Jiang Lan walked in the ice cicada forest.

The first time I came here, it should be the cultivation base of Yuanshen.

It felt a little dangerous at that time.

I thought that catching ice cicadas would not be dangerous, but it turns out that the seemingly safe ice cicada forests actually hide their murderous intentions.

Coming here now, he still maintains sufficient vigilance and has some preparations to deal with accidents.

True immortal cultivation is not invincible.

It's just one point better than human beings.

Prior to this, strong enemies of the monster clan had appeared here, which attracted the peak master to take action.

Strong as the light of the scorching sun, difficult to look directly at.

You must be in awe of everything, not complacent or conceited.

Of course, the origin of cause and effect must have its roots. It's your own business. Don't be timid, don't belittle yourself, and move forward.

Ride the wind and waves through thorns and thorns.


The cold wind blows.

The woods are pitch black, and the naked eye cannot see through the darkness of the woods, and the flesh cannot withstand the cold in the dark.

As a true fairy, the darkness of a forest should not make any difference.

But here, his eyes were really covered.

No matter how you look at it, it's not normal.

No vain true eyes work.

Jiang Lan saw the woods clearly again, and there were no other creatures here.

It's just that there are many black qi on the edge of the branches, similar to the black qi in Yaochi.

"It seems that it is the means of Pakistan. The black atmosphere here is much stronger, and something will happen tonight."

The ghostly spirit here is getting thicker, and the people of Pakistan want to get closer no matter how you look at it.

Kunlun should react soon.

"You have to find the core position first, and then go back to the root cause."

This is what he needs to do at the moment. If he can clean up the strong enemies here, he will clean up together. If not, he can only hope that Kunlun will find it early.

If it's late

He has to find a way to report the letter.

Ba Kingdom is different from Yaozu.

Ba Kingdom is relatively close to Kunlun, and can influence several peak owners and Yaochi.

Not paying attention to it, there are endless troubles.

Jiang Lan squatted down and began to observe the origin of ghost energy.

But for a while, he stepped forward. There were ice cicadas on the road, but he couldn't detect Jiang Lan for the first time.

Ice cicada on the other side of the forest.

The northern four walked in the dark woods.

At this time, Lin An had a light on his hand, illuminating the surrounding darkness.

This is the light of exorcism, which can eliminate the influence of ghosts.

"Similar to the ghostly breath, it seems that it is indeed from the spirit of the ghost land Ba Country." Hong Luan said while looking around.

Obviously abnormal here.

"The breath is getting stronger, it seems that the situation here is not optimistic.

Be prepared for help," Lin An reminded.

"No, I have to ask for help now, the situation here is completely wrong." Lu Jian directly swung his sword, breaking the sky.

As if heading in the direction of Kunlun.


As soon as the sword was halfway, it was swallowed by the night.

"It seems it's too late." Lu Jian said with a frown as he looked at the disappearing sword.

This place has been enveloped by ghosts and is independent.

"I'll try it." Beifang put the sword behind him.

Then the light of gossip appeared on him, and then began to spread out.

The world is everywhere, pervasive.

The light flashed and then disappeared, unable to capture the trace.

"It's done, but it will take some time to pass it through. Fortunately, it's a step earlier.

Otherwise, the four of us will have to face this matter alone. "The north is a little lucky.

Things here are not normal in any way.

"This dress feels a bit dazzling every time I look at it." Lu Jian looked at the gossip robe in the north with some envy.

"If you want to wear it, you can join the second peak. I can give you the chief position." The North said sincerely looking at Lujian.

As if this position is too heavy.

He felt that he should let it go.

"It's just one of the chiefs of the eight decrees, it's still the last number, don't send it to me." Lu Jian dismissed it.

"Let's take a look at the front first, I feel that we may be in big trouble." Hong Luan said softly while looking at the front.

She was at the end at this time, but she could see clearly.

The front began to change.

At this time, they also looked forward in the north, and they saw the black fog surging like ocean waves, and there would be nothing in the black fog, no one would know.

Da da!

Sudden footsteps began to sound from the black fog.

The four were on alert for the first time, ready to respond to changes at any time.

"Can you detect the back road?" The north is holding a gossip sword, and the power is looming.

The surrounding ghosts cannot get close to them.

"I keep Dao Fa all the way, and Dao Fa cannot be connected at present." Lin An was the first to speak.

At this time, the light in his hand began to be restrained, not intending to waste power, but to control it around the four people.

The field of vision began to recover, and there was no need for this.

"The sword aura I left behind can't be sensed either." Lu Jian also shook his head.

It is possible to be isolated from the outside world here.

"I have left the fragrance of flowers, and I can smell it at the moment.

In other words, we are not completely closed here. "Hong Luan watched as she began to release her strength to fight against the sudden change.

"But I can't tell the direction."

"The gossip failed to identify the position and was affected by ghost energy." Beifang said for the first time.

"That means we are trapped here?" Lu Jian sighed

"Northern Junior Brother, you guessed it, Pakistan has indeed taken action.

It may also be the default of the peak owners.

There is no reason why they don't know that there is such a big movement.

However, the person you are looking for is too weak, and there may be some accidents that cannot hold up here. "

"Hehe." Fairy Hong Luan sneered.

"Senior brother, do you think we are weak and hold back?"

"Senior Brother Lu Jian can reach the Wan Army alone, it's no problem." Lin An smiled mildly.

"Come out." The north reminded.

"This scene may not be very good."

At this time, the four of them saw two rows of figures coming out of the black fog, they stood in line, marching in order.

Such as open guards.

Soon they saw the appearance of these two figures.

Blue-faced fangs, long hairs, **** eyes.

Holding a green wooden scepter.


"What news do you have?" Fairy Hong Luan began to back away.

Because those Pakistani ghosts began to come to them, it was definitely not a good act.

"I have learned a lot of information. If I didn't guess wrong, this should be" Beifang looked cautious.

"It should be the beginning of the Yin Soldier's way of borrowing. First, the ghosts opened the way~www.readwn.com~ and then opened the gate of Pakistan.

There will be countless Pakistani ghosts.

Strength cannot be assessed. "

The other three people stared at the front with a dilemma, but wanted to retreat, but there was no way to retreat.

What will happen then is unknowable.

"I'll try their strengths, you see the situation, you can run away if you are sure, and don't run around if you are not sure."

Lu Jian jumped forward, the sword intent spread, and all the ghosts who were advancing with a sword slashed.

boom! !

War, trigger.

Jiang Lan was moving forward, but he didn't worry about the dark energy changes here. He who had real eyes would not lose his way.


Jiang Lan, who was looking for the core, suddenly saw the sword intent coming from the sky.

It didn't take long for this sword intent to be swallowed by darkness.

"For help?"

"Someone has found out where Pakistan is located first?"

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