Mo Zhengdong sits on the top of the Ninth Peak.

  The sound of fighting came from outside Kunlun, and there are monsters and immortals who can fight against the wine in the sky.

   So it seems that the Yaozu's picture is not small.

   But he has no plans to go out.

  His duty is to guard the Ninth Peak's Nether Entrance and suppress any creatures who try to get out.

   Once a strong person walks out, it will bring huge losses to Kunlun.

   This is the duty of Peak Ninth, and it is also the duty of his peak owner.

   This time he focused his attention on the entrance of the netherworld, but suddenly, he felt the sudden eruption of the netherworld tends and stabilizes.

   seems normal, but in fact it is not the same as before.

   But in an instant, the figure belonging to Mo Zhengdong disappeared in place.

When    appeared again, he was at the entrance of Netherworld.

   He lowered his eyebrows and looked at the entrance of Netherworld, and then power began to pour in, trying to find out some reasons.

   Within a moment, he regained all his power.

   Then the whole person turned into a mist.

   disappeared on the spot.

   appeared again, mid-air on the unnamed mountain. When it appeared, a powerful force accompanies it to suppress one party.

   He fell from the air and stood in front of a broken well.

   He looked at Iguchi with a chill in his eyes.

   Someone dared to dig the entrance to the netherworld, and they were bold enough.

   People of the monster race, dare to think and dare to do.


  ‘Not long after the passage was opened, it was crushed directly. ’

   He glanced around, a mess, **** fog.

   But there are only these.

   There are no extra traces.

   can't know everything, it seems that the intervening person is a bit extraordinary.

  Mo Zhengdong put away the well, this is the only thing left.


   He turned his head and looked at Ao Man, who was unable to move.

   took a step towards the superimposed movement of the figure, but in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Ao Man.

   At this moment, Ao Man felt that the whole world was oppressing him. The man in front of him seemed to kill him without having to use his hands.

   Is this why he was warned before he came?

  Most people in Kunlun can provoke, but Jiufeng Peak Master can never provoke.

   Before he came, he specifically recognized the nine people.

   I thought he would not have any intersection with those people when he came to Kunlun.

   But who would have thought that in this situation, I would meet the peak master of the Ninth Peak.

   Obviously, he had discovered the monster clan.

   "What is the relationship between you and Ao Longyu?" Mo Zhengdong's voice came out.

   The voice is unusually calm.

   It's just that these words fell in Ao Man's ears like a thunder in the clear sky, and for a moment he felt that if he didn't answer well, then he would be treated differently.

   "She, she is me, my sister." Ao Man replied immediately.

   The relationship must be clearly stated. His future brother-in-law will belong to Ninth Peak.

   With his sister's relationship, he will be much safer.

   Sure enough, after he revealed his identity, all the coercion disappeared instantly.

  Mo Zhengdong looked at Ao Man coldly, born a fairy, very good.

   If it is an ordinary dragon, he will directly ask, but this...

not very convenient.

   After all, his disciple is the one who wants to marry the dragon princess.

   Being a master, how can you trouble the disciple?

   There is no way to teach Jiang Lan how to get along with the goddess. It is already his negligence as a master, and then target his brother, which will make the two of them separated.

   "What did you do and what did you see?" Mo Zhengdong asked.

   There is only one live mouth, so the other party should have found something.

   As for whether the dragons will destroy it, the possibility is extremely low.

   He has heard of the **** fog in the sky.

   should be the strong man hiding in Kunlun.

   Regaining freedom, Ao Man breathed a sigh of relief and survived.

   "Go back to senior." Ao Man respectfully said:

  "The junior fell here accidentally and started a fight with the monsters.

   Someone broke in at this time, and all the Yaozu was killed by him.

   There were two true immortals at the end, I don’t know if they were killed by him.

   When the junior came over, there was no one here. "

   Aoman didn't lie, what he said was true, but he didn't say that the red dragon was smashed with a punch.

