"I guess so."

Fairy Miaoyue looked at Ba Guoguo's luck and said softly.

There was a smile in his words, and he didn't care if he guessed wrong.

"You have a brain, you are right." The face in the ghostly gas smiled.

"Then Kunlun can keep Yin soldiers?

Our Ba Guo Yin soldiers have steel and iron bones, ghostly forged bodies, and the broken corpses can be reunited. I will give you one month.

Able to stay all, it is the defeat of our country.

By the way, too strong people are not allowed to participate.

Oh, you humans are cunning and don't follow the rules.

But we don't care.

Because we don't keep it either.

Our Pakistani people are simple and honest, but we are not bullies. "

"It's only a month." Jiu Zhongtian took a sip and said

"It seems that Pakistan is very friendly and will not come for ten or eight years."

"Hahaha." Baguo gave out a laugh

"You have brains. After a long time, we will be over if we don't have brains.

A game, of course, can't be played for too long.

We will lose if we play for a long time.

We are so confident. "

Four people ""

Pakistan is really not suitable for fighting, and I don't understand what these people think.

Moreover, the opponent's strength is indeed very strong and cannot be questioned.

As for the game who wins and who loses.

That is the responsibility of the people below, and the four of them can only watch.

It is currently unobservable.


At sunset.

The north came to the first peak and waited.

At this time, he was wearing a gown of gossip, holding a long sword, and his face was serious, as if there was an urgent matter to deal with.

But there is no clue.

Not long after, Lin An, the ninth peak, came to the north

"Junior Brother suddenly asked me something?"

He received the news suddenly, and the North of Second Peak was waiting for him.

When I got down, I saw the dress of Junior Brother North, and I felt like I was going to do a mission.

"There are some things that need to be helped by senior brothers and sisters. Although the second peak has a lot of manpower, the means are not as good as the senior brothers and sisters of each peak."

The north explained it.

It's not a manpower problem, but some problems, which have fallen into their blind spots.

It is necessary for the personnel of all peaks to mix in order to have faster and more harvests.

"Oh?" Lin An was quite surprised

"Who else did Junior Brother call?"

"Senior Sister Hongluan on the third peak, Senior elder brother Lujian on the eighth peak." The north replied immediately.

"Then let's reunite first, then Junior Brother will explain later." Lin An smiled gently.

Then the two went to the third and eighth peaks, and all four of them arrived before the sun went down.

"It's rare for Junior Brother Northern to invite invitations." Fairy Hong Luan looked at the north with a little surprise.

Normally, it is too late for the North to hide from them.

After all, Beibei, as the proud disciple of the second peak peak master, knows a lot, and many of them gossip.

So there are more people asking about it.

He learned to hide.

"Say while walking." The north began to walk outside, and he began to explain the reason on the way.

"Master is missing. I asked Master Uncle No. 3 and Master No. 1 but didn't get the corresponding answer.

I was never asked to stop the inquiry and investigation.

Later, the fifth peak was found, and the peak owner of the eighth peak was not in the peak.

In the end, I went to the Ninth Peak. I never saw Junior Brother Jiang, but I never saw the Ninth Peak Master Uncle.

I guess they have encountered something.

The peak owners knew these things, but they didn't communicate them.

It is most likely a consensus or game seen by the strong.

Those of us who don't know are chess pieces.

It is also a breaker. "

"Master has indeed been missing for a few days, and there is no news." After thinking about it, Lu Jian asked.

"North Junior Brother has a specific guess?"

Lin An and Hong Luan had some accidents, they had not noticed anything.

The Northern Junior Apprentice is worthy of being the proud disciple of the Peak Master of the Second Peak.

They looked north of the second peak, waiting for the other's words.

"According to recent years, it is Guidiba Country that is most likely to cause problems." The North walked forward and explained.

"Just a few years after the dragon clan left, the demon clan has failed once.

It is said that the demon race came towards the entrance of the nether world, and the entrance of the nether world is still erupting recently.

The Yaozu has certain suspicions in theory, after all, Master Ninth Peak is not there either.

But the surrounding woods didn't have anything related to the Yaozu.

It's so dark and ghostly, so it should be a ghostly country.

Since it is a game, there must be clues left.

Therefore, these ghosts are clues. "

Lin An nodded, then asked

"It means that we need to find out what's wrong and see if we can trace the source.

In order to win the game between peak owners and foreign enemies? "

"There is a sense of fantasy, but there are indeed doubts and it is worth trying." Hong Luan did not refuse this action.

"Four people, the four of us are also embarrassed. Please remember to keep it secret." Lu Jian said with a smile.

The other three also nodded solemnly. This was a guess after all, and they felt like fighting the air.

But it really cannot be ignored.

"Go to some places where there are problems first. According to some news from the younger brothers and sisters, some places are more gloomy." Beifang said.

Others have no opinion and act as quickly as possible.

Before dark, Jiang Lan left Kunlun.

After leaving Kunlun, he opened a blind eye.

I don't want to be discovered, and I don't want to be detected.

Investigating these things is naturally the most important thing not to be seen by others.

Jiang Lan was walking among the jungles, flying without a sword, and the flying goal was somewhat obvious.

He looked around and didn't see the gloomy place.

There was no harvest in the gloomy place I heard, and the ghost land gathered ghost spirit in Pakistan.

It should be easy to detect if it appears.

Of course, if the opponent's means would be noticed at will, then Kunlun would have moved early.

Moreover, Xiao Yu couldn't find the black air, and it shouldn't be easy outside.

"Go and see the ice cicada forest."

Jiang Lan disappeared in place and arrived at the ice cicada forest at a very short speed.

Jiang Lan frowned when he came over.

He saw some incongruity above the ice cicada forest, as if it was distorted by the impact of force.

"has a problem."

But where the problem is, he doesn't know.

Moreover, even if there is an impact here, it will not affect the Yaochi, the source of the Yaochi must be elsewhere. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

"See if it connects to other directions."

Jiang Lan came to the ice cicada forest one step at a time. He needed to find the difference here to trace the source backwards.

The ice cicada forest is very big, he doesn't know which side the problem is, he has some knowledge of the formation.

There is also a lot of knowledge about spells.

But it's not very useful here.

In the past two days, I have checked the Pakistani data.

Hope that helps.

However, Pakistan is not a weak, but a famous strong in the Western Famine and even the Great Famine.

If it were not for Kunlun, he would never investigate, or even try to kill.

Because the opponent's strength is far superior to him, it is difficult to go back with a little carelessness.

There is nothing too strong near Kunlun, and Kunlun is not a display.

Of course, with his current true immortal initial strength, whether he can face the infiltration of Pakistan is also two different things.

He was ready to retreat if he lost.

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