Netherworld erupted at the entrance, and the younger brother would fall into a state of retreat, so she didn't stay much.

   also had no chance to try to show it to the younger brother.

   Junior brother should not be so busy now.

   In more than ten or twenty years, the younger brother should be promoted, and he will retreat for a while.

   Successfully promoted, the junior is in the early stage of returning to the Void, only one level behind her.

   She rises to another level, and the younger brother will catch up with her with a high probability.

   How about taking advantage of the younger brother has not retreat, try to have any effect?

  As soon as I thought of this, Ao Longyu listened quietly to Lin Siya's theory.

   "The clothes should be silky, so that the body movements will outline the range." Lin Siya thought for a while and continued:

   "It's better to face the light sideways, but it might be better if you can face the wind."

   "Who did the younger sister try?" Ao Longyu asked curiously.

   Hearing these words, Lin Siya immediately hugged her chest and said:

   "That's definitely not there.

   At least not subjectively.

   I'm tired, I don't know if there is any.

   But it's nothing under normal circumstances. "

   "But senior sister don't have to worry about anything." Lin Siya looked at the beautiful and cold senior sister and said:

   "Senior sister and younger brother have a marriage contract, and they should get married in a few hundred years.

  The relationship is different from others. "

   Ao Longyu nodded.

   She thinks the same way. In a few years, she should be married to her younger brother.


  What kind of life do you have after marriage?

   She doesn't know.

   Maybe the same as now.

   "Does Junior Sister have anyone I like?" Ao Longyu asked curiously.

   She has a marriage contract with her younger brother, so she doesn't know how to like it.

   "Who do you like?" Lin Siya shook her head and said:

  "I haven't become immortal yet, now we must focus on immortalization. Those with poor talents may have this consideration.

   Where's Sister? "

   Lin Siya looked at Sister Ao with a curious light in her eyes:

   "Sister Sister likes Master Brother yet?"

   This question silenced Ao Longyu for a moment, then shook his head and said:

"I do not know."

   "I don't know?" Lin Siya didn't feel right, and the answer I got last time should be not annoying.

   I don’t know this time.

   is obviously changed.

   "Sister, do you have any different thoughts over the years?" Lin Siya asked again.

   "There are some." Ao Longyu thought about it, and whispered:

  "When I went to the Junior Brother's side in the past three years, I felt nothing.

   is also quite used.

   Later, once a year passed, I was also very used to it.

   It’s just...I can’t change it back to three years.

   After three years, I can’t wait any longer.

   I don’t want to wait a year now, but the younger brother wants to practice, so it’s not suitable to bother. "

   Lin Siya felt a little surprised after hearing this:

   "Are there any more?"

   "There should be some more." Ao Longyu sat on the side of the rock, her expression was not as cold as before:

   "Master and others sometimes praise me for looking good."

   "I also praised Senior Sister." Lin Siya said immediately.

   She grew up with her elder sister, although she is not very familiar, but the elder sister will teach her.

   She is very happy.

   It is a pity that the senior sister has a cold complexion, she is not close to strangers, and she refuses to be thousands of miles away.

   So no one is familiar with Sister Sister, if it weren't for a secret accident, she wouldn't be able to get close to Sister Sister.

   Ao Longyu nodded and continued:

   "But these compliments or slanders are nothing to me.

   does not make me happy, nor does it make me sad.


   Saying this, Ao Longyu paused before continuing:

   "If the younger brother praises me, I will be happy for several days.

   Because of the retreat, my younger brother will occasionally leave me a message. I can read these messages several times. "

   Lin Siya blinked and said:

   "Sister, you started to like the younger brother without knowing it."

   Ao Longyu lowered his eyebrows and said softly:

   "I don't understand either."

   She doesn't understand this feeling, but this feeling is there.

   But it does not affect the practice.



   Jianglan sat in the courtyard, looking through the mirror.

   The more I look at it, the more fascinated it is.

   He would go to the Nether Cave to practice at night.

   But somehow, he felt that he couldn't stop at this time.

   Once you stop, you will lose your chance.


   It is possible for him to look through Jing Hua Shuiyue and fall into enlightenment.

   At this moment, Jiang Lan did not hesitate, took out the Qiongye Yuye Wine and drank it.

   Then enlightenment tea was put in the mouth.

   then swallowed.

   has been practicing for nearly two hundred and eighty years, and when it reaches the breaking point, he can be promoted and returned to the void.

   thus concealing the fact that he might be enlightened.

   One leaf baffled his eyes and turned slightly to ensure that there would not be a breath of Tao overflowing.

   Make all preparations, Jiang Lan looked at Jing Hua Shui Yue, as if he had fallen into a whole new world.

  All things change as you like, and the sun and the moon are always under your control.

   But this is not right.

   What he wants is to see through the movement between the heaven and the earth, the changes between all things.

  The power of mountains and rivers, the meaning of the sea.

   instead of trying to control everything.

   Control is nothingness. Only by understanding and seeing through can you shake it.

   After seeing it through and understanding, can I find a way that belongs to me alone.

   Enlightenment is to find a way, in the endless desert, there is no way to go under your feet.

   Seek the way in the heart, understand the meaning between the heaven and the earth, and step on your own way.

   The pace passed is this path in nothingness.

   It’s just that the road is not easy to find, the mind between the world and the earth can’t be guessed, and the road underneath I want to walk but I can’t follow it.

   Jianglan sat in the yard, he reached the state of selflessness, with only the mirror flower water moon in his eyes, as if he had blended into the mirror flower water moon.

   I don't know the changes in the outside world, but the world moves around.

the first year.

   Xiaoyu came to the yard, but saw that there was a strange intention spreading here, peaceful and peaceful.

   When she came to Jiang Lan, she found that Jiang Lan was flipping through the book at this time, as if she had fallen into it.

   did not speak.

   Xiaoyu sat beside Jiang Lan, playing with her wooden sword.

   In the evening, Xiao Yu waved to Jiang Lan, Yujian returned to Yaochi.

the second year.

   Xiao Yu came to the yard again, and she found that that kind of intention became stronger, and her heart was calm and peaceful.

   And Jiang Lan was still flipping through his book, as if he could never finish it.

   Xiaoyu still sat beside Jiang Lan. She didn't realize that this intention would repel her, so she would come closer.


   Xiaoyu stuck out his tongue at Jiang Lan and waved goodbye.

The third year.

   Xiaoyu found plant eggs and Youyehua, and began to pour the spirit liquid on them.

   Take care of the flowers by the way.


   Seventh This is the seventh time that Xiaoyu has come.

   There was a little sadness in her eyes this time.

   sat quietly beside Jiang Lan, lying on the stone table looking at Jiang Lan.

   keep watching.

   Until falling asleep.

   The next day, Xiao Yu woke up and waved goodbye to Jiang Lan.


   The tenth year.


   Xiaoyu came to Taolin and found that everything had changed, and the peach blossoms were covered by heavy snow.

   The chill radiated from inside.

   It seems that winter has come.

   can be outside in the scorching sun.

   is the younger brother.

   Xiaoyu immediately ran to the yard.

   Only when she ran in, she discovered that the yard had already been covered by heavy snow, but there was not a trace of snow around the junior.

   Jiang Lan is still flipping through the book at this time.

   is just a lot slower.

   looks like the mirror flower water moon, about to finish.



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