Hearing Jiang Lan's voice, the middle-aged man was terrified and took a step back subconsciously.

   but soon became angry again.

   He clenched his fists with both hands and used all his power.


   There was a loud noise that shook the world.

   The middle-aged man instantly turned into a giant bear of ten feet.

   "Human, you are too arrogant."

   The black bear punched, trying to drown Jiang Lan in a huge fist.

   Even if he couldn't beat him, he firmly believed that he could bring some harm to Jiang Lan.

   Just wait for their leader to arrive.



   was thinking about whether the opponent would avoid the black bear with heavy punches, but was shocked to find that his entire arm was directly turned into a blood mist.

   He couldn't believe it, he didn't even know what happened.

   But the next moment, he found that there was a human presence in front of him suddenly.

   "It's a bit big, it's not very convenient to fight."

   Jiang Lan came to the center of the black bear's eyebrows, and put his hand on the center of the black bear's eyebrows.

   This moment belonged to the instinct of the beast, and it began to spread wildly in the black bear's heart.

   Escape, run away.

   It seems that there will be a great horror, a catastrophe.

   A human hand, but gently placing it on the center of its eyebrows broke everything.

will die.

   This is the news that the black kuma instinctively feeds him back.

   The next moment.


   Jiang Lan pressed it with one hand and directly disintegrated the black bear's entire body.

   The blood mist is overwhelming.

   Black bear's consciousness disappeared instantly, and he would not know how he was killed until he died.

   I never thought that the human being in front of me could be so terrifying.

   Jianglan landed on the ground and looked in the direction where the two people were escaping.

   There are many formations and many hidden places.

   In order to find people faster, they had to let those two people escape. They had been searching for a long time before killing the wind trail.

   There was time at that time, but now it is different, there is not much time at all.

   Maybe it won’t take long for the people in Kunlun to notice this.

   against him.

   He wants to deal with it by himself.

   Others are not safe in doing things.

  A little carelessness will leave alive, and there will be endless troubles.

   Then Jiang Lan followed, and their people had already assembled. The higher the cultivation base, the faster the speed is indeed.

   He used to follow.

   But he has also found the place of those people.

   surprised him a little, it was a ghostly breath.

   "It seems to be really targeting the Nether Portal."

   He thought he would target the Nether portal itself, but now he is wrong, it seems that the other party just used a special method.

   took advantage of the special nature of the Nether Portal.

   It is no wonder that there is a magic weapon for the entrance of the netherworld.

   Jiang Lan somewhat understood what the person in the Fifth Secret Realm said.

   At this point, he disappeared.

  He wants to go there.

   Ao Man was covered in blood, he watched Jiang Lan disappear.

   Swallowing saliva slowly, it was scared.

   He looked outside and then inside, hesitating for a while whether or not to follow.

   But just ran away like this?

   In case that person is going to deal with the matter in his hand, and then come to ask him, then...

   Ao Man didn't dare to escape at this moment.

   As a natural fairy, he can best understand the horror of that person. He watched the other person promoted to a fairy.

   Is the human potential so terrifying?

   The natural fairy that he was proud of suddenly seemed ordinary.

   "Why can I encounter such a terrifying existence everywhere?"

   Ao Man has endless bitterness in his heart. He really doesn't want to see this person, but he wants to see him.

   Finally he went inside.

   If this person is worried about, he will never be at peace in his life.


   Jiang Lan looked around, and he could feel that those who maintained the formation started to withdraw to the direction of the nether aura, he was not in a hurry.

   Need to figure out the situation.

   Furthermore, the other person's gaze came over.

  'S voice also penetrated Xu Yuan, this is to talk to him.

   "Human, can you tell me your purpose?

   I want to come to our Yaozu to have something that can satisfy you. "It was Wu Mu's voice.

   They need time, but at this time, they killed an unknown human being.

  If they were from Kunlun, they would recognize it, after all, they expected it.

   But this person does not seem to be a Kunlun disciple.

   What makes them even more concerned is that the other party's methods seem to be familiar.

   But they haven't seen it with their own eyes, and they can't be sure for a while.

   Jiang Lan moved his steps, not paying attention to the words that passed through the air.

   The surrounding situation is more complicated. He wants to see how many ambushes and formations there are.

   "Humanity, the entire Great Wilderness, no matter which power, must give me three points of courtesy to the monster race.

   Today, my monster clan has important things to do, and I hope fellow daoists can give me a bit of noodles. "Wu Mu's voice came over again.

   Jiang Lan looked up slightly at this time, and a soft voice came from his mouth:

   "See the complete road."

When   's words fell, his figure disappeared in place.

   The power of nine cows surged, and a roar began to spread everywhere.

   "Do it."

   Wumu is no longer wordy.

   He had to delay time. The opponent is very strong, but it doesn't mean that he can't fight.

   Judging from the performance of the opponent, at most one true fairy.

   So it is possible.

   Especially, it's almost a success.

   Someone in the Nether Passage was also about to come out, and he also found something on his side.

   Both parties worked hard to make everything much faster.

   Success is here, they can't withdraw.

   As Wu Mu's voice fell, several rays of light appeared around him, the light of the formation.

   sleepy array, defensive array, kill array.

   all appeared together.

   There are dozens of demons heading to Jiang Lan.

   "Should be able to delay enough time?" Wu Crack's voice was a little gloomy.

   The opponent is very strong, at least at the real fairy level.

   "I'm not sure, but plan for the worst. It would be much easier if you know who the opponent is." Wu Mu frowned as he looked at the formation.

   "But it should last a while... this..."

   Before the words fell, they were shocked to find that the person was advancing very fast.

   The formation was shattered with a punch in front of the opponent, and all the people who surged up instantly turned into blood mist.



   Jianglan went all the way, the formation was shattered under his feet, and the Yaozu collapsed under his fist.

   Pass five levels and cut six generals.

  The power is like a broken bamboo.

   At this moment, all the light of the formation was shattered, and dozens of monster figures turned into blood fog in the sky.

   Jianglan faced the blood mist and approached Wumu and them a little bit.

   At this moment, the last three immortals all attacked Jiang Lan.

   However, before they waited for them to attack, Jiang Lan had already appeared in front of them.

   With a punch, the first person collapsed and died~www.readwn.com~ With a kick, he kicked one person to the ground, and then followed and stepped on it.


   The thick-skinned demon instantly turned into blood mist.

When    came to the last monster clan, that monster clan was already shocked.

   This is slaughter, even a true immortal cannot slaughter them like this.

   Then the immortal looked at Wu Mu and Wu Chai behind him, as if trying to ask for help, but he just looked over and found that his body was collapsing.

   He knew he was going to die.

   was killed by this human being who appeared suddenly.

   He didn't think about anything else, because he couldn't think about it anymore.

   The **** fog moves with the wind all over the sky.

   Jianglan was standing in front of Wumu and Wuchai.

   The three people face each other with six eyes.

   Wu Mu and Wu Cha looked at this sudden arrival of humanity in disbelief.

   The other party exceeded their expectations and couldn't understand what was going on.

   Jiang Lan looked at the two with a vague and weird voice:

   "I did it, or did you do it yourself?"



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