My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 224: The light of fireflies competes with the scorching sun

The autumn trees are rustling, the branches and leaves are unstable, they begin to break away from the branches, and slowly fall.

The breeze was blowing, and the red leaves swayed and fell at the foot of Jiang Lan.

At this time, Jiang Lan was holding a long sword and looking at the Eight Princes.

Before doing it, with the help of some attainments in the formation, the Eight Prince was not able to dodge his final blow.

It's not a formation, he can't succeed.

The Eight Princes are not from the Sirius clan, and the two are very different.

Unfortunately, the outcome was not decided.

Otherwise he has won.

Inverse Seven Stars cooperates with some formations to guide, ordinary people can't avoid it.

Even the Eight Princes are.


The dragons are talented, and the scales protect the body.

Make it hard for him to hurt any more.

Ao Man moved his neck, very surprised, he still underestimated the other party.

It was actually hurt.

"It's not the same as the rumors." Ao Man was surprised.

But now he has no more reservations, and the thing just now will never happen again.

Ao Man moved his lower body, thunder appeared all over his body, Fang Tianji was directly covered by thunder, like a thunder spear.

In the next instant, he took a step and turned into a thunder, attacking Jiang Lan directly.


The forces of both sides are intertwined.

Thunder and light kept flashing, their figures disappeared and reappeared, power multiplied and ravaged the square.

Forcing a lot of light of formation on the square.

Only in this way can the square remain unbroken.


Jiang Lan was knocked out.

However, his figure was not messy at all. He stood on the ground, holding a long sword, and didn't make much movement anymore.

The true meaning of Zhanlong began to appear in his sword.

"Zhanlongjian, it's time to divide the victory or defeat." Lu Jian looked at the square and looked forward.

If the Dragon Slashing Sword could not perform meritorious service, then the Ninth Peak would lose in this duel.

vice versa.

The others did not speak, but watched.

See if the Dragon Slashing Sword is as powerful as the rumors.

Above the Ninth Peak, Ao Li and others did not speak either, but looked down to see what was going on in the end.

The dragon people thought they would win very easily.

The natural fairy suppressed the cultivation base and went to fight with the opponent. He didn't win the first time without mentioning it, but he was actually injured.

It's one thing to underestimate, the real reason is that the other party is a little unexpected.

The two Ao Li thought a lot about suppressing Kunlun, except for a few words at the beginning, they couldn't say it again.

The eight princes are not enough.

They were humiliated some time ago, and they wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to come back.

Take this to attack again.

It's a pity that the eight princes can't destroy Gu Laxu to win the challenge.



A dragon chant sounded on the ninth peak, and Ao Man waved Fang Tianji to arouse the thunder dragon.

Long Yin is flying, and the thunder is rolling in.

Jiang Lan frowned slightly. This was the first time he had used the Dragon Slashing Sword against a real dragon.

He is not sure of the real effect, he will try his best.

The sword was swung by him and lifted by him.

The indifferent gaze carried a sense of solemnity, and the true meaning of Zhanlong began to spread in his long sword.

The dragon has arrived, and there is only one sword.

Cut it.

At this moment Jiang Lan raised his head slightly and looked at the dragon in front of him.

As if to kill the opponent with one sword.

Ao Man attacked Jiang Lan.

He is in the form of Thunder, without using the body of a real dragon.

Dragon Slashing Sword, its effect on him should be weakened to a minimum.

But the moment Jiang Lan lifted the sword, he still felt it, the feeling like a natural enemy made him a little afraid.

It's just that this emotion was directly erased by him as soon as it appeared.

Born to be a fairy, he is fearless.

The thunder was raging and the wind was surging.

The strong wind rustled the corners of Jiang Lan's clothes and opened the ends of Jiang Lan's hair.

At this moment, Ao Man saw Jiang Lan look up at him, with a sense of killing.

Look up at the enemy, wanting to cut the enemy under the sword.

This is okay, but the moment I saw this, I saw the opponent holding a sword and standing in the wind.

Ao Man's heart suddenly moved. The intuition that belonged to his innate fairy spirit suddenly moved again.

At this glance, he seemed to have penetrated the years and saw the situation of himself against the enemy in the past.

Saw the human standing under the blood mist and staring at him.

Saw the red dragon with a punch.

Seeing the figure that was enough to make him afraid.

It was the fear in his heart that evoked the scene he had previously feared.

At this moment, Ao Man's pupils shrank.

The fear in my heart didn't know the origin, just like the first time I saw this person.

Fear is born from the heart, and courageously disperses.

It is like facing death, like moths fighting a fire, like fireflies and the scorching sun competing for brilliance.

will die.

There is no burial place for death.

At this moment, Ao Man instinctively began to retreat, and he endured all the surge of power.

Desperately stop the offensive.

For no reason, it's instinct.


At the moment when he was about to confront Jiang Lan's Dragon Slashing Sword, Ao Man paid the price of a slight injury, took the injury, and instantly jumped back, leaving the fighting distance.

He stood on the square, looking at Jiang Lan, with horror in his eyes.

This is the feeling again.

Again, there is no reason to fear this.

This time it was even more terrifying.

He looked at Jiang Lan, and the human who smashed the red dragon with one punch was always present in his mind.

There was **** fog in the sky.

As if the next moment, he would become a blood mist.

He couldn't stop this thought, just now he seemed to have reached the ghost gate.

Ao Man suddenly backed away, making Jiang Lan's prepared Dragon Slashing Sword unable to fall.

He was a little surprised.

The opponent clearly attacked, so why did he suddenly retreat without hesitating to get hurt?

"Have a conspiracy?"

Jiang Lan had doubts in his heart, and he fully guarded him to prevent accidents.

But seeing that the other party did not move, out of curiosity, he asked

"Eight Prince, don't do it?"

Cang Dang!

At the moment when he heard these words, the eighth prince threw Fang Tianji to the ground in shock, and spoke even more subconsciously.

"I, I didn't"

Halfway through, the Eight Princes realized that this is a challenge and there is not much danger.

So far the inexplicable fear disappeared.

He looked at Jiang Lan, a little puzzled for a while.

Why is this happening?

Is there really no reason?

At this moment, his mind was full of that man, who made him afraid and made him afraid to fight against the human with magic weapons.

Cross the robbery and smash the red dragon.

Becoming immortal is the late stage of human immortal.


This innate spirit is so boring.

Finally Ao Man lowered his head and said

"I lost."

The magic weapon in his hand is scared to fall, can he not admit defeat?

Hearing these words, Jiang Lan put down his sword.

The behavior of the Eight Princes is strange.

"Scared by the Dragon Slashing Sword?

Probably not, what was that scared of?

It is impossible for him to know that I did it in front of him before. "

Jiang Lan was puzzled.

But the innate celestial spirit is extraordinary.

At that time, he didn't repair a leaf covering the sky, maybe he would be noticed.

But the other party definitely didn't recognize him.

Pay attention to it for now.

"Acknowledge Jiang Lan replied softly.

At this moment, the onlookers at Ninth Peak were silent again.

What happened to this?

This, won?

How did you win?

"Is there an inside story?"

Someone finally asked this question.

"Do you say that the Dragon Race will cooperate with this inside story?"

"Not necessarily."

Others were surprised, but Xiao Yu was also surprised.

Finally, her brother suddenly retreated, as if he had been frightened.

Who threatened her brother?

At this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly felt several eyes falling on her.

Xiao Yu "???"

She raised her head and looked at it, feeling that she was looking from above the Ninth Peak.

What are the seniors looking at me for?

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