Jiang Lan looked at the boy in front of him.

   didn't have much mood swings. Although he didn't understand the rudiment of Niqixing, he should be able to give some pointers.

   "The prototype of the reverse seven stars is rare, I don't understand it." Jiang Lan's voice fell, and the smiling face on the other side became even better, but soon he was a little surprised, because Jiang Lan spoke again:

   "However, I can show it to you."

   "Senior brother knows someone who can rebel against the seven stars?" Qu Yunji asked a little surprised.

   Jiang Lan shook his head and said softly:

"should not."

   Among the people he knows, no one should practice Seven Star Swordsmanship.

   Brother Lujian might be, but not sure, just treat it as not.

   "Then how can I find someone to demonstrate to me?" Qu Yunji looked at Jiang Lan, somewhat puzzled.

   I feel that this brother is looking for the next step.

The people next to    are also very curious. If you don’t know anyone who will rebel against the Seven Stars, how do you ask them to demonstrate?

   But most people actually don't know the reverse seven stars.

   I also know that I often see the tracks showing off recently.

   Some of them have been asked before, which is very embarrassing.

   Jianglan looked at the people beside him, his eyes stopped in front of a young man, and said:

   "This junior, can you come here?"

   Banluo pointed to himself in surprise, and said:

   "Brother called me?"

   Jianglan nodded slightly. At the beginning of the foundation construction, there were traces of Seven-Star Swordsmanship on his body, which should be fine.

   Everyone is a little surprised, Ban Luo is an honest person.

   Are you going to be ridiculed again now?

   "Senior brother asked the half-senior brother to demonstrate to me?" Qu Yunji felt that this senior was just looking for the next step.

   "Brother, I don't know how to use this swordsmanship." Ban Luo also looked embarrassed.

   He really doesn't.

   "You can do as I say." Jiang Lan explained.

   After the other party didn’t say much, Jiang Lan told Banluo about the operation of swordsmanship:

   "Remember, it's okay to be slower, the pace must be steady, and the sword must be correct.

   Luck is gradual, don’t be impatient. "

   Ban Luo was a little surprised, he felt that he heard some different theories.

   He will be suspicious, so he can only try what will happen.

   Other people are also curious.

   "Why Brother Banluo looks suspicious of life?"

   "I don't know, maybe Brother Ban Luo can't use anything, so I'll take it back?"

   "Qu Yunji is true, everyone dares to ask, high talent is good."

   "Shhh! After worshiping the peak master as a teacher, becoming a fairy is just a matter of time."

   Qu Yunji stared at Ban Luo at this time, he didn't feel that the other party could demonstrate anything.

   It must be this brother who wants to step down.

   He also heard Jiang Lan's words, it was just the essentials of the ordinary Seven-Star Swordsmanship.

   "Let's start." Jiang Lan said.

   Ban Luo stood in the middle.

   Everyone looked at him.

   They are wondering if they want to make a joke later.

   Song Yunji is also watching, although I know Ban Luo can't, but I still have to finish watching.

   Thank you very much, and walk down the steps.

   In the next moment, a half-rolling movement, it is indeed a seven-star swordsmanship, the pace is not fast, and the sword power is rather slow.

   Jiang Lan nodded slightly, the foundation is more stable than he expected, it should be fine.

   Other people are watching. Although it is an ordinary seven-star sword technique, it feels that it is much better understood than when Ban Luo used it.

   Soon, I reached the point mentioned by Qu Yunji.

   They thought it was impossible for Ban Luo to go down, or they could only go down normally.

   However, at this time they saw Ban Luo's swordsmanship suddenly changed extremely slowly, but it was indeed not a normal Seven-Star Sword.

   Qu Yunji was shocked, thinking that there would be some changes, but it turned out to be just slower, just like a child's play.

   Just when he wanted to speak about this, he found that Ban Luo's sword was starting to get fast, continuous and surging.


   At this moment, the seven-star swordsmanship was swung up, with gentleness in the bitterness, and solemnity in the gentleness.

   Sword Qi surged, far surpassing the curved clouds.


   The sword rises, the sword falls, and the sword flies.

   Look for bitterness, sword and sword kill.

   After a while, the sword fell, and the sword was closed.

   The powerful sword energy forced Qu Yunji and others back.

   Everyone around was stunned.

   Song Yunji is even more unbelievable.

   Inverse Seven Stars.

how come?

   Is this something that can be taught to people casually?

   There is a fiery pain on his face at this moment.

   Banluo also set off a huge wave in his heart, a little unbelievable, he just used the inverse seven stars?

   Or is it a prototype?

   "That's about it, but the rudiment of the inverse seven stars can't be used much, and it's easy to hurt the root." Jiang Lan's voice sounded.

   Then he turned and left. One of the two juniors had a higher talent, and the other was not so good, but it was not bad at all.

   I don’t know which one will live longer in the end.

   Jiang Lan left, he can't say anything about other people's practices.

   But if you have a lack of xinxing, you can easily get out of control when you have a stronger power and are far beyond the same age.

   Just like this junior who asked him questions, he has perfected his vitality at a young age, was born with a sword bone, learned the seven-star sword, and enlightened the seven-star.

   is extremely rare.

   Therefore, I can't control myself to show the extraordinary.

  Especially every time it went smoothly, the confidence grew.

   is easy to cause trouble.

   This is also the reason why he had been practicing the Pure Heart Jue at the beginning without moving the Ming Wang Jue.

   Arrogance sometimes pushes him into the abyss.

   A thousand catastrophes are over.

   Today, I have a deeper feeling about this junior, so I need to take this as a warning.

   Telling others about strength is to let them have a better way to deal with you.

   is too dangerous.

   Therefore, when facing the enemy, you need to silence your mouth.

   Otherwise, his moves are easy to be targeted next time.

   The true strength must be learned to cover up. The enemy knows little, which means that he has more cards and is easy to survive.

   Jianglan no longer thinks too much, but heads to the Fifth Peak to see if Master Fifth Peak is there.

   just go and ask.

   If you are not there, go out again, you should be able to find something outside at night.

  Especially places where I heard that it is more murky recently.

   At the foot of Fifth Peak, Jiang Lan heard someone talking before he went up to ask.

   "The formation of the mountain seems to have some minor problems two days ago. Several elders rushed to complete the repairs only now, but unfortunately the peak owner is not there, otherwise it would not be the case."

   "Yes, the formation of the Fifth Peak Master's formation is so terrifying and terrifying."

   "That's right~www.readwn.com~ I heard that the fifth peak is full of formations. The seemingly ordinary place is actually where the lore formation is located."

   "So when you come to the Fifth Peak, it's better not to run around, otherwise no one will know if it's gone."

   Jiang Lan looked up at the Fifth Peak, there are indeed many traces here.

   But, he doesn't care about this.

   "Master Fifth Peak is also not there, Uncle Eighth Peak, and Master, all left the mountain."

   Kunlun did have an accident.

   Jianglan did not reach the fifth peak again, but planned to leave Kunlun.

   Go and take a look outside.

   He walked outside step by step.

  天, it's getting dark.



   Above the sky.

   "How do I feel that no one pays attention to Kunlun outside." The black face looked at Liu Jing and the four, and said with some curiosity:

   "Are you humans playing any tricks?"

   "Aren't you thinking about it?" Jiu Zhongtian took a sip and said:

   "No one knows that you want Yin Soldiers to borrow.

   have the ability to directly borrow a way in Kunlun to try. "

   "Look at what you said, we have to have brains, why play such boring games with you?" The ghostly face said with a smile:

   "Guess, can our Ba Guoyin soldiers come tonight?"

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