After observing, Jiang Lan found that Master didn't have any extra expressions on this matter.

   as expected.

   didn't pay much attention to Master Miaoyue either.

  ‘I feel like I might have been played by Master Miaoyue from the beginning. ’

  Because of thinking that Master will retire in the future, Master Miaoyue also said that she admires Master.

   He moved in this direction subconsciously.

   didn't know if he had fallen into the trap of Master Miaoyue.

   "If you want to hide, hide a little deeper, don't be seen at a glance." Mo Zhengdong said while looking at Jiang Lan.

   "It's the master's cultivation base." Jiang Lan whispered.

   Yuanshen cultivator, this is only a problem if he can hide a few peak masters.

  Furthermore, even if several peak masters have concealed it, there is no need to hide the cultivation base.

   Naturally, there must be a level of cultivation that can be detected.

   can't be noticed, all are summarized in the real cultivation base.

  Mo Zhengdong didn’t care about this, but changed the subject:

   "In recent days, Pakistan has struck, and something has happened.

   After your promotion is over, Kunlun will open the Kunlun Temple.

   As a direct disciple, anyone can enter the temple to view the stone. "

   "Kunlun Temple?" Jiang Lan was quite surprised.

   Why did Kunlun Temple suddenly open?

   The emperor also let him enter the temple.

   Perhaps because of this, the temple was opened, in order to find me?

   Jiang Lan has some guesses.

  "The Kunlun Temple is located on the top of Kunlun Mountain and is closed all year round. It is located above the Kunlun Hall.

   is covered with mist.

   There is a rough Kunlun Heart Sutra inside.

   It's just that no one can comprehend the real Kunlun Heart Sutra in it.

   However, not all direct disciples need to go. "Mo Zhengdong briefly explained to Jiang Lan.

  The Kunlun Heart Sutra was in the Kunlun Temple, Jiang Lan was a little surprised.

  The Kunlun Temple is located on the top of Kunlun, and it may have a major route.

   If you go up and sign in, it's really good.


   Too coincidental, Emperor Xihe has a high degree of danger.

   If you are not careful, you will be caught.

   It’s safest to wait until next time.

  Furthermore, the disciples of Tianjiao from various peaks, collectively go to a mysterious place, no major problems, abnormal.


   is not as good as watching the ceremony in Yaochi.

   Besides, the master said that not all direct disciples need to go.

  Master is telling him that he doesn't need to go.

   Just before Jiang Lan could speak, Mo Zhengdong spoke first:

   "At least one direct disciple must be sent to each peak. If someone replaces it, it's okay not to go."

   Jianglan: "......"

  Master did it on purpose, right?

   The disadvantage of only one disciple appeared.

   If the Ninth Peak is needed, he needs to go.

  The advantage is that resources do not need to be tilted, and there is no need to worry about making troubles with the younger students.

   Listed as the younger brother of the Eighth Peak who asked him about swordsmanship, if it was the younger brother of the Ninth Peak.


   A lot of worries, the younger brother doesn't understand low-key at all.

   will cause a lot of trouble to the Ninth Peak.

   So he enjoys the benefits of the only disciple, so naturally the disadvantages also need to be accepted.

   "The disciple understands." Jiang Lan nodded in response.

   Just for check-in.


   Jiang Lan left the top of the Ninth Peak, planning to go back and continue practicing.

   It's been a few years since it broke out. It's a pity to miss it.

   But since it came out, I’ll check if Qiongjiang Yuye Liquor and Wudao Tea can be eaten together.

   If you can, then it will be much easier later.

   The Ninth Peak Library.

   Jiang Lan took out the books that were more inside, and he turned few books here.

   is mainly useless.

   Soon he turned to books about elixir.

   I want to see if there are any related records of Enlightenment Tea and Qiongjiang Yuye Liquor.


   Jiang Lan put the book back.

   There are records of finding Enlightenment Tea and Qiongjiang Yuye Liquor, but there is no record about the compatibility of the two.

   "Also, whoever is a normal person would mix these two things together."

   is something that is irrelevant.

   Then Jiang Lan took some miscellaneous talks to see if there were any titles like emperor.

   After watching for a long time, he saw an anecdote:

   There was an immortal in the Southern Wilderness who was promoted to a heavenly immortal to celebrate his friends and took out a thousand-year-old wine.

  Unexpectedly, my friend's alcohol intake is not good, and he is drunk for years.

   This fairy once heard that tea can hangover, so he took out the unique fairy tea of ​​the Eastern Wilderness, and the moon was clear.

   Feed his friends and drink it, I don’t want to be more drunk.

   has evolved over the years for decades.

   I only found out many years later.

  Tea, no hangover.


   Seeing this, Jiang Lan was a little surprised.

  Tea does not hangover, and can even make drunkenness worse.

  If so...

   is not impossible to try.

   Then he turned over this miscellaneous book again, and as expected, there was no record of the emperor or the great emperor at all.

   looked for a while, then left the library.

   The night is approaching, it's time to practice.

  The cultivation base is upgraded to the realm of true immortality, and subsequent promotion takes a lot of time.

  Cultivation is bound to be a little boring.

   Fortunately, Jiang Lan is still used to this.

   He has been here for two hundred and seventy years.

   Retreat and practice, rarely go out.

   The eruption of the Nether portal lasted for another six years.

   In the past six years, Jiang Lan has been practicing in the Nether Cave.

   Xiaoyu comes once a year these years.

   Every time I come to let Jiang Lan bless the true meaning of Slashing the Dragon.

   Every time he came, Jiang Lan could feel that Xiaoyu's cultivation base had improved a lot.

   He knew that Xiao Yu was also practicing in retreat.

   may be promoted to immortal sooner than expected.

   Jianglan is naturally not behind, he has been cultivating since the eruption of the Nether Cave.

   I wanted to try to enlighten the Tao, but it became more and more white. Enlightenment is hard to come by.

  I only encountered an epiphany once in these years.

   The dripping water speeds up a bit.

   is the embodiment of Tao.

   The dripping water turns into a stream. At that time, maybe you have the qualification to fly.

   After the eruption of the Nether Cave was over, Jiang Lan picked up the plant egg and You Yehua.

   lives in the Nether Cave again.

  They haven't changed in a hundred years.

   The breath of life has never had the slightest problem.

   In theory, it is impossible to persist until now, but they still survived miraculously.

   Although Jiang Lan was curious, he did not abandon the idea of ​​checking.

   After all, it is difficult to find such a worry-free pet.

   The flowers outside the yard have never been so worry-free.

   The sky is slightly bright.

   The night was fading, and the stars began to sink into the mountains.

   A round of red sun, jumped out of the mountain.

   Jianglan sat in the courtyard.

   He didn't do anything else, but took out the mirror image.

   Watching Jinghua Shuiyue can give him a little understanding of seems to put him in a more ethereal state.

   Let him see the changes in this world.

   It’s been a long time, maybe because of this epiphany, but not necessarily.

   After the eruption of the Nether portal is over, there is no need to stay closed.

   Calm yourself in the sun and do some daily things.

   Go with the flow.

   In the dark night, he began to practice and improve his cultivation.

   Early promotion to the real mid-term.



   Yao Chi.

   Lin Siya came to the edge of Yaochi again.

   "Sister, I have studied it, and the best effect is to be discussed."


  Sister, don’t you practice these years?

   just study this?

   Ao Longyu felt that his embarrassment was constantly being revealed.


   can also listen to it.



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