For Jiang Lan's appearance, it did exceed Wu Mu and Wu's expectations.

   And the opponent's strength is surprising.

   This is no ordinary true fairy.

   But one thing is certain, the arrival of the opponent is extremely aggressive and extremely dangerous.

   At this time, Wu Mu was maintaining the ancient well, and he, who could not be distracted, had to separate his mind and communicate with Jiang Lan:

   "This fellow Daoist, he always came to us for a reason.

   Can you tell me something?

   There may be a way of both.

   One person cannot think thoroughly, but at this time we are three, and there will be a way. "

   Jiang Lan lowered his eyebrows, there were many formations around the opponent, this was the second.

   is mainly that well, which has a defensive barrier.

   Real eyes opened.

   He finds the most suitable attack point.

   "Why must there be reasons?" Jiang Lan asked.

   The opponent is trying to delay time, but Jiang Lan also needs some time.

   What exactly that well was, he couldn't be sure.

   But after the murder, the well must be destroyed.

   has to do with the entrance of Netherworld, he must take action.

  Although he is still only a disciple, this is still his duty.

   "Haha." Wu Mu laughed and said:

   "Since there is no reason, why not sit down and talk?

   You can talk about anything. "

   "Anything can be discussed?" Jiang Lan asked calmly.

   "Yes, you can talk about anything." Wu Mu looked at Jiang Lan with confidence:

  "Including our lives.

   As long as the fellow daoists wait for a while, we let the fellow daoists kill.

   There are others, we can also give it.

   Fellow Daoist just speaks. "

   Wu Mu's words reached Jiang Lan's ears, which was a little surprising.



   is just better to delay the time, wait for the other party’s work to be completed, if you want to regret it, do you need to explain it to someone?

   No need at all.

   is like he is going to kill these two people. Does anyone need to explain it?

   After roughly knowing the structure of the magic weapon, he moved.

   moved early, a little unstable, but can't wait any longer.

   The ghostly aura of that well is getting more and more exaggerated, and it always feels like an explosion.

   wait any longer, everything is too late.


   Jianglan disappeared in place, and the next moment he came to those formations, blasted out with a punch, no formation could stop him.


   The formation method collapsed and shattered.

   His voice followed:

   "I want to kill you now."

   The formation method collapsed, Jiang Lan went one step further, both of them were within the range of the magic weapon enchantment.

   This magic weapon barrier is a bit special, it is not too easy to break.

   To use the power of the Nine Tribulations, one punch can fill it with cracks, and two punches are enough to break.

   And the real danger is the middle-aged man.

   The real mid-term.

   Another true fairy early.

   After many years of practice, he has never killed the enemy beyond the rank, he is not sure how many hole cards the opponent has.

  A little carelessness will put oneself in a crisis.

   Only now, there is no choice.

   I don’t do it now, not to mention that there will be a problem with that well, I just want to kill these two people again, I don’t know how long it will take.

   There are troubles left, it is better to fight and kill them.

   "Go and hold him for a while, it's finished."

   Wu Mu put away his previous smile, and put on a gloomy look.

   He naturally spoke to the black crack on the side.

   "Don't be underestimated, this person is very strong." Wu Mu reminded.

   Wuchai nodded slightly, and then left.

   A magic weapon like a circle appeared in his hand and threw it out.

   He followed behind.

   The opponent moved, Jiang Lan saw that in the early days of True Immortal, he could be killed in the shortest time.

   At this moment, the nine steps of the sky are displayed in an instant, the ultimate pace.

   His figure was no more than an instant, and he appeared beside Wu Crack.

   Then came the strongest punch.

   The power of the nine oxen is turned into the ultimate, and the power of the nine calamities is full.

   Formidable power, like death comes.

   Black cracked pupil shrinks.

   The opponent's speed is surprisingly fast. He has overestimated him, but he still couldn't react immediately.

  He needs a little time.

   And just at the moment, the magic circle turned into a green snake, the green snake was in front of the black crack, blocking the front of the black crack like a shield.


  Strong impact.

   Everything is broken.

   The snake turned to ashes on the spot.

   Quan Jin penetrated the green snake even more, attacking towards the black crack.

   At this time, Wucha finally found a gap, and his figure began to retreat.

   The force of a punch but lightly brushed the opponent's right arm.


   A slight blood mist drifted away.

   Wu cracked his arm and fled.

   Jianglan stood still and did not pursue it for the first time.

   At this time, he saw the black crack with his broken arm appear at the end of his eyes.

   "Supernatural powers, shrink to an inch."

   Jiang Lan's face is low, the boss of the monster clan killed last time.

   is actually a real fairy.

   At that time, he should have been an immortal, but at this time he was already a real immortal.

   It seems that everyone is getting stronger.

   Then he gave up the early stage of the true immortal, and went to the well.

   Only when he approached Wu Mu's place, Wu Cha came directly to him, as if to attack him.

   Jiang Lan had to stop.

  While he stops, Wu Cha will use his supernatural powers to escape.

So fast.

   "It looks like we need to kill this first."

  Without hesitation, the sky moves nine steps in an instant.



   punched down, the other party escaped.

   However, when the opponent was about to appear, Jiang Lan followed up again, still punching.


   The opponent disappeared again.

   Jiang Lan keeps up.


  Their figures keep appearing around and disappearing ceaselessly.

   The power that belongs to Jiang Lan is also constantly showing up.

   Everything around, was beaten to pieces.

   After a while, Jiang Lan stood in the air, looking at Wucha, which was closer to the ancient well, silent.

   "You are fast, but you can't catch me." Wu Chai stared at Jiang Lan and said.

   He seems relaxed, with a trace of fear in his heart.

   The opponent's speed is too fast, it is not speed at all. At that moment, he thought that the opponent had the same magical powers as him.

   If he hadn't made enough preparations nearby, he might have been killed by a punch.

  What kind of magic is this?

   "I don't need to chase you now." Jiang Lan's voice came out.

   is calm but indifferent.

   "Oh, human beings, you gave up?" Wu Qiao frowned, his voice low.

   "No, because..." Jiang Lan moved at this moment, and he appeared directly in front of Wu Crack, putting his hand on Wu Mu's head.

   The whisper of death sounded in Wuchai's ear:

   "Because you are dead."

   Wucha looked at Jiang Lan in horror, a little unbelievable.

   He wanted to escape for an instant, but he couldn't move.

   When he reacted, he did not know when he was locked by the Thunder.

   His body is imprisoned. UU reading

   At this moment, countless thunders appeared around, forming a huge net.

   And the black crack is the prey caught by the net.

   This is what Jiang Lan often encounters in Guiyi Jing.

   He will, but he has never used it.

   He thought he didn't need it.

   It seems to prepare more things, it is indeed safer.

   "When is it?" Wu Cha never noticed these things. He looked at Jiang Lan with fear in his eyes:

"who are you?"

   "Didn't you just count me?

   I'm here, why do you ask me again? "Jiang Lan's voice came.

   "Is it you?" Wu Cha couldn't believe it, but soon he realized that Jiang Lan wanted to kill him:

"Do not!

Do not kill me. "


   The blood mist drifted away.

   Wucha was directly squeezed half of his body by Jiang Lan.

   Then the corpse belonging to Wucha fell to the ground, and Jiang Lan also fell, stomping it into an explosion with one foot.



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