   I can’t say everything, if it causes trouble for that senior, then...

   He can't afford to provoke either.

  He is the Eighth Prince of the Dragon Clan, he feels quite ordinary when he goes out.

   "Do you see his appearance clearly?" Mo Zhengdong asked.

   Aoman immediately shook his head:


   can't see the opponent's face at all.

  Mo Zhengdong glanced at each other, stretched out his hand and waved, the two disappeared in place.


   Jiang Lan, who had left, glanced back and looked at the mountain that he had left.

   That indescribable depression suddenly appeared on that mountain.

   "Master is here?"

   This is his first guess, that kind of depressed feeling, there must be a strong coming.

   While his master guards the Netherworld entrance, someone here tries to open the Netherworld temporary entrance, which will most likely attract his master's attention.

   "It seems that in the future about the entrance of the netherworld, we should be careful about it."

   It is one thing that the enemy is strong, and the main reason is that it is easy to attract the master.

   I don’t know how to respond at that time.

   didn't care, he speeded up his departure.

   Going to experience it.

   The edge of the battle is indeed an ice cicada forest.

When    came, he saw a small number of giant wolves and a large number of wood ape monsters with red eyes and madness.


   Many years ago, he killed a wolf here, and he also killed some people related to the Sirius tribe.

   I didn't expect that this time the main attack was actually these people.

   As for the wooden monkey monster, he has seen one. There are indeed many ice cicada forests.

   "Strengths are uneven, there is a golden core period and a soul period, but it is rare to return to the virtual."

   He glanced roughly, but he didn't find any immortals nearby.

   It seems that the fringe area is full of little troubles.

   As for the most central position, they are the two rays of light in the sky, and he has no way of knowing what the situation is.

   Jiang Lan removed a blind eye when he came over, and he was stared at by a giant wolf as soon as he appeared.


   There was a roar.

   The giant wolf rushed over directly.

   Yuanshen is complete.

   I don't know if it is the reason why he has been learning Dragon Language for a long time. He just seemed to understand the meaning of that howl.

   seems to be saying: Come on, there is a bully here.


  The giant wolf is very intelligent.

  , too, the one he killed at the beginning was not bad in intelligence.

   Jiang Lan held the sword in his hand, the sword turned, and the light appeared, and he stepped on seven steps, the sword intent was like rain and dew.

   Every drop of rain and dew has a sword intent that belongs to Jiang Lan, rain and dew are like water like a sword.

   When the giant wolf rushed over, Jiang Lan's sword waved first.

   Countless rain and dew drowned the wolf.


   A loud roar shook the four directions.

  As if the giant wolf wants to directly crush the opponent Yulu.

   Boom! !

  Strong impact.

   Countless rains and dews shattered directly, but the rains and dews were endless, coming one after another.

   And the wolf roars only once.

   At this moment, the rain and dew broke through the power of the giant wolf and rushed in.

   The giant wolf is fearless.

   The mere rain and dew could not bring him the slightest harm.

   But at the same time, a long sword appeared from the and hit its brow.

   The giant wolf was shocked, then took a step back, waved his claws, and wanted to kill the future directly.


   The sword suddenly retracted when it was about to be touched, and it appeared below it again.

   want to cut its neck.


   The giant wolf roars.

   Speed ​​up to fight the sword.

   At this moment, the sword light flickered, and Jiang Lan's figure appeared and disappeared around the giant wolf.

   After a short while, Jiang Lan's figure appeared in front of the giant wolf.

   After confirming carefully, he turned and left with the sword.

The giant wolf behind    looked at Jiang Lan, who was leaving, and wanted to tear it up in the past, but it knew it was impossible.


   It is dead.

   At this moment, in the unwilling gaze of the giant wolf, numerous cracks appeared in its body.

After    the flesh and blood began to fall.


   Jiang Lan left, and the giant wolf fell to the ground.

   There is a fatal wound on the center of the eyebrow.



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