The next day.

   Jiang Lan came to the top of the Ninth Peak and found Master.

   "Go to the Eighth Peak to find the Demon Dragon?" Mo Zhengdong was a little surprised.

   This is to hone the Dragon Slashing Sword.

   "Yes." Jiang Lan nodded gently.

   He practiced alone, he must be inferior to the training of an opponent.

   "Go, say hello to the teacher." Mo Zhengdong no longer asked.

   There is no difficulty in this matter.

   They have to give way when it is difficult. Whether Jiang Lan can win the game is not a small matter.

   Although no one is optimistic about it, but...

  What if?

   said "Thank you Master", Jiang Lan went directly to the Eighth Peak.

   a moment.

   He arrived in front of Demon Dragon Lake, but did not see Master Eighth Peak.

   I saw Senior Brother Lu Jian who came over.

   "I have seen my brother." Jiang Lan bowed his head slightly and bowed the meeting ceremony.

   dressed in white on the road, with a gentle smile on his face:

   "Master is not here, I will take my younger brother over."

   Really immortal, so strong.

   Jiang Lan couldn't see clearly before, but now he sees it clearly and feels surprised.

   It turns out that Senior Brother Lujian is not an ordinary immortal, but a true immortal who has already passed the human immortal ridge.

   No wonder I was able to follow Master Eighth Peak to challenge the Celestial Race.

   "Junior is preparing for the challenge one month from now?" asked quietly on the road.

   "Well, I want to try my best." Jiang Lan replied.

   Looking at Jiang Lan from the road, he stopped asking these questions, but took Jiang Lan to the lake and said:

   "Is it here or into the lake?"

   "Can you enter the lake?" Jiang Lan asked.

   I have never seen anyone enter the lake to practice before.

   Except for the previous challenge to the monster dragon, the others are all by the lake.

   "Master, isn't this here?" There was a pause in the road, thinking that the younger brother might be a more rigorous person, so he added:

   "The success or failure of each peak is the face of Kunlun, so the participants in the war have more or less privileges they did not have in the past.

   Junior brother, don’t care. "

   Jianglan naturally understands the meaning of the road.

   Uncle Eighth Peak is absent, so nobody cares.

   As for what I said later, I actually changed the concept. The Dragon Clan came for the goddess, and the victory or defeat of his disciple of the Ninth Peak had a greater impact.

   Brother just didn't want to highlight this point, so he used each peak.

   "Thank you, brother." Jiang Lan bowed his head and thanked him.

   Then he walked towards the middle of the lake.

When    came to the center of the lake, he closed his eyes and tried to find the existence of the demon dragon.

   However, when he came, Yaolong found him.

   The breath of the demon dragon rushed directly to Jiang Lan.


  Zhanlong's true meaning also entered the lake.

   At this moment, the originally calm lake suddenly began to roll.

  The lake water began to form a whirlpool.

   And the center of the whirlpool is Jiang Lan's feet.

   "Tsk, the movement is a bit big."

   Looking at Jiang Lan floating on the lake, watching the huge whirlpool appear under his feet, watching the monster dragon figure in the whirlpool, watching the contest between the two sides, he feels a little guilty.

   If the master comes back, it will be finished.

   Forget it, go to the second peak to avoid the wind.

   The people around are naturally also affected.

   They were a little surprised, especially when the calm lake became so chaotic. If the master knew about this, they would have to face the wall.

  Who is so bold?

   "This lake is the land of Master's enlightenment. Who is so bold to stir the lake into this way?"

   "Seniors of all levels dare not, even Lujian, who is most valued by the master, dare not."

   "Look at the center of the lake, isn't this Junior Brother Ninth Peak?"

   "This is the Ninth Peak coming to provoke Master? The two peaks are about to go to war?"

   "Really? When do you fight?"

   eager to try one by one.

   "The Ninth Peak is a junior, what do you fight? I hope that Master can turn his face with Uncle First Peak."

   Jiang Lan had never heard of these remarks, and did not know that the impact of entering the lake was so great.

   At this time, he was once again immersed in the fight against the demon dragon.

   They didn't actually fight, it was a collision between minds.

   The demon dragon is naturally severely restricted, otherwise Jiang Lan may have been defeated.

   Jianglan stood on the lake, with the figure of a demon dragon in the huge vortex.

   Demon dragon breath, Dragon Slashing really intends to keep colliding.

   never stopped.

   They just confronted each other.

  Time is like wind.

   quickly passed away.

   A month later, Jiang Lan slowly opened his eyes.

   He was still standing on the lake, the vortex under his feet was still there, and he could still see the angry demon dragon.

   At this moment, Jiang Lan felt that he had a strong true meaning in cutting the dragon in his hand.

   But again, it feels no different from before.

   This change is incomprehensible, but what is certain is that he has gained a lot this month.

  He put his hand down, looked at the monster dragon at the bottom of the lake, and looked at the surrounding lake water, suddenly he had a feeling for some reason.

   It seemed that the changes of heaven and earth appeared in his eyes.

   is a little clear and fuzzy, but my mind is very clear.

  Blessed to the soul.

   At this moment, he closed his eyes.

   began to feel around.

   He could hear the surrounding changes, the demon dragon hid under the lake, and the water gradually subsided.

  With a gentle feeling, the world seems to be in my heart.

   Jiang Lan had a feeling at this moment, he knocked on the door of enlightenment.



   Jiu Zhongtian was a little surprised.

   At this time, Jiu Zhongtian was sitting in the pavilion, and standing behind him in the road.

  "Master, although the cultivation talent of Junior Brother Ninth Peak is not good, it is not bad at all in other aspects, and even a little dazzling.

   The true meaning of cutting the dragon is the meaning of sword.

   Among the same age, there are not many people in the eighth peak that can compare with the younger brother. "Lu Jian said softly.

   Jiu Zhongtian drank a sigh of relief, and said calmly:

   "There will be no less punishment than you, and it is useless to say more."

   There was no word between the roads.

   It will be difficult when the challenge is over.

   Junior Brother Ninth Peak made too much movement and didn't understand what he meant.

   Master is not here, so the smaller the movement, the better.


   early in the morning.

   There was a figure on the empty lake. He was standing on the lake and nothing disturbed him.

   The breeze blew his face, blowing the corners of his clothes and the ends of his hair.

   This is naturally Jiang Lan in an epiphany.

   At this time, the breath of enlightenment in his body began to fade, his calm eyes slowly opened, and his aim was the glimmering sky.

   The sun has not risen yet.

   "When is it?"

   This is the question in Jiang Lan's mind.

   When he woke up last time, he knew that a month had At that time, he cared about time, but then he fell into an epiphany, that was the state of selflessness.

   can't estimate the time.

   He doesn't know how long it has passed.

   But thankfully, he is beginning to understand the way.

   There are traces of Tao in his heart. To achieve something, it takes a long time to understand.

   But with the beginning, the follow-up will be much easier.

   "It seems that after a while, I have to let the surface cultivation base try to promote the soul."

   Many people must have seen this epiphany.

   His cultivation level can't stay still.


   Jianglan came to the lake, and there were no people around.

   is not normal.

   Normally, there are people practicing here all night, but no one has been seen today.

   didn't care about this, he looked into the pavilion.

   I want to see if Master Ninth Peak is there.

   just looked over and saw a blue-clothed girl sleeping on the table.

   Jiang Lan walked over.

   From the side, it is light rain.



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