Many people are staring, and many people think Jiang Lan is going to lose.

   Even a few peak owners didn't think Jiang Lan could win.

   depends on how long it can last.

   But at this moment, Jiang Lan moved.

   His sword moved with him, as if it had disappeared directly from everyone's eyes.

   Seeing Jiang Lan suddenly disappear, Ao Man was taken aback. The disappearance of the other party felt a little strange, as if it did not match the surrounding atmosphere.

   The follow-up of the opponent's move should not disappear suddenly.

   But soon he caught Jiang Lan's existence, and didn't dare to underestimate it, he gripped Fang Tianji and started attacking.

   It’s just that the opponent’s attack is faster.

   Jianguang appeared in front of him, and he could only defend with his hands.


   The sword light flashed, and Jiang Lan's figure disappeared again.

   Ao Man can still capture Jiang Lan's moves, behind.

   He waved Fang Tianji, going head-to-head with the opponent.


   The power flashed and disappeared, and the sword light was erratic.

   He failed to interrupt the opponent's attack again.

   Yes, the other side's attack is continuous, and we must find a way to break this attack.

   Otherwise, he will suffer.


   is too fast, it takes a breath of time.

   can stretch the distance and get back the initiative.

   still despise the other party, just for a moment, he should act faster.

   At this moment, everyone saw the light flickering, saw the power hit the square, and saw Ao Man resisting Jiang Lan's attack.

   For an instant, everyone was a little surprised, but the situation suddenly reversed?

   Ninth Peak has the upper hand?


   "Inverse Seven Stars." Above the Ninth Peak, Jiu Zhong Tian was drinking, but suddenly stopped.

   He thought Jiang Lan was about to lose, but he didn't expect the other party to use the inverse seven stars.

   This is not something you can learn with hard work.

  The understanding of swords, the understanding of swordsmanship.

   and often polished, one is indispensable.

   Jianglan actually knows it, and he doesn't feel jerky at all. This is what he has learned for a long time.

   is just such a trick that violates normal swordsmanship, so that it can be attacked by surprise.

   And the reverse seven-star sword is so fast that it is by no means comparable to the normal seven-star sword.

   As long as there is no block, then the winner will be directly divided.

   At this moment, Jiu Zhongtian suddenly had one, and Jiang Lan might be able to win.

  Don't say it's him, Ao Li's faces became more serious.

   The sudden change prevented them from speaking sarcasm.

  Wait for this wave to pass, he might say.

   But I don’t feel that way now.

  Mo Zhengdong and others did not speak either, waiting for the ending.

   See if Jiang Lan can have more possibilities.

   The sword light is like a rainbow, like thunder, like electricity, like interweaving gauze, covering it all.

   Ao Man is extremely fast, transforming into Thunder and Jiang Lan to deal with each other.

   He feels fast, the opponent's sword should stop, as long as one more sword is blocked.

"on the left."

   Ao Man felt that there was a sword on the side, and he waved Fang Tianji to block the final blow.

   Just when he just started to block the attack from the left, a figure appeared on his right.

   But the original sword power suddenly turned around and came to the side of the figure.


   The next moment the sword appeared directly on the edge of his neck, and the sword light ran across his neck.

   Ao Man's pupils shrank, and at this moment a life and death crisis appeared in his heart.

   The sword touched Ao Man's neck, Jiang Lan's figure passed by him, and the long sword swept across.

   One sword seals the throat.

   However, the sword blade passed, the sword that was originally submerged in flesh and blood was suddenly squeezed out again, and the light of fire appeared under the sword.

   It is the dragon scales appearing on Ao Man's neck.

   His neck is directly covered by dragon scales.

   Not only that, Ao Man's arms and profile are all covered by dragon scales.

   When the sword light passed, Ao Man did not stop, Fang Tianji waved, a round of wind and rain was awakened by him, and he hit Jiang Lan directly.


   Jiang Lan also swung his sword down at the first instant.


  The power exploded between the two sides.

   Jiang Lan was repulsed, and then slowly fell with a long sword in his hand.

   Ao Man also leaped back some distance, and landed steadily on the ground. He held Fang Tianji and looked at Jiang Lan's position.

   Thunder breeds all over him.

   Dragon Shadow appeared beside him.

   is his strongest fighting state directly presented.

   At this moment, a drop of blood fell from his neck.

   just hurt.

   At this moment, the surrounding area of ​​the Ninth Peak suddenly became silent.

   There were clearly thousands of people there, but there was no sound at all.

   The wind blew the leaves and rustled.

   At this moment, all the talents began to react, they were a little unbelievable.

   Or if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it at all.

   Just an instant, Brother Ninth Peak almost won?

   Congenital fairy hurt?


   "Hey, didn't you say that Senior Brother Ninth Peak's cultivation base was piled up? Can anyone tell me that the scene just now was abnormal?"

   "Yes, who can explain? The sword sealed the throat just now, can you do it with your hands?"

   "Luck, it must be the carelessness of the Eighth Prince of the Dragon Clan that gave Senior Brother Jiufeng the opportunity."

   "How do I feel that you are prejudiced? That scene is really wonderful, it is not done by ordinary people at all."

   "Fortunately, I came, I said that the Ninth Peak will come back in case, and those who did not come will have to regret it again."

   "So far, Brother Ninth Peak has the advantage, right?"

   At this moment, the onlookers were in an uproar.

   This battle is not high-end, most people can understand and see clearly.

   So they all saw Jiang Lan's last sword and almost sealed his throat.

   "I suddenly felt that if Junior Brother Ninth Peak was of the same level as us..." Lin Siya felt very dangerous.

  Because the follow-up advancement takes a long time, Jiang Lan will definitely be able to equalize their cultivation level after a period of time.

   If you continue to calculate according to the normal advanced.

   "Did I say that?" Jingting was also sweating on his face.

   The sword just now was beyond his cognition.

   Seven-Star Sword, there is no such trick, right?

   Mu Xiu also imagined that if it were her, this sword could cause her to suffer heavy losses.

   The Ninth Peak Junior Apprentice is completely different from the rumors. Although his cultivation base is improved with resources, his path is very and wonderful. "Lu Jian looked at the following and said with emotion:

   "Inverse Seven Stars, too strong, the entire Kunlun can use Inverse Seven Stars like this, there are not many."

   "It's really wonderful, but after using it once, I can't use it anymore, right?" Lin An looked down the square and said calmly:

   "Junior Brother Ninth Peak, it's difficult."

   "These are foreplay, and the back is foreplay." Lu Jian said with a smile on his face:

   "You can see the power of the Dragon Slashing Sword."

   Yes, Jiang Lan has not used the Dragon Slashing Sword until now.

   Above the Ninth Peak, Ao Li looked down, a little frightened.

   He almost made a shot just now.

  Mo Zhengdong and others were also shocked.

   Fairy Miaoyue looked over and found that Mo Zhengdong, who was a master, didn't know that his disciple was so good.

   Yes, they didn't think Jiang Lan would win at the beginning.

but now...

   They didn't feel that the Eight Princes won.

   There may be more possibilities.



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