My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 226: Is Uncle Miaoyue suitable to be a teacher's wife?

Suddenly hearing the hidden cultivation base, Jiang Lan was a little surprised.

How much is hidden?

Is Uncle Miaoyue cheating?

The nine peak masters of Kunlun Jiufeng originally negotiated with the dragon clan mainly with Master Miaoyue.

It is enough to show that Master Miaoyue is not a simple person.

With every word he said, he might be trying to get more news, but fortunately he had enough confidence in Yiye Zhetian.

There is no problem with his performance.

"Uncle Master asked clearly." Jiang Lan bowed his head respectfully.

"You can tell me something about Uncle Master." Fairy Miaoyue looked at Jiang Lan and smiled.

Jiang Lan looked around, and apart from Master Zhuqing and Xiao Yu who were coming here, there was no one else.

Seeing no one around, he said softly

"In a few years, I intend to be promoted and return to the void."

"More is okay." Fairy Miaoyue looked at Jiang Lan with a look through everything.

Jiang Lan""

The human race's limit is about 300 years or so.

What can he do?

Jiang Lan bowed his head and never answered this question, not knowing how to answer it.

Silence is good.

"Have you met the Eighth Prince before?" Fairy Miaoyue didn't talk about cultivation.

Just talk a few words casually.

Not too much.

"I have seen it before the inn, and have never talked." Jiang Lan replied.

At this time, Xiao Yu and the others also came over.

"At the moment when the Eighth Prince retreated, did you do anything?" Fairy Zhuqing looked at Xiaoyu and Jiang Lan.

Xiao Yu is somewhat innocent""

It doesn't seem to have anything to do with her.

Why do you ask?

Jiang Lan shook his head and said truthfully

"Except for the Dragon Slashing Sword, nothing else."

In fact, he was a little surprised. If you have time, you can go and see what happened to the Eight Princes.

"I just watch the game quietly." Xiao Yu also said.

After speaking, she defended another sentence

"Although Ao Man is a younger brother, he is an innate fairy, and his status is much higher than mine."

Fairy Miaoyue nodded, she didn't ask any more, but looked at Jiang Lan and Xiao Yudao

"Don't bother you."

After speaking, Fairy Miaoyue looked at Fairy Zhuqing.

After a few words, Fairy Zhuqing left with Fairy Miaoyue.

Sending off these two, Jiang Lan felt that this matter was completely over, and he could cultivate immortality with peace of mind in the future.

True fairy is just the beginning.

When you see the master's cultivation level clearly, then go beyond the master.

Invincible Kunlun.

By then, he will be basically invincible above the Great Wilderness.

The ultimate of the immortal is Da Luo, and he has not understood what realm is above him.

I just don't know if there is a fairy who surpasses Da Luo in the Great Wilderness.

It's still far away, it's useless to think too much.

It is more appropriate to plan the follow-up practice.

It's just that when Jiang Lan planned to clean the square and sort out the formation, Xiao Yu stared at him.

It seems to be trying to see through.

"Senior Sister, what's the matter?" Jiang Lan asked.

Xiao Yu kept staring at him, naturally something happened.

"Junior Brother hides the repair order?" Xiao Yu asked with her eyes back.

She couldn't see Jiang Lan's hidden cultivation base no matter how she looked.

What kind of magic is used to hide it?

"I went to Fifth Peak once to ask Master Miaoyue's formation, she taught it." Jiang Lan explained, and did not deny that he was hiding his cultivation.

Master Miaoyue taught him to hide, otherwise he usually only has two floors.

"That Junior Brother is not actually the late Yuanshen?" Xiao Yu asked.

Jiang Lan nodded slightly without saying much.

Naturally, he can't say the true cultivation base.

Somewhat weird.

At this time, Xiao Yu immediately cheered up

"I'm going to work hard to cultivate and become immortal sooner.

Otherwise, the younger brother would sneak over me. "

Jiang Lan""

Already, super.

However, his surface cultivation will advance at the speed of genius.

Roughly six hundred years after the introduction, that is, about three hundred and fifty years later, he will become immortal.

The marriage should be about to be finished by then.

There should be a wave of attention.

But after that, nothing will be directed against him.

Goddess is determined, and everyone can't help it.

On the contrary, the general situation is definitely likely to focus on him, always caring about the Celestial Race who climbed the ladder, and the Monster Race whose eyes are on the entrance of the Netherworld.

Zhenxian is still not enough to face them head-on, and needs to wait for a while.

The Celestial Race is at war with the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Race, and it may not be possible for this one hundred years.

The Yaozu just started, and it will take another hundred years to do it again.

Dragons, it should be the longest.

During this period of time, he was able to improve his cultivation with peace of mind.

He needs to do a lot of things to improve his cultivation, such as things about his wife.

Master will get old after all, so it's great to have someone by his side.

Master Fifth Peak told him last time that he doesn't know the truth or not, so he needs to test Master.

if it is possible

Uncle Fifth Peak is also very good.

"Senior Sister's talent is amazing, it shouldn't take long to become a fairy." Jiang Lan looked at Xiao Yu and said.

Xiao Yu took a wooden sword and stroked a few times

"Junior Brother said so, then I will become immortal sooner."

Jiang Lan nodded slightly, Xiao Yu is indeed a lot of geniuses who can be as fast as normal.

The Dragon Race's talent itself is high, and it is backed by Yaochi, and work harder.

The speed of becoming immortal will be constantly shortened.

After Jiang Lan cleaned the square.

Xiao Yu planned to go back. Before leaving, she turned her back to the sun and looked at Jiang Lan.

Then he stretched.

The blue dress fluttered close to the body.

Jiang Lan looked at him, his complexion didn't change at all, but he was a little curious.

"Senior Sister is sleepy?"

Hearing this question, Xiao Yu frowned and said

"Doesn't Junior Brother think it looks good?"

Jiang Lan was a little surprised for a while, and didn't understand what Xiao Yu was talking about.

Where is the point that just looks good?

"Sister Siya said that if you stretch out in front of the younger brother, the younger brother should like to watch it." Xiao Yu tilted her head and was a little puzzled, she looked at Jiang Lan seriously.

"But it doesn't seem right."

She did not see any changes in Jiang Lan.

Jiang Lan was silent for a moment and suggested

"Senior Sister can ask Senior Sister Lin if something is wrong."

"Okay." Xiao Yu nodded, and then planned to leave

"Wait until I figure it out, then come to see Junior Brother."

Jiang Lan nodded and said he was waiting for the senior sister at any time.

Then I saw the light rain disappear in the sky, and I would get a glimpse of the approximate location of Yaochi from farther away.

So far, he can't get a glimpse of the inside of Yaochi.

Then he went to the top of the Ninth Peak.

Go and report the news to Master.


On the ninth peak, Jiang Lan stood in front of Mo Zhengdong and saluted slightly.

"Somewhat Zhengdong looked at Jiang Lan with a smile.

"It's a fluke," Jiang Lan said.

Winning the game this time was indeed a fluke.

Without using the power beyond the primordial stage, his probability of winning is very low.

Need to see the specific effect of the Dragon Slashing Sword.

The effect is worse, and he can't win.

Mo Zhengdong looked at Jiang Lan, with a slight smile on his face, said

"Anyway, I won this time, what do you want?

Although speak. "

He no longer took the initiative to give Jiang Lan a gift.

Plant eggs and You Yehua are his two hundred years of pain.

Hearing that he could make a request by himself, Jiang Lan fell silent and said

"In recent years, can you not go out to practice?"

Mo Zhengdong "???"

This is something that hasn't been experienced yet.

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