The Goddess Atlas reflects the problem of Yaochi.

   Goddess Atlas Except for the dragon, Xiao Yu, who will change its position, the others will not change.

   Now suddenly there is a ray of black air, and it is not normal to look at it.

   Black Qi originates from the edge position, that is to say, it is not something inside Yaochi.

   But what can affect Yaochi?

   This thing is incompatible with Yaochi. Although it is weak, it is always alive.

   A short time will not affect it, I am afraid that a long time will bring bad changes.

   "The Kunlun Yao Lake was affected silently, and I don't know whether it was man-made or natural."

   Jiang Lan put the goddess atlas on her lap and began to think.

   "If it is natural influence, it would be okay, I am afraid it is artificial influence."

   "This shows that the opponent's methods are so high and unbelievable."

   "I don't know when Xiao Yu will find out, whether the peak owners know the situation in Yaochi."

   This matter is more troublesome than Yaozu.

   Jiang Lan frowned.

   No matter what, the monster clan could not get close to Kunlun.

   is out at most.

   and put the target on him.

   But this black person who suddenly appeared was different, bypassing everything and entering the center.

   If it is artificial, it must be very conspiring.

   directly affects Yaochi.

   At this point, Jiang Lan put his hand on the goddess picture album, trying to perceive the black air.

   After a while, he withdrew his hand.

   cannot be sensed, but it does not affect the use of the Goddess Atlas.

   But when it will affect it is unknown.

   "It needs to be dealt with."

   Jiang Lan muttered to herself with a low eyebrow.

   Jade Pool is a gathering of the essence of the Kunlun Mountains, and black air can invade silently.

   may be related to the mountains near Kunlun.

   If I go out to see tomorrow, if there is no gain, I can only find a way to let the master know.


   The next morning.

   Jianglan completed his training, and then began to get acquainted with the Nine Steps of Heaven.

   He found that after enlightenment, the nine steps of the sky seemed to have taken a new step.

   It takes some time to master it thoroughly.

   The power of the Nine Tribulations is still so unreasonable, not as handy as the power of the Nine Bulls.

   But there is no problem at the moment.

   As long as it is not advanced, as long as the base of Niu Jiu's strength is stable.

   The power of the Nine Tribulations will not lose control.

   It's bright.

   Jianglan left the Nether Cave, and after pouring the plant eggs with the spirit liquid, he went down to the Ninth Peak Mountain.

   I want to listen to the analysis of the situation by other disciples in Kunlun and see if there are any new changes.

  Perhaps, the person behind the scenes of the black air can be delineated.

   Pill Refining Department.

   There are many people here in the morning.

   "I feel that the price of pill medicine has been reduced recently, and more resources have been distributed."

   "Yeah, Guidi Baguo is ready to move, and I don't know what to do."

   "According to the current situation, Zongmen has also begun to prepare for war."

   "If we fight, will we fight for decades or hundreds of years?"

   "Who knows, it's better to practice quickly, if you don't become an immortal, it's nothing."

   After hearing a few words, Jiang Lan changed places, and the follow-up was their vision of immortals.

   Assuming becoming a fairy, what kind of life do you want to live?

   Only Jiang Lan knew that to be a fairy is just a child who has just learned to walk.

   In the realm of immortals, people and immortals are too weak.

   It's okay to have a real fairy with a fairy body.

   After knowing the Tao, that sense of insignificance appeared again.


   Jiang Lan came to the place where he preached.

   I didn't talk about it today, but there are still many people practicing here.

   "Wutong Mountain seems to be defeated. The Celestial Clan is about to attack Wutong Mountain. Tianren Wangqing should be completed. It is said that at that time the world changed dramatically, and the figure of heaven and man fell."

   "I also heard that Wutong Mountain sent away some people, and now they are desperately resisting.

   But it always feels weird, the Heavenly Feather Phoenix Clan is not a weak clan, how could it be beaten like this by the Celestial Clan? "

   "Perhaps it is that Tian Ren Wangqing is stronger, or Wutong Mountain has suffered severe damage before, who knows."

  "Yes, this kind of thing is not something we can know, but the Demon Clan and Lingshan Wuxian have also encountered each other, and it is said that there is a certain possibility that they will fight.

   It's still unknown whether it's hitting or not. "

   "The monster clan and the dragon clan have not done anything recently, and the monster clan has never heard of a small move."

   "These are too far away. Tell me about the nearest one. Do you know the ghost land of Pakistan?"

   "Ghostland Ba Country? I got some news, I heard that they are going to move, and the target is most likely Kunlun."

   "Yes, I have also heard that, according to the current situation of the major forces, the ghost land may come to our side, but it has not received any news of the challenge.

   So I don’t know what will happen. "

   "Maybe I will do it. I feel that some woods outside are full of ghosts."

   A group of people are embarrassed.

   Before, I watched other people go to war, so I can analyze it rationally.

   Now it's their turn, they start to feel a little flustered, and they can't see exactly what will happen.

   Although the unborn immortal can't play a role in the war, what if you have to help pick things up?

   can't be a cannon fodder, it may still be possible to serve as some logistics.

   Jianglan walked around again, and finally went to the Ninth Peak.

   It's getting dark, he has no idea of ​​going out to check now.

   Because of the appearance of Guidi Baguo, he has a goal.

   Maybe the dark energy in Yaochi is ghost energy.

  Guidiba Kingdom, a powerful force that has been strong for a long time, they settle down and do not go out easily, but once they go out, they will surely have corpses everywhere.

   Even the demons don't want to mess with that group of ghosts.

   They are like humans and non-humans, like demons and not demons, with steel and iron bones, young crops and fangs, and cruel in nature, like abyssal evil spirits.

   If they take the initiative to attack Kunlun, then the war must last for many years.

   Jianglan needs to be prepared to defend the ninth peak.

  Furthermore, he needs to ask clearly and see what attitude the Master and the others have.

   Then bring the topic to Yaochi.

   I care about my fiancée, just ask one more question, and it won’t seem abrupt.

   This way the problem can be solved very well.

   I was afraid that nothing was found after the inspection.

   Then he has to continue to check it himself, after all, Kunlun Creation is the one who knows the changes in Yaochi best.

   It is not easy for others to detect changes.

   Even Ao Longyu, who is the goddess of Yaochi, may not be able to detect it.

   a little while.

   Jiang Lan came to the Ninth Peak to see Master.


   When he came to the top of the Ninth Peak, he found that there was no master here.

   "Master is not there?"

   Jianglan was a little surprised, but now it is the day when the entrance of the Netherworld erupts, Master rarely leaves the Ninth Peak.

   "In the Nether Cave?"

   It is indeed possible.

   Jianglan rushed to the Nether Cave in the first time.

   However, there is nothing but his thatched cottage, and Master is not in the Nether Cave.

   Jiang Lan did not leave to search, but stayed in the Nether Cave with peace of mind, planning to practice.

   By the way, see if there are more changes in the Goddess Atlas.

   opened the atlas, but fortunately there were no unnecessary changes.

   No words for a night.

   Jiang Lan walked out of the Nether Cave in the early morning and arrived at the top of the Ninth Peak.


  Master is still not there.

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