After leaving the top of the Ninth Peak, Jiang Lan planned to sort out the follow-up training plan.

When he returned to the yard, he sat in the yard thinking.

Regarding the eight princes, I'll see the situation in two days.

The dragons should not be able to initiate trouble, so the follow-up impact is almost no.

The demon race, the heavenly race will not do anything for the time being.

The Nether portal is erupting, pay attention.

The others are not dangerous.

Recently, many people in Kunlun will mention him, which will affect him more or less, but as long as he hides in the ninth peak and continues to practice.

Over time, they will gradually forget.

In the end, I felt that there was an inside story in the first battle, or I would feel that it was just good luck.

As long as it is not exaggerated, it is good for him.

Then he closed his eyes and started practicing.

Before enlightenment, I want to see what difference it makes to cultivation after enlightenment.


After Jiang Lan closed his eyes, he looked inwardly, as if he had mentioned the sound of water droplets.

The water droplets started to swim in the meridians like a spring.

It seems that every time you walk around, you can make the surrounding area stronger.

It is the nourishment of Tao.

When this nourishment reached the limit, he felt the light flickering in the meridians, and he was now awake.

Early in the morning.

Jiang Lan opened his eyes, and there was a little surprise in his lowered eyebrows.

"It turns out that enlightenment can speed up the progress of cultivation."

This was the first time he found out.

From the beginning of Qi training to the real immortal, everything has its limits.

There is no absolute chance, and it is impossible to cross the limit of normality.

It's like returning to virtuality in about 300 years. This is a limit that is difficult to overcome.

He has so many opportunities, and the system is in him, before he can leapfrog.

No matter how tianjiao other people are, they need to endure the torment of time.

The same is true for being a human being, from being a human being to being a real being.

It takes time to temper.

No matter how hard the Human race tries, it is difficult to reach the sky if it wants to surpass the innate creatures.

But all this changed after True Immortal.

Tao is the foundation of everything.

The deeper the understanding of Tao, the faster you will go.

Human races want to surpass the innate creatures and races with unique talents, only after the true immortals.

But Jiang Lan had already come to the realm of real immortals at this time, that is to say, he also needed to enlighten the way.

Otherwise, there is the possibility of being caught up by others.

Suddenly there is a sense of crisis.

You have to walk out of your own way as soon as possible.

Even though he thought so, he was not in a hurry, and there were some things that he couldn't be anxious at first.

It's good to keep normal.

At this point, he took out the mirror and looked at it. Now he is different from before, and perhaps he can learn more from it.

Sure enough, this time looking at the beautiful scenery again, it will be different.

It seems to be able to see something deeper.

I don't know if it is the influence of Tao or something else.

It must be clear that if it is the influence of Tao, it cannot be used.

Trouble is easy.

However, some things that seem to be superficial, but are actually details, can be used.

Wait for a while, and then go to the inn to feel it.

There should be some gains.

Ao Longyu appeared on the third peak.

She got news early this morning that her brother wanted to see her again.

This surprised her a little.

Is it because you stand on Jiang Lan's side? Come to inquire?

She stood in the yard, her eyebrows lowered.

Just ask the crime.

At this time, Ao Longyu is in a normal state, and she rarely meets others in a light rain state.

In other words, she is usually indifferent at this time.

After waiting for a moment, she saw the eighth prince Ao Man walking into the yard.

The innate fairy spirit has the top aura of the dragon clan and the favor of the elders.

She has nothing.

He was sent to Kunlun since he was a child and grew up by himself.

Fortunately, resources will be given to her.

Otherwise, she would feel like a discarded dragon.

When Ao Man came over, Ao Longyu whispered

"Something wrong?"

Her voice was calm, but not so indifferent.

Much better than facing ordinary people.

This is her brother after all.

Ao Man came to Ao Longyu with a serious face.

After hearing the question, he knelt down

"Come and greet my sister."

Ao Longyu""

She took a step back subconsciously, not understanding what was going on with her younger brother.

It is rare for the peers in the dragon clan to kneel down for peace.

Or does this younger brother have any weird hobbies?

And how can a natural fairy kneel down at will?

"Get up quickly." Ao Longyu said.

If you are seen, you will be underestimated.

When the same clan sees it, it is even more serious. Not to mention the punishment, they may be rejected by the clan.

Ao Man stood up, then looked at Ao Longyu with a serious face

"Sister, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" Ao Longyu felt that she couldn't get along with this younger brother.

"How is the relationship between sister and brother-in-law?" Ao Man asked in a low voice.

Ao Longyu""

What feelings?

She, Jiang Lan, has always been very happy, how about feelings?

Ao Man left the third peak.

Decided to go out for a drink to suppress the shock.

He was interrogated last night, and he confessed that he felt a breath of danger.

As if to behead him.

Just lock these.

Although in his instinct, a punch is more terrifying.

But just replace it.

The Dragon Slashing Sword is still extremely powerful.

In the end, he was not punished, and he didn't know why.

This time the plan should have been put to waste because of his defeat.

Why did you let him go so easily?

Of course, he didn't care, but carefully considered the main reason for his fear.

He felt that it was because of the existence of the red dragon that shattered the punch.

Ninth Peak disciple, does his future brother-in-law have anything to do with that one?

He thinks it is unlikely to be related, but what if?

In the end, he felt that it would be more appropriate to give his sister a kowtow again, and in the future he would be a good brother who listened to his sister.

It's nice to suddenly discover that there is a Kunlun goddess' sister.

This dragon has a sense of security.

I went to kowtow today, but his sister didn't tell him what the relationship with her brother-in-law was.

"I don't know if my sister has a lot of face with my brother-in-law, if I go to drink with him, he won't look down on me?"

Ao Man was thinking.

I don't know why He just feels that brother-in-law is very dangerous.

Probably because of the peak master of the Ninth Peak and the existence of the broken red dragon with a punch.

But he felt otherwise, as if the brother-in-law himself was very dangerous.

In the end, the fairy instinct did not have the correct feedback.

Ao Man shook his head, and then headed to the Ninth Peak to see if he could get close to his brother-in-law.

It's also good to understand what terrible brother-in-law is.

Just when he was about to reach the ninth peak, he suddenly felt something appeared behind him.

He immediately looked back.

This look directly surprised him.

He saw a person standing behind him at some point, and he looked at himself facelessly.

This is naturally Jiang Lan, who he is a little afraid of.

I was scared of this person at first, but this person appeared silently behind him, and Ao Man was a little worried about his situation for a while.

"You seem to be very afraid of me." Jiang Lan's voice came out calmly.

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