My Girlfriend From Turquoise Pond Requests My Help After My Millennium Seclusion

Chapter 234: Someone came over and pretended to be coerced?

 Jianglan walks on the eighth peak road.

   In fact, apart from Master, the other peak masters are not there for a few days, and there is no problem.

   The eighth peak is even more so.

   As long as there is a place to shoot, there must be the figure of the eighth peak peak master, and it will never fall off the wind.

   However, it is more important to Jiang Lan whether he is here these days.

   The road to the eighth peak is not small, and there are trees around it.

  The mountains and rivers are beautiful and enjoy the eyes.

   The fragrance of vegetation is refreshing.

   There are flowers and plants everywhere on the peaks, seemingly ordinary, but in fact there is a sword in mind.

   There is a powerful sword formation here.

   There should be such things as formations in front of each peak, but the ninth peak is less.

   When he started, he basically didn't.

   is increasing now.

   Maybe the master didn’t think it was necessary. The most important thing about the Ninth Peak is the Nether Entrance.

  Furthermore, the master's formation skills are weak.

  Perhaps this is the case. Ninth Peak lacks such things.

   What the facts are, Jiang Lan doesn't know, but he is still weak at the moment, and he needs a formation to be at ease.

   Only the formation can make him deal with more accidents.

   Although the master is always there, he cannot be taken lightly, and he must be guarded on the premise that the master is not on the ninth peak.

   Like now.

   Master was out for three days, but he alone suppressed the entrance of the Netherworld.

   Coming to the Eighth Peak to practice sword cliff, Jiang Lan wanted to hear if there was any special news.

   Ask the Eighth Peak Master if he is there, just go to the lake.

   It’s just that some things are a little abrupt to ask, so it’s better to listen to them outside first.

   Sword Practicing Cliff is the place where the eighth peak disciples practice. Some people practice swords here, and some people really try to fly with swords.

   The people here are not high in cultivation, but they love to talk about the gossip.

  Standing in the rest area for a while, Jiang Lan planned to leave, but nothing was gained.

   Just when Jiang Lan was about to leave, a young man suddenly greeted him, with a hint of agility in his eyes, with a special sword intent on his body, like a natural sword bone.

   A highly talented rookie disciple.

   Trained Qi to perfection.

   The foundation will be built soon.

   "I have seen brother."

   Qu Yunji gave a junior ceremony and stopped Jiang Lan.

   Another newcomer who can detect me, Jiang Lan is not surprised.

   Kunlun has many geniuses, and there are always some who can detect him.

   It is easier for him to be aware of him at a high level of cultivation.

  The ones with lower cultivation bases are less, and the ones who noticed him the last time are dead.

   was handled by two peak owners.

  Relatively speaking, it is a great honor for that Jindan spy who has enough face.

   It's just such an honor, Jiang Lan doesn't want it much.

   will die.

  Don't talk about a golden core, even if it was him, he couldn't face those two at all.

   Nine Peaks Peak Master, there is no weak person.

   "What's wrong with my brother?"

   Jiang Lan nodded slightly, his voice was steady and kind.

   "I have some questions about swordsmanship, and I want to ask my brother.

   I wonder if the brother can help me out. "Qu Yunji said modestly, and then added:

  "Master is not in the peak these days, and brothers and others have never been free.

   So I can only ask brother. "

   "Junior Brother’s Master is the senior of the Eighth Peak?" Jiang Lan asked.

   "Master of the Eighth Peak, Master." Qu Yunji said softly.

   Just to his surprise, the other party didn't seem to envy him much.

   "I'm not involved in swordsmanship, so I may not be able to help my juniors."

   Jiang Lan did not refuse, but his swordsmanship did not involve much.

   The eighth peak disciple's swordsmanship is superb, he may not be able to help.

   But the opponent is actually a disciple of the peak master, which shows that he is talented.

   The disciples of the peaks rarely worship the peak master as their teacher, and the collection as a personal biography is even rarer.

