At the beginning of the challenge, the road moved.

   There is no plan to let the other party shoot first.

   Sword intent began to spread.

   The power that belongs to the true immortal, burst out like a flood, to submerge the opponent and tear it apart.

   Jiang Lan frowned, and suddenly remembered that the real celestial encounters are infinitely powerful.

   These people are standing here, isn’t that going to die?

   Boom! ! !

   A powerful force hits, roars, and the aftermath spreads.


   Power swept all directions directly.

   Jiang Lan watched the aftermath come, there is no protection, no formation barrier, these people are not worried?

   Then he saw a true fairy sitting in the forefront of Consummation.

   He probably knows it.


   Sure enough, when the aftermath came, he was blocked by the true fairy.

   "Tianjiao of the Eighth Peak is nothing but that."

Ao Lin's disdainful voice came from inside   .


   There was a dragon chant, and a dragon shadow appeared around Aolin, directly smashing the sword attack between the roads.

   is very handsome with every move between the roads, the attack itself is also bitter, but it is a bit weak in the face of Ao Lin.

  "Ao Lin is also very strong in the dragon clan. Although he is not a natural fairy, his fighting talent is stronger than that of the natural fairy.

  The Dragon Clan values ​​the Eighth Peak very much, and dispatched the one with the highest combat talent among them, and the cultivation base is still overwhelming the senior brother in the road. "Xiao Yu explained on the side.

   Jiang Lan turned his head to look at Xiao Yu, somewhat puzzled.

   Xiaoyu talked about the dragon clan in his mouth, which made people feel like a human being talking about it.

   "Speaking of my clan, Junior Brother should dislike me." Xiao Yu stared Jiang Lan.

can you?

   Jiang Lan asked himself.

   From beginning to end, he never felt that Xiao Yu hated him.

   "Junior, do you think the eighth summit will win?" Xiao Yu asked.

   At this time, the sword light spreads between the roads, the sword intent is surging, and there is the potential to cut the enemy.

   Ao Lin's dragon shadow is close to his body, and the sea is boundless, drowning all sword light and sword intent.

   is unstoppable.

  Looking like this, the road is at a disadvantage.

   "Will win, if there is no clumsy on the other side." Jiang Lan said.

   Just then, a fairy came over and heard Jiang Lan's voice.

   then came to Jiang Lan and smiled:

   "Brother, you also support Senior Brother Lujian? Which peak is Senior Brother from?"

   Jiang Lan was quite surprised by the fairy who appeared suddenly.

   is a younger sister in the foundation period.

   I don't know which peak it is.

   It's just that the opponent is a little closer, and the power of nine cows is always ready.

   This is an instinctive defense against strangers.

   But the face is calm, just when he wants to answer.

   Xiao Yu came to him, then gently pushed him to the side, and stood in front of the fairy:

   "If you have any questions, you can ask me."

   Xiao Yu put away his smile, returning to a normal state of calm and indifference.

   The little fairy who just spoke with was startled. She thought that everyone liked Brother Lujian and would have a common topic.

   I did not expect to be hostile.

   She can clearly feel the hostility of the other party.

   "Yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

   said the little fairy immediately turned and left.

   "Okay." Xiao Yu watched Jiang Lan return to a relaxed state:

   "You can talk about why Lujian Brother Lujian wins, I feel Lujian is at a disadvantage."

   Jiang Lan looked at Xiao Yu, feeling very strange.

Although    is just a small movement, it always has a strange meaning.

   He didn't think much, but looked at the square again.

   Brother Lujian is losing ground.

   "Brother Lu Jian hasn't really taken a shot yet." Jiang Lan looked at Lu Jian and said seriously:

  "Senior brother's sword is very stable and free, but it is a kind of restraint.

   The sword intent is not smooth.

   The legend that Senior Brother Lujian can become the eighth peak certainly does not have such a low-level shortcoming. "

   Xiao Yu took a closer look, because she was often in touch with the true meaning of Dragon Slashing, and she had a little knowledge of sword intent.

