
   A rare sunny day.

   Aoki, who looked like a boy, stood in the yard, and a small wooden statue of a man with punches stood above the firewood.

   can't see the face clearly, but can feel the opponent's fist.

   mighty and extraordinary.

   Aoki puts his hands together and worships devoutly.

  He has been worshipping the **** of fist every day for more than ten years.

   At this time, his hands are wrapped in pitch black cloth, and his fists have a biting fist intent.

   "Wu Shuang Fist God protects me with both fists, now I go to fight, kill the demon clan, and earn military exploits."

   "Raise the power of the fist god."

   At this time, a woman walked out, holding a simple salute, and looked at Qing Mu said:

   "It's time to go."

   "Okay, Niang." Aoki took the salute and said seriously:

   "Aniang, I'll set off when I'm fine.

   This time I want to make contributions. "

  "This logistics transportation is within the Pakistani war zone, and there should be no danger.

   Remember to follow the arrangement. "The woman looked at Aoki and said.

   "Okay." The Aoki boy nodded, and then waved goodbye to Aniang.

   just ran some distance, he stopped, and shouted excitedly at A-niang:

   "Aniang, Wushuang Fist God will protect me if he is immortal, and if I die, I will definitely become a Fist God.

   I want to be the army of Pakistan, first punch.

   surpass other people who worship Wushuang Fist God. "

   The woman watched Aoki leave.

   After a long time, she turned her head to look at the wooden statue on the firewood, stopped for a moment, and then stepped into the house.



   "There is no problem."

  Mo Zhengdong's hand retracted from Jiang Lan's forehead.

   Jianglan has a tendency to give birth to a heart demon, so he naturally does not dare to hesitate.

   Once the heart demon is born at this time, it will have a great impact on becoming a fairy.

   will be postponed for a long time.

  Because of the marriage contract, the postponement of immortality will also bring a psychological burden to myself, and the impact will naturally increase.

   Of course, he didn't think Jiang Lan would be like this.

   But sometimes things that should be guarded cannot be underestimated.

   Otherwise, the consequences are unpredictable.

   But he can be sure that Jiang Lan doesn't have a problem like a heart demon.

   There is no wave in the ancient well, and the mountains and the sea are like mirrors.

   Jianglan's state of mind cannot be reached by many immortals. If there is a demon in this state of mind, it is actually very troublesome.

   Fortunately, no.

   "Have you been promoted recently?" Mo Zhengdong asked.

   "Well, I have been promoted." Jiang Lan lowered his head and said.

   "It must be the impact of promotion, what changes have you seen?" Mo Zhengdong asked again.

   There will be some small changes in promotion, but it can make Jiang Lan feel that a heart demon is born, this change is bound to be not small.

   "There seems to be some hallucinations." Jiang Lan couldn't elaborate.

   He also doesn't understand.

   can't fully understand the situation.

   "Don't enter the Nether Cave in the past few days, stay outside for a while, and don't practice." Mo Zhengdong thought and continued:

   "See if the same situation will happen again."

   "Yes." Jiang Lan responded.


   Leaving the top of the Ninth Peak, Jiang Lan went back to the Nether Cave and brought the plant eggs out.

   These days, if you want to stay outside, you can only let the plant eggs come out to bask in the sun.

   Fortunately, the winter sun is not hot.

   Put the plant eggs in the yard, and Jiang Lan plans to take care of the flowers.

   so that the flowers grow better.

   Next time the sister comes, I will be happy too.

   The vegetation on the Ninth Peak should also be repaired. The weeds on some roads are very high.

   No one visits the Ninth Peak all year round, and many places will appear desolate without cleaning for a few years.

   This time he hasn't taken care of it for ten years.

  Some weeds are half high.

   just right, I can handle it with peace of mind.

   He didn't intend to use magic techniques to deal with it. Anyway, these days are not suitable for cultivation, so take care of the Ninth Peak with peace of mind.

   Perhaps the illusion appeared because the heart began to be impetuous.

   Go out again in the evening to see other people and listen to their funny stories.

  Understanding the appearance of others, he will proofread himself to prevent himself from walking on an extreme path.

   Jianglan cleaned the yard first, then took care of the flowers.

   The sun is about to go down at this time.

   Jianglan cleaned up some, and was also ready to go down the mountain.

   Go to some preaching places to see.

   When he left the Ninth Peak, Jiang Lan found that the formation hadn't been updated for many years. Whenever he had time, he should read the book about the formation and update the new module.

   Prevent the Ninth Peak Formation from being touched by others.

   Of course, there is no need to change too much on the surface, and the hidden formation requires a big change.

   will not affect Master.

  The arrival of the master cannot trigger the hidden formation.


   is easy to cause trouble to the master.

   When he came to other places in Kunlun, Jiang Lan saw two fellows, a man and a woman, walking side by side.

   There was a smile between the two of them.

   "Senior Sister's spirit beast hit the tree last time, it was very funny." The fairy looked at the man beside him and said with a smile.

   "I remember this, it's really funny, the elder sister is blinded." The man also responded with a smile.

   Jianglan glanced at them and walked in other directions.

   can't understand what they are talking about.

   can't feel funny.

   After another moment, Jiang Lan saw a few people rushing outside.

   "I heard that there was Brother Sixth Peak, and he had a fight with Senior Sister Third Peak outside.

   It seems that they are all senior brothers and sisters who have been immortals for a long time. "

   "Go fast, you won't see a good show after that."

   "If it weren't for the in-door fighting method and they would be locked up, they might have started fighting inside the door."

   Jiang Lan watched these people go outside.

   He can understand how many times he goes out and it is easy to change his path.

   It's really gone.

   As for Zongmen Doufa, he will be caught.

   He doesn't feel it deeply.

   After all, someone will come to provoke him.

  Also, they are all killing people, how can they worry about the fighting technique being discovered.

   didn't want to watch the excitement, Jiang Lan wanted to hear if anyone analyzed the situation of the great famine.

   I haven't heard this for twenty years.

   The disappearance of the Eight Princes should cause a wave of fighting.

   When he came to the square where he was preaching, Jiang Lan stood in a crowded place and listened to them chatting.

When    opened, it was a relatively ordinary chat, talking about the gate of Pakistan.

   just deviates from the facts.

   But it is not completely deviated.

   "At that time, many people rushed to get help, but it was a pity that everything was over.

   If it weren’t for Lujian brothers and when the ghost gate is open, we might still be at war with Pakistan. "

   "Yes, if it hadn't been for that ghost gate was breached, it would not have been the demon clan who was fighting against Pakistan, but our Kunlun."

  "But it’s strange. It stands to reason that the Dragon tribe defeated the Demon tribe, and the demon tribe should be greatly injured, but it is still comparable to the Pakistani flag.

  Ba country is also badly injured? "

  "This is not clear, but the disappearance of the Eighth Prince of the Dragon Clan is suspected to be related to the Yao Clan.

   But the dragon clan didn't do anything to the demon clan, and suddenly fell silent.

   don't know what to think. "

  "The Tianyufeng Clan of Wutong Mountain is incompatible with the Celestial Race. Although the Celestial Clan has an advantage, it cannot destroy the Tianyufeng Clan.

   I don’t know how long this battle will last.

   Tian Ren Wang Qing should be done, but I don’t know why it’s still fighting. "

  "But these people are not the only ones to fight, the Lingshan Wu Clan has also begun to build a city, right across from the Di Ming Demon Clan.

   The two sides are ready to go, and they should also fight.

   But I am curious, what kind of city it is, it has been built for decades and has not been completed. "



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