is relatively hidden.

   The barrier is not strong, and the people inside should not be so difficult to deal with.

   So he chose to punch through the barrier.

   killed a demon smoothly when it blasted off, and didn't care.

   Only after coming in, he saw the dragon clan.

   "Dragon Race and Demon Race have cooperated?" Jiang Lan glanced at Ao Man in front of him, his voice a little low.


   Ao Man, who was originally absent-minded, was frightened and lost half of Fang Tianji by Jiang Lan’s words. He immediately explained:

   "Senior misunderstood, I fell here by accident, and they are chasing me down.

   has nothing to do with it. "

   He was scared to death.

   The other party killed the Yaozu, obviously not an accomplice of the Yaozu.

   seems to be here to clean up the monster clan, then he will undoubtedly die.

   With his strength, he is in front of the opponent, but the enemy in one blow does not need a second blow.

   Jiang Lan retracted his gaze and ignored Ao Man again. That's okay.

   Then he set his sights on the four monsters.

  " In the late stage of one immortal, three immortals are consummated.

   It seems that there are at least true immortals inside. "

  Some thoughts came to mind.

   then stepped forward, intending to do it.

   "Humans, we just passed by here, hoping to give a thin face, we must thank you." A man holding a long sword said.

   as if trying to dissuade Jiang Lan.

   At this time, two demons have already started to retreat and leave.

   There is a man holding a long sword, a middle-aged man whose hands have become bears.

   Both of these are celestial perfection.

   is very close to the real fairy.

   Speaking of the Eighth Prince of the Dragon Clan, he is also very close to the real immortal.

  The talent is amazing.

   The innate fairy is indeed He didn't think too much, but looked at the man with the sword and said:

  "Thanks a lot?

   I just have a need, don’t know if I can agree to it? "

   "What is it?" The man with the sword was overjoyed, so he could only talk.

   This person's cultivation is not weak, he should be in the ranks of true immortals, it is not something they can deal with.

   But they are really immortals.

   Just drag it for a while.

   If the people of Kunlun come over, it will also cause them to conflict.

   Just before he finished thinking, he felt a cloud of blood before his eyes.

   then heard a somewhat ethereal voice:

   "Let me take you on the road."

   This is the last voice he heard.


   Jiang Lan squeezed the opponent into blood mist with one hand.

   A person is perfect, without the slightest ability to resist.

   The next moment Jiang Lan looked at the bear with a low voice:

   "He's going one step first."



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