
   The moon hangs high.

   Jiang Lan stood in the darkness, listening to the conversations of those people.

   The kingdom of Ba fought against the monster clan, regardless of whether they were equal.

   Others don't know, but Jiang Lan knows a little bit. Ba country should have suffered a big loss in Kunlun.

   then turned his head to start with the Yaozu.

   As for the specifics, only the peak owner should know.

   But the silence of the dragon clan is confusing.

   Not only the dragon clan, the others are very confused.

   Kunlun looks on the surface, although it is normal.

   However, there are a lot of spies mingling in it. From this point of view, it is also an act of confusing.

   "I don't understand why, these years, all forces have to do it."

   "Yes, I can't see what their purpose is at all, our level is too low."

   "I can't understand even at a high level. Anyway, one fight may be due to racial reasons, but it's hard to say that all the famine forces are working on it."

   "The Qilin Clan of the Earth also seems to have moved. It is not an exaggeration to say that the entire Great Wilderness is fighting."

   "I don't know if those smaller forces are in a bad mood."

   Jiang Lan listened quietly for a while, then turned and left.

   What they said is very reasonable, the major forces must have a plan, but no one knows what they plan.

   Some small family sects do not understand why these people are fighting, and they will fidget.

   When everyone else is moving, you sit quietly, without knowing what they are doing.

   A sense of urgency will grow in my heart.

   But Kunlun didn't move either, and he didn't seem to be anxious at all.

   Maybe Ao Ye is right, Kunlun has already moved first.

   As for what this step is.

   Jianglan didn't know.

   There is no need to figure it out, first become stronger.

   Some things are too weak to know and cannot be known. After being strong, they will naturally know more.

   It’s better to take the time to make yourself stronger.

   Some things are clear and not necessarily avoided, but when they are strong, they can be controlled.

   At present, he is protected by the master, so as long as he is within the scope of the master's ability, the problem is not big.

   If it is outside the range of Master’s ability.

  He needs to surpass and protect him before he is powerless.


   Back to the Ninth Peak, Jiang Lan continued to watch Jinghuashuiyue.

   Under the moonlight, he was busy in the yard reading a book.

   is laying the foundation for Xinshen Yard.

   One drunk for ten years, the threshold of the avenue.

   Now that he has enough knowledge of Xinshen Yard, all that is left is to polish time.

   will take some time.

   Looking at the mirror at night, Huashuiyue closed the books in the early morning and started to take care of the Ninth Peak.

   Day after day, day and night change.

   Hundreds of days and nights passed away suddenly.

   The cold winter passes, and spring returns to the earth.


   The breeze blows, Jiang Lan feels the changes of the seasons and the vegetation is renewed.

   "It's been three months, and it doesn't happen again."

   He read a lot of books and modified a lot of formations.

   didn't go to practice, but watched the changes in the world.

   Although the cultivation base has not changed, but the understanding of Tao is more profound.

   "There should be no problem."

   Thinking like this, he returned to the yard and started practicing.

   For the sake of safety, he did not go to the Nether Cave to practice, first practiced in the yard.

   Make sure that he is in a normal state, and then enter the Nether Cave.

   The path of spiritual practice is extremely dangerous, and once an error occurs, the impact will be great.

   Be cautious, nothing wrong.

   Jiang Lan sat on the ground, his eyes closed slightly, letting the spring breeze blow.

   The spring breeze blows, blowing the corners of Jiang Lan's clothes, and blowing the surrounding flowers. Summer followed, shining on Jiang Lan, illuminating the courtyard.

   Spring goes to the summer solstice.

   Jiang Lan calmed down the power movement and ended his training.

   His eyes moved slightly, as if to open.

   When he opened his eyes, he was looking at a young girl who bent down and looked at him.

   She turned her back to the sun, with a novel look on her face.

   "Mr. Brother, morning."

   Xiaoyu's smiling face occupied Jiang Lan's eyes.

  The person here is naturally the goddess of Yaochi, Ao Longyu.

   "Sister, early." Jiang Lan responded softly.

   "Why do I practice here?" Xiao Yu sat aside and asked.

