"I came to see Master twice in a row, but I couldn't find it, but it's rare."

   Jiang Lan looked at the empty Ninth Peak with some surprise.

   This time I was looking for Master for something, otherwise it would be fine.

   The Ninth Peak was watched by him, and there would be nothing for the time being, after all, the formation was there.


   Isn’t that the same idea, Master?

   Jiang Lan doesn't know.

   But not being able to ask the master, it is equivalent to not being able to focus their attention on Yaochi, and thus being unable to deal with that ray of black air.

   "It looks like I have to go out to see the situation."

   Jiang Lan had a decision in his heart.

   If you haven't found it, and haven't found Master, go to the Ninth Peak and ask Master where he is going.

   Actually I am more familiar with Master Fifth Peak, but...

   Master Fifth Peak feels very dangerous, so I'd better ask Master Eighth Peak first.

   Thinking like this, Jiang Lan went outside Kunlun, went to see nearby, catching ice cicadas or something.

   There is no need to give meaning to going out.



   Kunlun sky, endless distance.

   A location that most of the immortals cannot perceive.

   At this time, a black air billowed like a cumulus cloud, and there was a face in the middle of the black air, as if to swallow Kunlun's location.

   To suppress the Kunlun Mountains.

   However, there were four people standing in front of the black energy. These four people stood there, directly hindering the swallowing and covering of the black energy.

   evenly matched.

   The impact of power was not so violent, but the surrounding space seemed to be distorted.

   "The luck of the country of Pakistan has been directly released. I really can look down on our Kunlun."

   Liu Jing stood in the front of the four and looked at Hei Qi, his voice low.

  The sudden arrival of Pakistan made them quite surprised. The actions of the other party could not be judged by common sense.

   I thought there would be a buffer period, but it came too soon.

   The national destiny of Pakistan comes directly, and it is almost a battle of life and death.

When    found out, the four of them came here for the first time.

   blocked this place.

   Liu Jing is headed, the fifth peak, the eighth peak, and the ninth peak stand behind.

  Because the ghost aura of Ba country resonated with the netherworld aura, Mo Zhengdong had to come.

   His power is the easiest way to restrain the ghost of Pakistan.

   Let other people come, but it is easy to affect the ninth peak.

   Otherwise, he will not leave the Ninth Peak.

   "Haha." In the darkness of the ghost, there was a gloomy laugh:

  "The ghost of national luck came directly, I thought it would lead to about seven peak masters.

   Unfortunately, only four people came in the end.

   Kunlun really looks down upon us in Pakistan. "

   "Your Excellency, what is the meaning of this trip?" Liu Jing asked directly.

   This is not a negotiation, but an enemy. Fairy Miaoyue is naturally listening.

   "What does it mean?" The ghostly voice was smiling:

"I do not know."

   Liu Jing frowned.

   "You Kunlun should know that our Pakistani people are pure tonic, and don't understand the cunning conspiracy of your human beings." A helpless voice came from the ghost:

   "But I don't know when from now on, all the major forces in the desert are moving and fighting.

   We have no idea why they are fighting.

do you know? "

   "That's them, shouldn't you ask them about this kind of thing?" Liu Jing said directly.

   "It's too far, and it's better to ask you.

   Kunlun is dominated by humans. Humans have good brains and dirty hearts.

   So you guys must know. "The ghostly face appeared, and he smiled:

   "Of course, it's okay if you don't say it.

   Even if we say we have to move.

  Everyone has moved, and our Pakistan is not moving. Doesn't it seem that we are backward and ignorant?

   So we decided to play a game with you Kunlun. "

  Four people: "......"

   Ghost Diba Country, really not suitable for playing.

   Fighting monsters, dragons, and heavens are all fearless.

  Because the opponent will be beaten.

   But Guidiba Country is different, they regard death as home.

   Fighting with them is just consuming for no reason.

   But if the opponent wants to fight, they are also fearless.

   "The Ba country is not afraid of defeat, and will be destroyed by the Dragon Clan, or the Demon Clan?

   After all, they may know what they are doing, but you don’t know what they are doing. Fairy Miaoyue said.

   "You must be afraid too. Don't threaten me. You can't teach me. With the nine of you, it's impossible to crush us directly.

   Besides, nine of them will have to subtract two of the first ones in terms of combat power.

   Seven, leading the entire Kunlun, although they can still have the upper hand, but the price still has to be paid.

   It is also unknown who will be destroyed first.

   Kunlun is more hateful than our Pakistan. "Ghost face laughter is very gloomy.

   Fairy Miaoyue smiled and had to admit that people in Pakistan were not that stupid.

   And it is well planned.

   is here to threaten them.

   "It seems that they have a lot of ideas." Fairy Miaoyue said.

   Liu Jing nodded slightly, he also felt it, and Ba Guo didn't want to be a stepping stone.

   "Your Excellency should have other ideas?" Liu Jing asked.

   "Humans are really too smart." A jealous laugh came from the ghostly face:

   "We Ba Guoqiang, your Kunlun is not weak.

   So there is no need to fight each other.

   We want to give ourselves a chance, and also give you a chance.

   During this period of time, our Yin Soldiers will borrow outside Kunlun. If your people can find and leave our Yin Soldiers, then our Ba country will turn around and ask the Monster Race trouble.

   If you can't stop it, you have to tell us what happened in the great huang.

   After knowing, we will stare at other places.

how is it? "

   After hearing this, the four looked at each other and they understood.

   Pakistan wants to borrow its own power, empty gloves white wolf.

   But the other party used the spirit of national luck, which seems to be serious.

   Finally, Liu Jing said:

   "Yes, I hope you keep your word."

   "Hey, humans are the real cunning people~www.readwn.com~ Maybe after this bet, our country will be killed by Kunlun.

   What can't you do? "The ghostly human face is always smiling:

   "Oh, as an insider, you can't disclose the news.

   And the nine of you can't shoot.

   Don't worry, our Yin soldiers are not strong, so it's not easy to stay. "

   Liu Jing and others frowned.

   But nothing said.

   but standing here.

   Pakistan is lucky, they can't leave.

   Otherwise, they would not know what would happen.

   Whether Pakistan has any other actions, it can only be seen how the people below respond.

   As for this game, everyone doesn't care much, wait until the results come out.

   It depends on the situation or not.



   The third day.

   Jiang Lan once again came to the top of the Ninth Peak.

   However, there is still no master here.

   "Something's wrong."

  Under normal circumstances, the master wouldn’t be back for so many days, unless something major happened.

   So what will happen recently?

   Yaochi black air.

   He found out, maybe Master also found out.

   "Go down the mountain and see if other peak owners are there."

  If only his master is not there, maybe it's nothing, but if the other peak masters are not there either.

   The problem is big.

  He wants to ask.

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