   At this time, she also discovered that Senior Brother Lu Jian's sword intent was not right.

   "Junior Brother's eyes are so harsh?" Xiao Yu turned his head and looked to Jiang Lan.

   "Maybe this is involved." Jiang Lan explained.

   Dragon Slashing Sword is this kind of technique, which makes it easy to understand the meaning of the sword.

   On the Dragon Race side, he doesn't understand that much.

   "If there is only this, then the eighth peak today is also a loser."

   Aolin stood in the air, behind which the dragon ghost appeared.

  The attack rushed directly to the road.

   This is a powerful spell, a terrifying power that everyone can perceive.

   Brother Lu Jian is going to lose?

   This is the doubt in everyone's mind.

   But more people don't believe it. How could Senior Brother Lujian be so weak?

   It feels like it hasn't begun to shine.

   At this time, Long Ying was about to drown the road, but at the last moment, a heavy sigh was heard.

   "I didn't want to be like that."


   At this moment, a sword intent erupted from the road, and the sword directly swept across the sky. The dragon shadow that had attacked was slashed by a sword and split into two.

   turns into nothingness.

   At this time, the road went up against the light, directly facing Aolin.

   He is holding a long sword, and the sword intent explodes on him.

  As if he was a sword himself, he came with an attack.

   Aolin did not dare to underestimate, a dragon chant came out.

   directly half-dragon.

   At this moment, the road came, and he swung his sword down.

   Aolin never gave in, she did not defend and counterattack.


   With terrible power, her paws grabbed open the chest between the roads.

   This stunned her, because the other party had no defense at all.


   In an instant, she realized that her body had an extra sword light, and the sword was invading her body and destroying her physical body.


   There was a sharp pain and a roar.

   She chose to continue the attack.

   At this moment, neither side has defense nor any fancy spells.

   One uses a sword, the other uses real dragon claws.

   attacked one by one, and never stopped.

   The blood was spilled from high above and the square was stained red.

   Everyone was stunned. What happened?

   Jiang Lan was also shocked, what is this doing?

   However, he soon discovered that it was wrong, and the sword intent between the roads became more and more vigorous, and more and more bitter.

   And the dragon shadow around Aolin is getting weaker and weaker.

   At this time, Aolin became more and more frightened, and she began to feel fear in her heart.

   There was madness and smile in the opponent's eyes.

   As if this was the battle he wanted.

   And the opponent is getting stronger and stronger, the injury is not enough to weaken him.

   This is the beast.

   But at the moment when she retreated in her heart, the sword came on her head.

   Aolin was shocked and couldn't escape.


   sword light appeared high in the sky.

   is a bit harsh.

   Everyone didn’t know what happened under the light.

   After a while, they saw it.

   There was an extra person in the sky.

   is Aoli.

   He stood in front of the and blocked the sword that could severely damage Aolin.

   "Swordsmanship." Ao Li looked at the road with some surprise, and said calmly:

   "Our dragons lost this battle."

   Then he took Aolin and left.

   Watching them leave on the road, he didn't care, but lowered his eyebrows to look at his injuries and felt that they were not heavy enough.


   Seeing this, Jiang Lan and Xiao Yu turned around and left.

   "It's Junior Brother's turn tomorrow, is Junior Brother nervous?"

   Xiaoyu on the road asked Jiang Lan.

   "There are some." Jiang Lan replied softly.

   There are indeed some. In the event of a tie, many people will pay attention to him.

   "Lost, Ninth Peak is definitely not an opponent of the Dragon Race."

   "Yes, Junior Brother Ninth Peak is only in the late stage of the Yuanshen, what do you use to fight the innate fairy?

   I won’t watch it tomorrow. "

   "I didn't watch it either."

   Sudden voice reached Jiang Lan's ears.


   does not seem to have too many people's attention.



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