Jiang Lan had planned to go to the Old Wine Inn to verify today's harvest.

He has some experience in Xinshen Inn.

It just feels worse after trying it myself, but fortunately there is a ready-made one that can be verified.

Just not long after I went down the mountain, I saw the Eight Princes.

Looking at the other person, it should be going to the Ninth Peak.

The strange behavior of the other party also made him suspicious.

So he appeared behind the Eighth Prince, and the other party's alertness was too low.

When he got closer, he noticed it.

He thought about it. Just a punch should be enough to send the Eight Princes on the road.


When the eighth prince found him, he found that the other party was very frightened.

So he asked the other person, as if afraid of him.

It is indeed abnormal.

Ao Man looked at Jiang Lan who suddenly appeared, and his heartbeat accelerated a lot.

He had a strange feeling that his brother-in-law was going to kill him.

There are not many people here, there are many trees.

Good place for killing people.

He regretted it for a while, why did he have nothing to walk for?

Is the sword flying bad?

"Sister, brother-in-law, me, I have a very good relationship with my sister." Ao Man subconsciously moved his sister out.

Jiang Lan looked at each other, feeling that there was water in this sentence.

Xiao Yu should have met the Eight Prince two or three times.

The relationship is good, no way to talk about it.

But it was Xiaoyu's brother, this kind of thing is indeed true, and the relationship is not bad and it is considered a fact.

"Are you going to the Ninth Peak?" Jiang Lan asked.

People in this woods have a high probability of going to the ninth peak.

Unless it was brought in by Senior Brother Second Peak.

Those people are basically spies, and after they come in, they may never be able to get out again.

Brother Beifang, Second Peak, will lead people to clean up.

Uniform clothing, holding a long sword, and working cleanly.

At that time, Senior Brother Beifang returned to the Void and Consummation, and now he has become a human immortal.

These people grow up so fast.

"I want to go up and find my brother-in-law." Ao Man said softly.

For fear of provoke Jiang Lan.

I don't know why, Ao Man just feels a little scared.


"What's the matter with me?" Jiang Lan asked.

If something goes wrong, handle it well, and he will go to the old wine inn.

The boss came back late, so it’s not good to stay there.

If the boss is not there, he can safely verify his experience.

"Nothing, right, brother-in-law is going out?" Ao Man asked, looking at Jiang Lan.

"Go to the old wine inn." Jiang Lan said directly.

"Ah? I just went there too, let's drop in." Ao Man said haha.

Jiang Lan glanced at Ao Man and nodded slightly.

He could be sure that Ao Man didn't know what, but what he was afraid of.

Congenital faeries are somewhat special.

Then he went outside and Ao Man followed him.

"I just came over from my sister. When it comes to her brother-in-law, my sister's face will ease a lot." On the way, Aoman tried to get closer.

It's really nice to have a goddess sister.

For a while, I felt that my brother-in-law was not so scary.

For a while.

Jiang Lan stood in front of the Old Wine Inn.

Ao Man said a lot along the way.

Jiang Lan didn't bother him, he had this patience.

Moreover, most of the talks are about Xiaoyu, and some of the preferences of the dragon family.

Sure enough, Xiao Yu likes shiny things.

The breeze is blowing, and the wind is cool.

"The human race has four seasons, spring and autumn, but the dragon race does not.

Under the four seas, there is not much change in fact. "Ao Man said, feeling the wind.

Under the deep sea, Jiang Lan has never been there.

I didn't feel any good, maybe this is nature.

Without thinking, stepped into the inn.

This time the inn was not as deserted as it used to be, and there was a guest inside.

But at a glance, Jiang Lan recognized it as Ao Ye.

Didn't make trouble?

It's quite surprising.

When he was helping here, Ao Ye made trouble again.

Now it's no more trouble, a little abnormal.

Jiang Lan didn't think too much, but came to the counter.

"Big brother bought good wine?" The boy asked immediately.

There are still two people at the counter at this time.

The inn boy and the girl from the Tianyufeng clan.

"Does the boss come back this afternoon?" Jiang Lan asked.

"Well, Big Brother can go and wait for Grandpa to come back." The boy nodded and said.

Looking eager to try.

Jiang Lan knew what the boy wanted to do, but he didn't care.

Then he came to the corner and waited with peace of mind.

By the way, try to verify your own experience.

Ao Man also sat cautiously at Jiang Lan's table. He looked at Ao Ye with some surprise, but Ao Ye was still there.

Is the wine better?

He didn't see Ao Ye going back yesterday, and thought he was hunted down again.

I don't know if I'm still drinking here.

It seems that I drank a lot.

It's better to treat it as if you don't know, otherwise who knows what will happen next time.

Jiang Lan had planned to sit alone with his eyes closed and rested.

I don't think Ao Man actually came over.

But after thinking about it, as long as it doesn't affect him to close his eyes and rest his mind.

It's just that when he was about to close his eyes and rest his mind, he suddenly felt a look, and turned his head to look at the drunk Ao Ye who was drinking.

He looked a little confused, as if he was wondering if he knew each other.

Soon the other party looked at Ao Ye, this recognition.

Then he carried the wine and staggered to Jiang Lan's table, sitting opposite Ao Man.

I didn't even look at Jiang Lan.

Tianxian is complete.

This is the first time Jiang Lan has seen Ao Ye's realm.

Very strong.

But the wine that can make Tianxian drunk should be even better.

Jiang Lan sat quietly on the side, without a word, but he was still wary of the other party.

Tianxian Perfection suddenly moved his hands, he might not be able to avoid it.

Tianxing Nine Steps seems to have a brand new speed under the blessing of Tao, I don't know whether it can avoid the attack of the gods.

Ao Man is a little embarrassed, is Uncle Ao Ye going to harm him?

He felt that he had to let Uncle Ao Ye leave.

Just before he could speak, Ao Ye poured him a glass of wine and said vaguely.

"Come, have a drink and celebrate your victory."

Ao Man "Uncle, I lost."

Hearing these words, Ao Ye squinted at Ao Man, as if he was much more sober.


Did your sister let you let him? "

Ao Man ""

Why does everyone have this idea?

He fights with all his strength.

He secretly glanced at Jiang Lan and found that the brother-in-law had no expression and his eyes were closed.

Jiang Lan was indeed closing his eyes at this time, although he was perceiving Xinshen Inn, but most of them were on guard.

Prevent accidents around.

"But if you lose, you lose, and they won't say anything." Ao Ye poured himself a glass of wine and hiccuped.

"Although Aoli and the others seem to be centering on your record~www.readwn.com~, these are just by the way, you don't need to take it too seriously.

They came to actually want to figure out other things.


Ao Man was shocked to hear this

"Uncle Ao Ye, you are drunk, let me help you go back."

Such a thing cannot be said.

No one knows what will be said in the follow-up, which is very dangerous.

Then he came to Ao Ye and wanted to help Ao Ye to leave.

Talking nonsense after drinking, a little carelessness will bring disaster.

A strong cultivation base can't be so casual.

The wine is so bad, you might as well make trouble.


Ao Ye directly patted Ao Man's hand to clear the way

"Don't worry, it's not a big secret, you sit down and listen to me.

I'm not drunk. "

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