My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 218: Junior Brother, do you want to try to get smaller?

   Xiao Yu is sleeping.

   Jianglan see you for the first time.

   He sat opposite Xiao Yu, watching quietly, making no sound or doing anything.

   The morning glow may be magnificent or dazzling.

   But Jiang Lan never went to watch, maybe Xiao Yu is a bit better than these things.

   Or maybe it is quite rare for Xiao Yu to sleep. He never looked away because of curiosity.

   Jiang Lan frowned when he saw Xiao Yu.

   "I'm going to wake up."

   Jiang Lan muttered to herself without looking back.

   is waiting for Xiao Yu to wake up.


   Xiao Yu frowned and slowly opened his eyes.

  'S eyes were a little confused, but the first time he noticed someone on the opposite side.

   She raised her head slightly, leaned her chin on her arm, and looked at the person opposite.

   This person is naturally Jiang Lan.

   She is very familiar with Jiang Lan's taste and breath.

   probably just didn't smell the unfamiliar breath, and didn't wake up for the first time.

   "Senior Sister is awake?" Jiang Lan's voice came over.

   Smooth and soft.

   will not disturb the person who just woke up.

   "Junior Brother." There was a trace of confusion in Xiao Yu's eyes:

   "You lied to me, you didn't keep your word."

   There was a trace of anger in Xiao Yu's tone, and she looked a little unhappy.

   But it was very light, and it seemed to be a joke.

   Hearing this, Jiang Lan was a bit wrong:

   "Not keeping promises?"

   "You forgot all about it." Xiao Yu looked depressed.

   Jianglan: "......"

   was silent for a moment before he spoke:

   "Because of the Yaochi soil?"

   He did say that, check it out in a few days.


   really failed to do it.

   I felt a little lost when I heard this light rain:

   "My flowers withered again. They persisted for seven days. If the younger brother has gone, they can persist for eight days."

   "Yes, is there a difference?" Jiang Lan asked.

   "Yes." Xiao Yu stood up, then looked at Jiang Lan and said:

   "They can know, we worked hard."

   Sister's sensibility is wrong.

   But Jiang Lan didn't say anything. He might retreat in the future, so he has to talk to Xiao Yu.

   Maybe Xiao Yu was waiting for him in those few days.

   Finally, I didn’t wait.



   Xiao Yu tilted her head and looked at Jiang Lan curiously, not understanding what Jiang Lan was going to say.

   After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Lan just said:

   "I didn't miss the appointment on purpose."

   Xiao Yu was startled, watching Jiang Lan smile like a flower:

"I know."

   Xiao Yu, who had stood up, sat down again.

   At this time Jiang Lan spoke again:

   "Sister Sister knows it’s time for the challenge?"

   just woke up, he didn't know the exact time.


   Xiaoyu stood up again, she seemed to remember this:

   "Forgot to say, I have reached the eighth peak today, and tomorrow is the day to challenge the younger brother."

   Jianglan: "......"

   These words reminded him of the words that Senior Uncle Miaoyue of Fifth Peak said to Senior Brother Lujian many years ago.

   said that tomorrow is his engagement day.

   is one day away.

   Every time he wakes up, the timing is a bit coincidental.

   No one is cultivating on the Eighth Peak today, it turned out to be because of this.

   "Senior brother, hurry up, they made an appointment very early, and they may have started fighting by this time." Xiao Yu said anxiously.

   Jianglan missed the first seven games. If he didn't see this one, then he had never seen a battle of immortals.

   Of course, she recorded it.


   "I lost the first peak?"

   On the way, Jiang Lan roughly understood the situation of the previous few days.

   The first Feng Lin An took up the first battle, but he was defeated.

   The second peak of the North served as the second battle and won by a narrow margin.

   The third peak Hong Luan was appointed to the third battle, but he was defeated.

   Fourth Peak...

   "Well, the first peak lost, and the opponent sent a very strong dragon." Xiao Yu continued:

  "There are currently seven games, four defeats and three victories.

   Brother Lujian won four wins and four losses.

   Tomorrow is the most important battle. "

   The voice fell, Xiao Yu turned his head and looked at Jiang Lan, to see if Jiang Lan was nervous.

   But she didn't see anything.

   The younger brother is as calm as ever, and there is no obvious emotion on the face.

   For so many years, almost always like this.

   "Junior, won't you be happy?" Xiao Yu asked slightly.

   Jianglan: "......"

   The topic skipped.

   "Why did the senior sister say this?" Seeing the number of people in front of him began to increase, Jiang Lan knew that it was time to arrive.

   But Xiao Yu is sixteen years old, so no one will pay attention.

   Although pure and beautiful, but not as dazzling as in normal conditions.

   Pure and beautiful, uncommon in Kunlun, even very common.

   And Jiang Lan is just one of the ordinary disciples, and there is no such dazzling brilliance.

   So the two were walking on the road, and no one paid attention.

   "I have known my junior brother for two hundred and fifty years, and I rarely see him smiling happily." Xiao Yu thought for a while, and then tried:

   "Senior brother, want to try to stay small?"

   Jianglan: "......"

   Not everyone can get smaller.

   "Here, let's see what's going on first." Jiang Lan skipped the topic of Xiao Yu.

   But if a tie is reached in the end, he will indeed be under a lot of pressure in the final battle.

  The pressure is small.

   Mainly the attention will be much higher.

   But Kunlun, no one should hope to lose on the road.

   Furthermore, the possibility of losing between roads is not high.

   Kunlun has a kind of latent perception, the first peak and the eighth peak are the strongest.

   is the strongest in combat power.

   So he was a little surprised when he lost the first peak.

   It seems that the dragon clan also knows that, with the strongest player, against the two strongest Kunlun peaks.

   Now that the first peak is defeated, the eighth peak should not be easy.

   The eighth peak is between the roads, you don’t need to ask everyone to know.

   Lu Jian is the strongest disciple of the Eighth Peak, but he is definitely the best and most favored disciple of the Eighth Peak.

   Lujian was at the center of the Eighth Peak Square at this time, and there were countless disciples watching around.

  There are swords in the sky, some standing on the edge, and even standing on the jungle.

   Jianglan and Xiao Yu are standing on the edge, surrounded by disciples with relatively low cultivation bases.

   is probably the beginning of the past few decades.

   "Senior Lujian's opponent seems to be Dragon Girl."

   A sudden voice came over.

   Jiang Lan looked over and found that it was really a female dragon.

   is a beautiful woman wearing blue soft armor, holding a spear, and a pair of dragon horns on her long hair.

   Heroic and heroic.

   True celestial consummation, suppressed in the middle of true celestial.

   Senior Brother Lujian is currently in the middle stage of real immortal cultivation.

  It will take some time to be promoted to the

   But the opponent is suppressing the cultivation base, which means that it has an advantage. No wonder the first summit loses.

   is roughly the same way.

   Is there no stronger disciple in Kunlun?

   is definitely there, but they are all for the current better disciples to challenge.

   "Senior Sister knows that dragon girl?" Jiang Lan asked Xiao Yu again.

   Xiaoyu shook his head:

   "I don't know, the younger generation who came this time knew Ba Taizi.

   I just met. "

   That's her brother, so I don't want to know him.

   And everyone else, she knows Ao Ye.

   I come to Kunlun most often, and I see more often, and I have said a few words more or less.

   "It's about to start, I wonder if Senior Brother Dao Jian can win."

  I am concerned about this one by one.

   No one went to look at Dragon Girl.

   The strength of the dragon clan, they can see it after watching it for seven days.

   After all, few people knew who suppressed the cultivation base.



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