Wucha died.

Jiang Lan didn't hesitate, but looked at the well.

At this time, Wu Mu was trying his best to maintain the well, and he had no idea of ​​doing anything.

"I heard what you just said.

It's really surprising. "Wu Mu looked at Jiang Lan and smiled:

"I thought I had made enough estimates, but it's a different story.

Do you think you can kill me now? "

Without saying a word, Jiang Lan stepped to the front of the ancient well barrier and threw his fist to break the barrier.


With a punch, the barrier was full of cracks.

Wu Mu split into a clone at this time, and then continued with a smile:

"You can't kill me, because I'm the only one who kills me.

Take my life, this channel becomes.

I see how you deal with it. "

His voice was full of laughter, and the laughter slowly turned into laughter, and his voice grew louder, from subtle to wanton.

At this time he stopped maintaining the ancient well.

The flesh and blood began to dissipate and melt in the ancient well.


The enchantment is broken.

Jiang Lan saw that the other party was feeding the ancient well with his body, and he felt it, comparable to the thick breath of the Netherworld entrance.

Because of his approach, Wu Mu gave up the idea of ​​fleeing and made a desperate move.

As soon as he approached, he moved Wu Mu's clone.

Without the slightest hesitation, with a punch, the power of the Nine Tribulations was full.


The extremely powerful force directly smashed half of the Wu Mu clone's body, and the force forced the Wu Mu clone to fall to the ground.

Keep up.

One foot down.


The avatar of Wu Mu completely turned into a blood mist, and Jiang Lan came to Wu Mu.

A punch was blasted out.



Wu Mu looked at Jiang Lan, who was approaching, in disbelief.

This person refreshed his cognition time and time again.

He saw clearly, the early days of the real fairy.


With a punch down, Wu Mu's body began to disintegrate.

Before he died, he looked at Jiang Lan and asked his doubts:

"In the early days of True Immortal, can anyone really be so powerful?"

What responded to him was the power that could destroy him, and the indifferent voice that belonged to Jiang Lan:

"You, didn't you see it?"

Wu Mu was taken aback for a moment, then completely turned into a blood mist, disappearing.

Everyone was killed by Jiang Lan, and there was no one around him.

There is only one ancient well with a faint light.

There is a strange breath overflowing from the ancient well.



Jiang Lan took a step, he slowly walked to the ancient well, and glanced down.

The entrance was pitch black, and the pitch black began to dissipate like mist, as if one could see the nether land through the endless distance.


In the darkness, he was suddenly occupied by the scarlet pupil.

The sudden appearance of the red pupil made Jiang Lan a little surprised, as if you were seeing an eye through a crack in the wall.

Jiang Lan was staring. Since he has seen the other party, then the other party must have seen him.

But neither side spoke.

Jiang Lan saw the ghostly breath of the ancient well spread, and saw the crimson pupil occupying the ancient well trying to rush out of the ancient well.

He knew that the passage was open, and the other party was coming over.

‘Nether Creature? ’

Jiang Lan had never seen the nether creature, but did not intend to let the other party over.

He came to the ancient well, stretched out his hand, and then slowly pressed it down.

The power appeared in his hands and began to spread around, as if forcing the entire ancient well.

Yes, Jiang Lan will use the power of the Nine Tribulations to defeat the ancient well.

The power of the nine oxen surging, the power of the nine calamities is full.

The catastrophe came on the ancient well, and destructive forces began to wreak havoc on the ancient well.

At this time, the breath of darkness overflowing, quickly protecting the ancient well.

The people inside want to preserve the ancient well.

Unfortunately, the people inside only overflowed with a trace of power, and couldn't stop Jiang Lan's Nine Tribulations at all.

As Jiang Lan pressed his palm, Gu Jing began to tremble.

Jiang Lan had planned to use his fist, but he found that Gujing was suitable for a little disintegration.

Unless he has stronger power, his cultivation base may be higher.

Just hit the ancient well with one punch.

No need to be so troublesome.

Sure enough, we should still strive to become stronger.


The ghostly breath is constantly breaking away, and the ancient well seems to have cracks.

The crimson pupil who occupied the ancient well blinked and frowned.

The ghostly breath began to gush again, but it was not the people inside that were breaking through the passage forcefully.

Instead, there was a voice:

"Human, do you know that the secrets of heaven are in chaos?"

"I don't know." Jiang Lan replied.

The other party is trying to persuade him, but he needs to delay some time.

A little longer will be enough.


The ghostly breath rioted, Jiang Lan frowned, and the power of the Nine Tribulations that belonged to him was shocked.

The channel has been opened, and it takes time and a price to crush it completely.

"Human, let me pass, let me stir in this turbid water.

Perhaps under the chaos, you will get a chance. "Netherworld breath came out again.

Jiang Lan didn't speak this time.

It speeds up the power of the Nine Tribulations, and it will be enough for a while.

Feeling the crimson pupil that the passage was about to disappear, a voice came out again:

"Human, heaven and earth will fall.

The chaos of the world is far beyond your cognition, there is no chance, not enough to survive.

Let me enter, you don't necessarily have the chance. "

Jiang Lan just listened to what the other party said, and never thought of answering it.

Although you know that your concentration is okay, what if you are moved?

Might as well destroy it.


At this moment, the ancient well was full of cracks and began to collapse.

The nether aura no longer overflowed.

"Under the general trend, manpower is out of reach.

Haha, human beings, don't you think that you can rely on your own strength to help the sky with your hands?

I am waiting for you, come to me. "

boom! ! !

Jiang Lan's power poured into the ancient well and crushed it with one hand.


The laughter that belonged to the entrance of Netherworld spread all the way to the distance, shocking people's hearts.

Jiang Lan didn't care.

Let's not talk about whether what the other party said is true.

As for heaven and earth will fall.

This is the matter of the entire Great Wilderness, and it has little to do with one of his little Kunlun disciples ~www.readwn.com~.

He just needs to work hard to become stronger and adapt a little bit.

As for finding each other...

Nether creature, really confident.

After handling the ancient well and making sure that there are no more problems, Jiang Lan planned to leave.

Go to the edge of the battlefield to experience it.

This is the task that came out.

Otherwise, it's hard to explain to the master.

Only when he was about to leave, he found someone approaching here.

Turning his head and looking over, it was the Eight Prince who had not recovered much from his injuries.

The other party seemed to have just arrived.

Glancing at the other party, Jiang Lan disappeared in place.

Ignore it.

Seeing the other party glancing over, Ao Man was so frightened that he did not move.

But he heard the laugh just now.

That voice gave him a weird feeling, as if a demons were breeding.

But that person left.

Let him breathe a sigh of relief.

He deliberately walked slowly along the way, so that the other party really wanted him, and he could show that he did not escape.

If not, when he walks over, the other party should also leave.

For the sake of explanation, he suppressed the recovery of the injury just to have an excuse.



Thinking of him like this, he planned to leave.

It was just that he was about to leave, suddenly he felt an invisible force drop from the sky.

The endless power is like the majestic sea surge, making it difficult for him to move.

Ao Man was horrified.

Which big man is here?

The breeze was blowing, and Ao Man saw that there was an extra middle-aged man in the place where the person stood before.

Cry blue dress.

The calm gaze seemed deep, he stood there, everything around him seemed to be frozen.

‘No. 9 Peak Master? ’


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