Back to the Ninth Peak, Jiang Lan poured a lotion on the plant eggs.

   You Yehua looks okay in her state.

   is that vegetable eggs look uncomfortable.

   The white eggshells started to turn black, probably because of food poisoning.

   The breath of life is fairly stable.

   After pouring some antidote, Jiang Lan didn't care.

   These years, vegetable eggs will also get sick, and it is not uncommon for eggshells to turn black.

  As a plant, plant eggs are more diseased than Youyehua.

   But it’s more worry-free than You Yehua.

   The antidote is particularly effective.

   You Yehua withered, it takes a lot of time to recover.

  Recovery is also the day of sluggishness and lack of energy.

  How to take care of them is the same. It stands to reason that they should nurture aura and thrive.

   It's a pity that he has always been on the verge of life and death.

   I don't know how many years they can last.

   Jiang Lan felt that as long as it was not a natural disaster, he should see them off.

   Then Jiang Lan sat aside, calming his heart.

   just sat down, Xiao Yu sat directly opposite him:

   "Junior Brother, you said that if I stay at the Ninth Peak at night, will there be a demon?"

   Xiaoyu and Jiang Lan returned to the Ninth Peak, but did not return to Yaochi.

can you?

   Not theoretically.

   After a moment of silence, Jiang Lan thought of something and said:

   "Sister, wait for me."

   Seeing Jiang Lan get up, Xiao Yu was a little puzzled.

   But she was not in a hurry, she just nodded and watched to see what the younger brother was going to do.

   After a while.

   She saw Jiang Lan getting some runes that she looked jerky around the yard, which had something to do with the formation.

   But I have no idea what kind of formation it is.

   Jianglan spent some time building a temporary framework.

   The project is relatively large, but it was simplified by him, otherwise it would not be possible to build it in three days.

   That afternoon.

   Some layouts were successfully completed.

   Jiang Lan got up and looked at Xiao Yu, who also looked at him with his eyes wide open.

   as if the eyes never left.

   "Senior sister has been watching?" Jiang Lan asked curiously.

   "It feels like the time seems to be faster depending on the younger brother's work." Xiao Yu said softly.

   Jiang Lan was startled, is that so? .

   He didn't ask much, but sat back opposite Xiao Yu:

   "Sister close your eyes."

   Seeing Xiao Yu’s eyes suddenly widened, Jiang Lan was a little surprised. Sister Sister might have been worrying too much, and then added:

   "Come down and feel the yard."

   Hearing this light rain, he realized it, lowered his head a little shyly, and then closed his eyes.

   In a moment, she saw the yard.

   It's just that the yard is relatively empty, which is a little different from the real yard.

   Xin Shen Yard.

   "Sister, did you see it?" Jiang Lan's voice sounded high above the yard.

   Xiaoyu knew that Jiang Lan was talking to her.

   then came to wake up, she was a little unbelievable:

   "Is that the Xinshen Inn?"

   "Yeah." Jiang Lan nodded slightly:

   "It was built in recent years, but it's still a little bit worse, so there have always been only some frameworks."

   Xiao Yu pointed at herself with her slender white fingers, and said:

   "Is it for me?"

   She once asked Xinshen Inn, but Jiang Lan didn't know at that time.

   After so many years, the younger brother should never become a meeting.

After   , she thought of Jinghua Shuiyue.

   The book was also requested by the innkeeper after she had mentioned the Xinshen Inn.

   Xiaoyu wonders if she thinks too much.

   But just want to ask.

   She looked at Jiang Lan, as if waiting for an answer.

   The answer did not disappoint her.

   Jiang Lan nodded slightly with a "hmm".

   Xiaoyu smiled, just wanting to smile.

   Here at Junior Brother, she laughs a lot.

   "Senior sister can use the Xinshen Yard to check if she has any demons." Jiang Lan said.

   He had planned to let Xiao Yu play.

   can now be used to detect inner demons.

  "Will the younger brother take a rest tonight, or continue to practice?

   If I want to practice, I won’t bother my juniors, and I will study the Xinshen Courtyard. "Xiao Yu seems to want to play in Xinshen Yard now.

   has a completely different mentality from Xinshen Inn.

   Maybe the yard was for her.

   shook his head, Jiang Lan began to calm down, he must face tomorrow's challenge, naturally he needs to use the best state.

   Xiao Yu is here, and I probably care about tomorrow's battle.



   Ao Man followed behind Ao Ye.

   They are heading outside Kunlun.

   "Really not going to have a drink? I ordered a good drink and bought some food." Ao Ye looked at Ao Man and said.

   Good things, he knows how to share.

   Hearing these words, Ao Man rolled his eyes and looked at Ao Ye.

   He figured it out. Every time Ao Ye drinks, he makes troubles and fights with people every time.

   This is a person without alcohol.

   Drinking with him is a small shame.

   You may lose your life if you are not careful.

   He is not strong enough to drink this wine, and if he is going to fight his future brother-in-law tomorrow, he can't drink and misbehave.

   Although the peak owner of the Ninth Peak still keeps his hands on him because of his future brother-in-law's face, this challenge is of great importance.

   He will keep his hands, but he will never lose.

   After all, it is about the entire dragon clan, and it is not for him to be willful.

   Being the innate fairy spirit of the dragon clan, he can't afford to lose his whole face.

   was defeated by a human race in the later stage of the soul, that is simply an unwashable shame.

  The other dragons may not care, but he is different. He is the eighth prince of the dragon clan.

   Born to be a fairy, is the hope for the future of the dragon clan.

How can    lose?

How can    lose?

   Saying goodbye to Ao Ye, Ao Man knew that he hadn't seen Uncle Ao Ye in the past few days.

   I hope people are okay.

   He came all the way to the woods under the Ninth Peak.

   did not go up, but stood below, waiting for dark, and then for dawn.

   will be on the ninth peak and challenge the future brother-in-law.

   He also wanted to see the legendary dragon sword.

   The only thing that future brother-in-law can rely on is this.

   "Tomorrow, don't deceive him, don't insult him, be fair, and win him."

   This is the belief of Ao Man.

   Such a side is worthy of everyone, not to offend Kunlun, but also to explain to the clan.

   Sister, it's also an explanation.

   As for the follow-up influence, it is not for them like juniors to participate.

   Renxian Consummation is to bully people in the later stage of Yuanshen, but there is no way.

   Jiang Lan was too weak, but broke into their field of vision.

   Otherwise, I should still be under the immortal.


   early morning.

  Rain and dew condensation. UU reading

   Jiang Lan opened his eyes.

   Xiaoyu also retreated from the Xinshen courtyard.

   "Junior Brother is ready?" Xiao Yu asked.

   Last night, she gave Jiang Lan all the seven battles she recorded.

   So that Jiang Lan has a preparation.

   "Well, now I want to clean the square.

   Waiting for the arrival of the Eight Princes. Jiang Lan stood up and said softly.

   "I will help the younger brother to clean together." Xiao Yu followed and stood up.

   Then they went to Ninth Peak Square one after another.

   Jiang Lan once repaired the Ninth Peak Square, and added many formations.

   This time the Yuanshen late game will not be damaged.

   Before dawn, Xiao Yu and Jiang Lan took brooms to clean the fallen leaves.

   Xiao Yu looked at Jiang Lan, not hurriedly or slowly, as if it was just an ordinary day, ordinary cleaning.

   She didn't say much, just accompany Jiang Lan to clean together.

   "Sister, I swept over there, don't swipe over."

   "Huh? Oh!"



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