
There was a dry cough between the roads, then looked down and smiled

"This development is somewhat dramatic, do you understand this?"

I thought it was going to be a showdown, but who knew that the eight princes directly closed the offensive and lost all the magic weapons they scared.

Same as deliberate.

Some are confusing.

"Are you scared by the Dragon Slashing Sword?" Lin An asked.

"I don't know." Lu Jian shook his head

"Because it's not a dragon, I don't understand the power of the Dragon Slashing Sword at all."

"Does the Dragon Race want to do something else?" Hong Luan asked.

This is indeed abnormal.

"You have to ask Junior Brother Northern for this. He is quite well informed." Lu Jian looked far to the north.

At this time, Beibei was wearing normal Zongmen costumes, because he felt that someone looked at him, and he didn't even have the idea of ​​turning his head.

Two steps back silently.

Lu Jian and others were quite helpless.

"Junior Brother Beifang felt that they all asked him about the news and hid them." Lu Jian said.

The second peak is well informed and in charge of the Kunlun law.

"Go back." Lin An shook his head.

After a while, some people started to leave.

Lu Jian also sighed, and then left.

He also didn't know whether this victory was good or bad, but it must be the talk of other Kunlun disciples in recent days.


"Huh, turn your arm out."

Ao Li stared at the light rain below, and said coldly.

Ao Man's weird behavior is obviously abnormal, if you have to find someone to come out.

That must be Ao Longyu.

Fairy Miaoyue retracted her gaze and looked at Ao Li and Ao Shishi and asked softly

"The two said just now, how would Jiang Lan lose?

I think there are seven or eight tricks. "

Ao Li and Ao Shishi looked at Fairy Miaoyue, and they were in their throats for a while.

During this period of time, he was hurt by the peak master.


Ao Li left his sleeves.

Ao Shishi also retreated from the Ninth Peak with cold eyes.

Seeing the two dragons leaving, Fairy Zhuqing spoke

"The Eighth Prince of the Dragon Race is born a fairy. Although Xiaoyu is his sister, it is absolutely impossible for Xiaoyu to let the Eighth Prince surrender like this.

Furthermore, surrendering rashly is tantamount to insulting people. "

"It can be the effect of the Dragon Slashing Sword." Fairy Miaoyue smiled.

"They naturally know that it has nothing to do with Xiao Yu, but just to get down the stairs.

It seems that they are not an upright defeat, but our Kunlun trick. "

"Have you seen what's going on?" Liu Jing asked as he looked down.

He also didn't feel the need for the Eight Princes to retire.

Only Jiu Zhongtian can answer this question.

They looked at the drunk Zhongtian, trying to find answers.

"I want to say that I just drank a sip and didn't see it. Would you think I was drunk?"

Ben Zhongtian, who was drinking, suddenly asked.

"Brother, let's talk about it, what's the situation?" Fairy Zhuqing asked.

"The Dragon Slashing Sword does have some effect on the Eight Princes." Jiu Zhongtian said softly as he looked at Jiang Lan below.

"But it's him who really made the Eighth Prince retreat.

As for why, you have to ask him. "

"Did the goddess do anything just now?" Fairy Miaoyue asked.

No one answered.

No one pays attention to Xiao Yu.

But it does not rule out the goddess borrowing their unknown privileges.

"Jiang Lan looks a little surprised. If the goddess did it, he would probably be told." Liu Jing tried to guess.

"It should be impossible." Fairy Zhuqing thought for a while.

"Xiao Yu accepts it, but as long as she needs to do, she will work hard.

It seemed that from the beginning, she would get along well with Jiang Lan.

She thinks about extra things, but it's hard to take action.

She is a relatively sensitive person.

She will feel whether someone is targeting her, so she usually doesn't do something that will hurt others. "

"If you think about it briefly, it's okay.

Complicated, it may be a conspiracy of the dragon clan. "Liu Jing said.

The others nodded and said nothing more.

There is currently no clue.

"I'll go down and ask Jiang Lan." Fairy Miaoyue moved and planned to go down and ask something.

The Dragon Race hasn't ended yet, and the others are still busy.

"I'll ask Xiao Yu." Fairy Zhuqing followed.

Liu Jing and Jiu Zhongtian stopped staying and left directly.

Mo Zhengdong returned to the place he often stayed, and Jiang Lan would come up later.

He doesn't need to go down.

The challenge is over.

But many people are a little hard to accept, and they are playing well, so how can it be over?

How did Senior Brother Jiufeng win?

"Did you say that Senior Brother Ninth Peak won with momentum?"

"Can't it depend on the background?"

"Does Senior Brother Jiufeng have a background? No, right?"

"The only disciple of Ninth Peak, isn't that background?"

"But it was a little tricky to win, it was so exciting at first."

"If you lose, you have problems, and you have problems when you win. It's really hard for you to wait."

Although they were a little surprised and unacceptable one by one, the dragon clan just lost.

Ao Man left the Ninth Peak for the first time.

Given the hope, he needs to go back and explain it.

What he deserves, it's so bitter.

Especially after coming to Kunlun.

This place is violent with him.

However, he also wanted to go back and calm down. He wanted to know what happened to him.

how so.

Those who watched the game came quickly and left quickly.

No matter what, it was a comeback after all.

You can brag to the people who haven't come, but there are fewer people who haven't come.

Jingting and the others also retreated, no matter what, Jiang Lan might be behind them.

They want to go back to practice and become immortals as soon as possible.

Jiang Lan watched those people leave without paying attention.

This battle with the Eight Princes is destined to be noticed, and it will take some time to eliminate the impact.

It’s okay if there are too many people. I’m afraid that there are few people and will exaggerate for no reason.

At that time, the Kunlun disciples are equal to the enemy.

The disciples of Ninth Peak have passed on into a legend. Whoever wants to target him, shouldn't he be regarded with three points?

Stronger people need to be sent.

By then, whether he can deal with it will be two things.

I hope you don't spread it in this regard.

If there is a rumor, the disciples of Ninth Peak will use the Yuanshen to cultivate and retreat with one sword.

What is he going to do?

He is really immortal and can't help but target him~www.readwn.com~ Fortunately, he was deeply ingrained in the past, and this kind of thing would not happen.

But as time goes by, if he is so eye-catching again.

By then, the Kunlun disciples would no longer criticize him, but began to exaggerate his achievements. It would be difficult to cope with the danger again.

I hope that there will be no more games of this kind, as long as there are no more records, the things he is worried about will not happen.

After everyone left, Jiang Lan planned to find Xiao Yu.

This time the square was undamaged, otherwise he would have to repair it for a few more days.

Jiang Lan had just turned around, and suddenly a beautiful figure fell with a veil.

It is Uncle Miaoyue of the Fifth Peak.

"I have seen Uncle Master."

Jiang Lan was a little surprised, how could Master Fifth Peak find him?

Fairy Miaoyue stood in front of Jiang Lan with a smile on her eyebrows

"Jiang Lan, tell the truth, how many cultivation bases have you hidden?"

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