My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 221: The number of spectators surpassed the 8th peak

   "Is the younger brother confident?"

   When the cleaning was almost over, Xiao Yu asked.

   She asked, and after asking a lot, she wanted to ask this.

   kept asking, because he was worried that Jiang Lan would be hurt.

   After all, the opponent is a perfect human being, and the strength gap is somewhat difficult to bridge.

"Do your best."

   Jiang Lan replied.

   "Junior brother has done this every time." Xiao Yu leaned his chin on the broomstick and pouted:

   "Each answer is ambiguous."

   "No confidence." Jiang Lan replied again.

   He didn't want to say that, but they have a marriage contract, and the relationship is different after all.

   It’s okay to be honest about something.

   did not have the confidence, thinking that people and immortals consummate the cultivation base, even with the same level of power, there is a world of difference between the two sides.

  His true cultivation base was in the early stage of true immortality, but he could not show the strength that surpassed the original spirit.

   Except for himself, no one knows what realm he is under the fog.

   "Junior Brother." Xiao Yu called out Jiang Lan and said:

   "No matter what, I will stand on the side of Junior Brother."

   Jiang Lan looked at Xiao Yu and said softly:

   "Thank you, Sister."

   Xiaoyu made a grimace at Jiang Lan, and then he spoke a little bit of dissatisfaction:

   "If the younger brother is so polite, there will be more thank you in the future.

   Remember to thank you.

   It's going to dawn, I have to stand aside. "

   After talking about Xiao Yu, regardless of Jiang Lan, he ran to the side.

   found a more suitable position and started to become an audience.

   Seeing the light rain to the side, Jiang Lan no longer thinks about it, waiting for the finishing touches to be done.

   He stood in the center, waiting for the arrival of the Eight Princes.

   There should not be many people who came to watch the game today. Yesterday he heard many people say that they already knew the answer.

   didn't plan to come to watch the game.

   It will indeed be the case, the soul is against the immortal, even if the cultivation base is suppressed, there is no chance of winning.

   Within reason.

  The magnificent morning glow appeared from the horizon, and a ray of sunlight fell on the ninth peak, driving away the remaining blackness of the night.

   At this time, Jiang Lan could notice that many people were coming to the Ninth Peak Square.

   The rising sun.

   When a round of red sun jumped out of the mountains, the Ninth Peak Square was already occupied by a large number of Kunlun disciples.

   is no less than the eighth peak yesterday.

  The number of people is even increasing.

   Although Jiang Lan won’t be surprised, but...

   is different from what I know. When I left yesterday, I ran into ten people. Eight of them didn't look at it, one said they wanted to see it, and the last one replied.

   can be such a scene, something is wrong.

   As time passed, there began to be a large number of people paying attention to the sword at high altitude.

   There are people occupying high positions in the jungle.

  The number of people surpassed yesterday's eighth peak, a battle between the roads.

   "Why are you here? Didn't you say not to watch yesterday?"

   "Then why are you here? Why do you still say that you will lose it."

   "What if it turns over? I'm not new here. The Ninth Peak has made it back before. I regretted how long I missed it last time. I hope you don't come this time."

   There are more people, how do you reflect the importance of watching the turnaround?



   "You are still a brother at the expense of you."

   Someone spurned around.

   "I feel like I am going to lose, but I still have to come and see if I think about it. Even if I want to lose, I have to see how I lost.

   As long as it is not ugly to lose, it actually wins. "

  "The cultivation base of Junior Brother Ninth Peak relies on resources, although he is still in the ranks of geniuses.

   But it is very reluctant.

   So it might be ugly to lose.

   If you can't lose within ten strokes, that's pretty awesome. "

  "Also, it is said that the Celestial Clan chose Senior Brother Nine Peak to be good at the comeback.

   Not this time.

   There was a real fight, without any fluke. "

On the side of   , Zhou Shuluqian, Jin Yu and Zheng Xi all came.

   "He really is Senior Brother Ninth Peak?" Lu Qian was a little unbelievable.

   They are still rewarding each other, this...

   If the other party wants to care about it, they can't afford it.

   "Understood? If people wanted to care about us at the beginning, we might be gone." Zhou Shu said.

   Luqian dared not speak for a while.

   Was that little girl also dangerous before that?

   They also went to the inn recently, and they met another girl.

   At that time, she said more and felt the boundless horror.

   Only now did she know that there was no weak person standing in that position.

   The status is absolutely outrageous.

   "You remember to converge a little later." Zhou Shu said.

   "You are." Lu Qian snorted coldly.

Zheng Xi and Jin Yu on the side of    didn't understand these two people, but they were very curious whether Senior Brother Jiufeng would win.

   should be impossible.

   Shocked the court. At this time, the sword was in the air.

   The second peak, Mu Xiu, the third peak, Lin Siya, and the others were also in mid-air.

   "Do you think Junior Brother Ninth Peak can win?" Mu Xiu asked.

   "Don't say the immortal, the opponent is still a dragon, and humans of the same level cannot be matched by the strength of the flesh." Lin Siya shook her head.

   She is more familiar with Sister Ao and understands the terrible dragon clan.

   It is difficult to win the dragon clan at the same level.

   Only a small number of people have this kind of strength, such as the eighth peak Lujian brother.

   Brother Lujian feels...somewhat abnormal.

   "I think there is a certain chance of winning." Jingting said different opinions.

   This surprised Mu Xiu and the others.

   "I have a basis." Jingting thought for a while and said, "I'll ask you a small question. Did you fight with the same rank of Sirius last month?"

   "I've fought one, it's a bit difficult to win." Mu Xiu said.

   "I also played against each other, it will take some time." Lin Siya thought about it and gave the same answer.

   "What if you step up?" Jingting asked again.

   Lin Siya and Mu Xiu thought about it, but in the end they both shook their heads.


   can't win.

   Those Sirius are not of the same rank as ordinary ones, they are stronger than the ordinary ones of the same rank.

   "I have seen it with my own eyes. At that time, the Junior Brother used the Yuanshen late stage to kill the Yuanshen Consummation in one breath.

   turned and left without injury.

   Junior Brother is different from the rumors. "Jing Ting whispered.

   The two are a little surprised, the more they can easily kill?

   It feels impossible.

   Their three talents are not the peak, but they are definitely in the first gear.

   Lin Siya was indeed surprised, but she was looking around to see where the senior sister was.

   Sister Sister is not in Yaochi, that's for sure.

   She is very curious about where the senior sister and junior brother Ninth Peak have developed.

   have been engaged for dozens of hundreds of At this time, it is higher and farther away. Lu Jian and others are standing here.

   They can clearly see Jiang Lan in the middle of the square.

   "Do you think it is possible for Junior Brother Ninth Peak to win?" First Peak Lin An asked.

   "I asked, the eight princes of the Dragon Clan have a perfect cultivation base and are born with celestial spirits.

  He is the card face of the dragons these years.

   We don’t ask if there is any possibility of winning for the Ninth Peak Junior Brother, we just ask if it’s possible for a dragon like this to lose? "Second Feng Hong Luan asked.

   "Compared to you, I know more about it.

   If this natural fairy is from another race, I also think Junior Brother Ninth Peak has no chance of winning.

   But the dragon.

   Then there is some chance of winning. "Lu Jian said softly.

   Some people around did not speak.

   Hong Luan, they didn't say much.

   Seeing is believing.

   "Alright, the Eight Princes are in."

   Lin An saw the Eight Prince walking into the square step by step.

   is about to start.



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