Ao Man felt a little pain in his hands.

It seems that Ao Ye is really drunk, and drinking is terrifying, right?

But he couldn't take Ao Ye away, so he could only sit down, hoping not to say anything dangerous.

Ao Ye took the wine glass and took a sip, his eyes were a little blurred, as if he was reminiscing about the wine.

At this time, his face became more and more red, and his body was swaying.

"Ao Man, sit firmly and don't dangle." Ao Ye said.

Ao Man just sat and didn't speak, it was not him who was shaking.

When Ao Man stabilized, Ao Ye spoke

"Do you know why the monster clan wants to go to war with the dragon clan?"

Ao Man frowned and then shook his head

"I have heard some rumors, but I don't know the details."

Ao Ye smiled

"Hehe, I don't know, but I know that our dragon clan actually wants to fight.

Do you think these are normal? "

"Is it normal?" Ao Man asked.

"Normal." Ao Ye smiled and said

"If only the monster clan fights the dragon clan, then it must be normal.

But did you find out, Wutong Mountain Tianyufeng Clan, Central Plains Celestial Clan, Earth Underworld Demon Clan, Lingshan Witch Clan, these forces have all moved.

There is no clear reason for each.

Oh, there is a clear reason for the Celestial Race.

I don't know if it's true or not.

Ha ha. "

Ao Ye continued to pour himself a glass of wine, he said very vigorously

"Are you a little confused, what does this have to do with our coming to Kunlun?"

Ao Man nodded, yes, this has nothing to do with their coming to Kunlun.

Ao Ye stared at Ao Man and said seriously

"Have you forgotten that Kunlun is also a powerful force that is not weaker than the Dragon Race and the Monster Race.

The ghost land behind the Western Wilderness, Pakistan, are all ready to move.

Why is Kunlun not moving at all? "

Seeing Ao Man a little surprised, Ao Ye continued.

"Everyone moved, why is Kunlun so calm?


No, there are only two possibilities. "

Ao Ye stopped, he looked at the wine in the glass and smiled

"Either, Kunlun doesn't live up to its name and can't keep up with the confusing behavior of other forces.

Either Kunlun moved one step ahead of everyone, and avoided everyone's eyes and ears.

This is the most terrible. "

Ao Man on one side was a little surprised, so the Dragon Clan came here this time mainly because he wanted to know if Kunlun had any secret actions?

"Didn't you care that Kunlun has a goddess?" Ao Man asked.

The benefits that the goddess brought to Kunlun were not all stark.

"This is true, but I am even more afraid that the goddess will live with the trend, it is quite complicated anyway.

Who knows? Ao Ye shrugged and drank the fine wine in the glass.

At this moment, he saw Jiang Lan from the corner of his eye.

It seems that I haven't seen this person around me just now.

He waved his hand in front of Jiang Lan's eyes.

Feeling Jiang Lan opened his eyes and saw Ao Ye with a puzzled look.

Drunk eyes and hazy.

But for Ao Ye's words, he was also a little surprised.

It reminded him of what the person said at the entrance of Netherworld.

Heaven and earth will fall, chances are chaotic.

However, he can't control it either.

The matter of the entire Great Wilderness is not what he is considering now.

"Brother, I think you are familiar, come and have a drink." Ao Ye put a glass on Jiang Lan, and then poured a glass of wine.

Jiang Lan lowered his eyebrows and looked down.

This wine is a bit scary.

He felt that if he drank it, he might get drunk.

Tianxian is drunk, let alone him.

And he can feel the horrible meaning in this wine, which is more powerful than good wine.

"What do you mean by staring at the wine?"


Ao Ye patted the table heavily

"Do you look down on me?

I treat you as a brother, do you treat me as shit?

If you don't drink wine today, don't blame me for not treating you as a brother. "

Ao Ye stood up excitedly.

Jiang Lan""

It's still more imposing to fall a cup.

Seeing that Ao Ye was so excited, he frightened Ao Ye stupidly.

Drinking with Ao Ye is too dangerous.

"Uncle, don't get excited, my brother-in-law is not good at drinking." Ao Man said immediately.

"What the **** are you talking about?" Ao Ye glared at Ao Man.

"This is my brother. We drank horse urine and ate **** together. We are dead brothers."

Ao Man ""

He looked at Jiang Lan with some horror.

Is the Eight Prince suspecting that I have eaten shit?

When Jiang Lan saw the eight prince looking over, he felt offended.

At this time, Ao Ye planned to pour himself a glass, but after pour it, he found that there was no wine.



He threw the wine bottle to the ground without saying a word, angrily

"Small Er is not good wine yet?

Let my brother wait anxiously, can you bear it?

Just a little bit better than horse urine and shit, dare you to drink a little bit?

Ten altars. "

Here comes again.

Jiang Lan slowly got up and moved to a farther position.

Ao Man naturally followed away, and the horror and miserable scene before was vividly remembered.

"Pixiu, come in and work." The boy yawned and said.

As soon as Jiang Lan moved his position, he saw the familiar Pai Yao coming in.

Then Paixiu faced Ao Ye's eyes.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met.

A dragon chant came out.

It was Ao Ye's first hand.


The tables and chairs were directly lifted off.

Jiang Lan was not affected at all.

After helping to move the table and chairs on the side, he sat down quietly and continued to close his eyes and rest.

As if nothing happened.

Ao Man looked at his brother-in-law a little surprised, calm and calm, the brother-in-law is really extraordinary.

He was stunned when he saw this scene for the first time.

After the surroundings were cleaned up, the boy came over with peanuts and tea

"Brother gave it to you. Dragons and dogs are not welcome in our shop."

"Young man, I think you are scolding me." Ao Man said displeased looking at the young man.

"It's fine if you find out. I will lose a spirit stone once the dragon comes." The young man complained while watching Ao Man

"I don't know who made Pai Yao the bad habit of asking for spirit stones.

Anyone who makes troubles will be charged once. "

Jiang Lan""

Is there no charge at the beginning?

At this time, the boy sat opposite Jiang Lan, said

"Big brother, can I ask you one more question?"

Jiang Lan lowered his eyebrows and looked at Peanut, as if thinking, then nodded

"What is it?"

"Hongya said that it's useless if I beat her." The young man said with a frustrated expression.

"How does the eldest brother have a fiancee?"

There should be a good master.

Jiang Lan feels like that.

But before he could speak, Ao Man spoke

"I have experience with The young man looked at Ao Man, as if asking what way.

Jiang Lan was also curious.

He is not very good at this kind of thing.

The master knew that when he gave Xiaoyu Tanghulu, he was blaming himself, as if he was saying that his apprentice was not promising. It was all his fault.

"The one at the counter is the Tianyu Phoenix Clan, right?" Ao Man said as he looked at the boy.

"The best way to deal with the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Clan is to pat her head with Fang Tianji.

Then stepped on their heads and asked if they would like it.

There will be no problem.

Otherwise they will be able to stand up for themselves.

Hehe, who is worse than who.

Right, Shonen Lang?

The Tianyufeng clan is different from our dragon clan, and my sister is one of the representatives.

Delicate, elegant, gentle, quiet, perfect match with my brother-in-law. "

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