   Even the crowded first and eighth peaks do not have many direct disciples.

   Yaochi watching the ceremony will be able to see one or two.

   Among those people, there are some outstanding disciples.

   Furthermore, the other party said that Master Eighth Peak is not here these days, so it seems that he doesn't need to ask Senior Brother Lujian again.

   "Senior brother Guoqian, just a few minor problems." Qu Yunji said with a smile on his face.

   It seemed that it was hard to find a brother with a heavier weight to ask.

  Looking at Jiang Lan's clothing, he knew that this brother had been in the business for at least two hundred years.

"go ahead."

   Jiang Lan nodded slightly, without saying anything else.

   When the answer is over, he wants to go to the Fifth Peak.

   If the Fifth Peak is not there, it means that what is happening in Kunlun is secretly.

   has something to do with Heiqi.

   But he doesn't know what impact it will have.

   Need to go out to see again, if necessary, he will take action.

   Yaochi's black air is related to Xiaoyu and his follow-up practice. This kind of hidden danger cannot be left.

  "Some doubts about the Seven-Star Sword Technique." Qu Yunji whispered:

   "I will show it to the brother again, there is one point that I feel a little strange, and some are not smooth."

   Then Qu Yunji began to use the Seven-Star Sword Technique.

   Seven-star swordsmanship is suitable for cultivation by building foundations, and not everyone can learn it.

   This disciple has good resources and is extremely talented in sword practice.

   Jiang Lan had some guesses.

  The curved cloud trail stepped on the seven-star step, and the sword in his hand waved like light.

  , it's pretty good.


   Jianglan spent a lot of time practicing at the beginning, and practice makes perfect.


   The sword has a tendency to break through the air.

   And at this moment, the opponent's swordsmanship is no longer smooth and stagnated.

   "It's here." Qu Yunji looked at Jiang Lan and said with doubts:

   "As soon as I practice here, I don't feel smooth, can my brother give me some pointers?"

   This incident has attracted the attention of several people around, and all of them have a feeling of watching a movie.

   Jiang Lan didn't care much, but said softly:

   "Your heart is impetuous, just relax."

   Hearing this answer, Qu Yunji was a little surprised, and then tried:

  "Is there a problem with the movement of Qi?

   By the way, when I got here, I discovered a new method of operation, and I showed it to my brother.

   See if there are any problems. "

   Jiang Lan frowned, how did he feel that this person was not here for advice.

   But he didn't care, at this time the other party once again used the Seven-Star Sword Technique.

When he got to the place before, his sword quickly got up again, but the position where it should have stopped suddenly changed by 180 The original seven-star sword, which was still mild, began to become bitter and powerful. Start to increase.


   Sword Qi spreads, comparable to building a foundation.

   is extremely powerful.

  The rudiment of the inverse seven stars.

   Jiang Lan was a bit surprised, the other party had the embryonic form of the inverse seven stars so early.

   But he can't explain this, he hasn't experienced the prototype, but directly formed.

   When I was familiar with it, I suddenly discovered something and I was done.

   never delved into this thing.

   Most of his energy is in the nine steps of the sky and the power of nine cows.

  "How do you feel, brother? Is there a problem with this sword?

Is    still impetuous? Qu Yunji asked, seemingly humble, but with a hint of arrogance.

   Several people around watched and whispered:

  "I'm deliberately asking the teacher again.

   I heard that the inverse seven stars is extremely difficult to learn.

  Don't talk about practicing Qi, Zhuji and even Jindan don't necessarily understand this thing.

   Even the primordial spirit knows very little. "

   "With the appreciation of the peak master, I'm really not afraid to offend these seniors."

   "Is there any way? The other party's talent is indeed high, I don't know how this senior will step down."

Jiang Lan naturally heard the voice beside   , and he was a little emotional.

   If this younger brother doesn't constrain, he may not live long.

   "Brother did not see clearly? Would you like me to demonstrate again?" Qu Yunji looked at Jiang Lan and asked again.

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