   She came here naturally because the true meaning of Dragon Slashing was gone.

   Jianglan got up, came to the table and chair and sat down, and said:

   "Stabilize your mind and make sure there are no problems."

   "Then, is there a problem?" Xiao Yu looked at Jiang Lan with her hands on her cheeks.

   is very concerned about this.

   "No." Jiang Lan shook his head slightly, and then reached out his hand as if asking for something.

   Xiao Yu looked at Jiang Lan's hand and obediently handed the wooden sword to Jiang Lan.

   looked reluctant.

   "Master told me that in a few years, if you want to open the Kunlun Temple, Junior Brother should go?" Xiao Yu lay on the table, watching Jiang Lan exert his true will to cut the dragon.

   "Yeah." Jiang Lan nodded slightly to answer the question, and then looked at Xiao Yu:

   "Sister, are you going?"

   "Want to go," Xiao Yu said.

   "Can't go?" Jiang Lan was a little surprised.

   It stands to reason that it is good for him not to go.

  Because they are bound to go together, it is easy to be noticed.


   Xiaoyu can go, and he is not unwilling.

   After all, Kunlun Temple, he just stopped by to sign, and did not intend to understand anything.

   Because of Emperor Xihe, he was a little worried about being discovered.

   Furthermore, those who went there were all personal disciples, human geniuses.

   When something dangerous happens inside, it is not impossible.

   It is easy to use real power.

   So he doesn't plan to do more, just find a place to sit down and comprehend.

   Xiaoyu should not affect his plan.

   "Maybe I can't go, I have to close up." Xiao Yu pouted:

   "So during that time, Junior Brother won't be able to see me."

   Jiang Lan thought for a while, and found that it was indeed approaching the late stage of Xiao Yu's promotion.

   "Junior brother often retreats, do you want to become immortal as soon as possible?" Xiao Yu asked.

   "Hmm." Jiang Lan nodded slightly.

   "That's an immortal, what do you want to do, Junior?" Xiao Yu was a little curious.


   Jiang Lan thought for a moment, as if there was nothing he wanted to do.

  After becoming a fairy, he was basically cultivating. If he had to say something, he tried to fly with full sword at that time.

   But it was only for a while, worried about being too high-profile to be noticed by some immortals.

   But the surface is cultivated to become immortal...

   is to get married.

   "Where is the elder sister?" Jiang Lan did not answer.

   "Come tell Junior Brother." Xiao Yu looked at Jiang Lan and smiled:

   "When I succeed in crossing the catastrophe, I will come to the younger brother, and I will guard the younger brother in the future."

   The arrogant speech of the young dragon.

   Jianglan looked at Xiao Yu and said:

   "Senior Sister, about a few years away from becoming a fairy?"

   "Yeah." Xiao Yu thought for a while and said:

   "About two hundred and fifty years or so."

   Sister lied.

   Xiaoyu has been practicing for nearly three hundred and forty years, and he should be able to advance to the later stage in more than ten years.

   In other words, under normal circumstances, up to one hundred and fifty years.

   Senior sister can become immortal.

   But crossing the robbery cannot deceive people.


   She deliberately did not get promoted and waited until the 250th year.

  Because at that time, Jiang Lan's surface repair was to return to the virtual perfection~www.readwn.com~ In about fifty years, he would be immortal.

   Jiang Lan did not speak, but bowed his head to bless the true meaning of Dragon Slashing.

   Xiaoyu didn't care, and ran to bring the plant egg over and give it a good spirit liquid.

at dusk.

   Xiaoyu felt that Jiang Lan should return the Dragon Sword to her.

   is going to drive her away again.

   just looked at the past and found that Junior Brother was still applying the true will of Slashing the Dragon.

   She squatted beside Jiang Lan, a little curious.

   But he didn't speak.

   "Need to wait another night." Jiang Lan whispered.

   did not explain why.

   Xiaoyu did not ask either.

   She sat next to Jiang Lan, suddenly remembering something, and then she said excitedly:

   "Junior brother I heard a funny thing last time, a junior sister’s pet hit a tree, and was stunned."

   "Really? I seem to hear this joke too, it's quite funny."

   "Right, right?"




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