Ao Man's words made the young man a little surprised.

   Jiang Lan was also a little surprised.

  No one really said this to him. Most people in Kunlun thought he was not worthy of a goddess.

   even thought that the goddess would dislike him.

  Eight Prince is a good match casually. See you for the first time.

   "Are you a bit rude?" The boy couldn't believe it.

   He always feels so bad.

   Then he looked at Jiang Lan.

  Don't look at me, our matchmaker said.

   Jiang Lan looked at the boy and knew that the other party would definitely want to ask him.

   As expected, the boy asked directly:

   "Is the eldest brother the fiancée obtained like this?"

   was silent for a moment, Jiang Lan spoke softly:

   "She doesn't hate me."

   Xiaoyu doesn't hate him, so they can have everything.

   There is no need for one party to have the ability to suppress, if Xiaoyu hates him, or even despise him.

   is easier for him.

   He will suppress the surface repair, delay the marriage, and then invincible Kunlun, the marriage contract will be terminated.

  Everyone is relaxed.


   At present, there is no possibility of dissolving the marriage contract.

   The responsibility he should bear, he never evades.

   is true to Master, and it is true to Xiao Yu.

   The boy fell into deep thought.

   "Young man, you are so indecisive and useless." Ao Man seriously persuaded:

   "You must be strong enough to marry the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Clan, they are proud.

   When you stepped on the entire Wutong Mountain, would you still dare not marry?

   But I suggest that when you want to challenge Wutong Mountain, you have to practice escape skills first.

   I haven't fought, so I escaped and made a comeback.

   Don't fold it inside. "

   "But isn't this forcing Hongya?" The boy shook his head and looked unwilling:

   "The twisted melon is not sweet."

   "Twist it down, you are happy." Ao Manyu said earnestly:

   "Shoun Lang, I was right.

   has the ability of strong twisting, and does not conflict with not strong twisting. "

   "Which race is your elder brother's fiancee?" The boy turned his head and looked at Jiang Lan.

   "Dragons." Jiang Lan answered.

   This does not need to be concealed.

   "Big Brother also stepped on the Dragon Clan?" The young man looked at Jiang Lan in a little astonishment.

   then looked at Ao Man again.

   This is also a dragon.

   Aoman: "......"

   Human beings are really despicable, he can't refute it.

   Jiang Lan naturally has no way to answer this kind of question.

   is currently not an enemy of the Dragon Clan, and the people of the Dragon Clan have never secretly attacked him.

   But if necessary, the dragons may be stepped under their feet.

   However, it takes a long time.

  Wait for the day when he is invincible.

   After thinking about it, Jiang Lan just said:

   "Be stronger, it's always right."

   Regardless of the situation, or the general situation of the world, as long as it is stronger, there is a higher chance of getting through the catastrophe.

  You seem to have enlightenment:

   "Then I will try to become stronger."

   But soon he had a new problem:

   "How can I be strong?"

   "It should be almost enough to defeat your grandpa." Jiang Lan tried.

   What kind of cultivation the innkeeper is, he has no way of knowing.

   Whether it's the master or the innkeeper, he can't see through his cultivation.

   The boy is in entanglement, he can be free only by defeating his elder brother, and he can do whatever he wants.

   Defeating grandpa can win the heart of Hongya and deter the Tianyu Phoenix clan.

   Two goals.

   "I see." The boy nodded his head heavily.

   At that time, he is waiting for him to grow up and get married.

   Although Ao Man doesn't know what kind of strong the innkeeper is, but the brother-in-law said that, it should be extraordinary.

   But there is a limit to those who open an inn after all, right?

   He doesn't understand either.

   Anyway, have a drink first.

   "Shounen Lang, let's drink a cup of tea instead of wine."

   "I'll get a cup."

   Jiang Lan didn't care about these two people, as long as it doesn't affect him, it doesn't matter.

   He slowly closed his eyes, keeping his vigilance at all times to ensure that he could react correctly at all times.

   At this time, he has been at the junction of Xinshen Inn, looking at the structure of the inn.

   Using what I know, I tried repeatedly, but I didn't shake the Xinshen Inn. I just tried to see if it could be connected.

   Some are interlinked, but some are different from what he expected.

   kept trying, he knew where he was wrong.

   After a long time, he felt that someone was pushing the door at the Xinshen Inn.

   looked down, it was a boy and a girl.

   ignored them.

   After these two people stopped completely, Jiang Lan followed to terminate the verification experience.

   Instead, I feel it with my heart.

   Waiting for the boss to return.

   But what Ao Ye said, he thought of something.

   The other forces did not have a precise purpose.

   is an act of confusion.

   It is the Celestial Race that has a direct purpose, and it is unknown how it is.

   Kunlun did nothing, but the bewildering behavior did indeed happen.

   Kunlun spies are extremely numerous.

   And Second Peak will also gather the spies to clean up. This is only a bit confusing, but what really makes him unable to understand.

  A Jindan spy, and finally went to two peak owners.

   is a real bewilderment.

   I don’t know if this confusing behavior is the same as what Ao Ye said.

   Jianglan no longer thinks too much, and his heart is peaceful, like a waveless lake.

   This kind of calm remained for a while, and he opened his eyes.

   was once again taken to the Heart Inn.

   When he opened his eyes, he didn't see the Eight Princes, so he probably left.

   After getting the boss's good wine, Jiang Lan turned and left.

   I didn't see the boy, otherwise I should get peanuts.

   He walked all the way to the Ninth Peak, instead of choosing Yujian, he walked.

   It is one thing that Yujian easily offends some people, mainly those who walk now, and most of them don't know him.

   will not be called attention.

  On the way, Jiang Lan met some people, but no one cared about him.

   He never cared about other people.

   It's just that some sounds will reach his ears.

"You are hurt?"

   "I went to the ice cicada forest, ice cicada seemed to be a lot more irritable, and I was injured, and I felt gloomy over there."

   "I just cleaned up the intruder some time ago, maybe it's a bit suffocating."

   "I hope, but I heard some seniors say that the great famine situation is a bit tense, and we will meet sooner or later."

   "It hasn't been long since we started, and it's hard to get in touch if we want to get in touch. We are too weak."

   "Yes, but I'll report the situation of the ice cicada forest when I go back."

   Jiang Lan didn't listen specifically, his pace was a little faster than these people, and soon he couldn't hear their conversation.



   Yao Chi.

   Under the peach tree.

   Ao Longyu sat under the tree and watched the falling peach blossoms silently.

   This is the peach tree that my younger brother helped her plant.

   But she also contributed to it.

   It was her dragon chant that healed the peach tree.

   Of course, the main credit is the younger brother.

   She always remembered.

   "Sister sister hasn't come yet?"

   Ao Longyu retracted his gaze and looked out of Yaochi.

   I couldn't see Siya Sister on the third peak today, so she was waiting for Siya Sister in Yaochi.

   Hope to get the answers.

   Before, she had obviously done what Junior Sister Siya said, but her junior did not react at all.

   is far from what the junior sister said.

   should be problematic.

   Otherwise, the younger brother is more special.

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