"Brother, don't you sleep at night?"

   In the yard, Xiao Yu sits barefoot on the rockery, shaking his suspended feet.

   The sky lit up slightly.

   Dark night is leaving the stage.

   Jiang Lan held the wooden sword, and the true meaning of Slashing the Dragon has been blessed.

   doubled the time, the effect did not increase at all.

   Do more with half the effort, and that's roughly it.

   It's just that he didn't care, Xiao Yu also waited with peace of mind.

   seems to be this way.

   has not changed.

   "Suitable for practice at night."

   Jiang Lan answered.

   The ghostly aura at night will increase more or less, which is indeed suitable for cultivation.

   Increase cultivation knowledge during the day and increase cultivation base at night.

   This has been the case for so many years.

   will not waste time.

   "The water in Yaochi is cold at night, but it's quite suitable for cultivation," Xiao Yu said.

   said, she jumped to Jiang Lan, and she landed barefoot on the table.

   looked down at Jiang Lan:

   "Senior brother, I think I am taller than you now."

  龙, count the length.

   Jiang Lan sat on a chair and looked at Xiao Yu's legs, then raised his head up.

   I saw a smug smiling face.

   is really good-looking.

   then handed the wooden sword up.

   Xiao Yu moved her lower body, sat next to Jiang Lan, and took the wooden sword.

   They looked at the outside of the yard, a ray of sunlight appeared from the mountains and shone on.


   The rising sun rises above the sky.

   Jiang Lan watched Xiaoyu Yujian leave.

   Xiaoyu's stay at the Ninth Peak began to grow longer.

   But you can't stay too long.

   The Ninth Peak's ghostly aura is too heavy, and Xiao Yu's cultivation is not low, but his upcoming promotion cannot be missed.

  Furthermore, it is necessary to enter the void to find the fairy gate in the Void Returning Realm, and the mood is stable and it is easier to be promoted.

   Too much nether aura is contaminated, and even if the heart demon will not be born, it will leave a trace in the heart, which will easily become an obstacle to finding the fairy gate.

   Jiang Lan all the way to the Ninth Peak Library.

   I plan to read some books today.

   The practice experience of true immortals.

   But very few, only some of the master's experience will stay here, and there is no detailed introduction.

   He will indeed practice fast when he enters the avenue threshold, but the road to promotion is like walking in the dark.

  With the experience of others, you can avoid detours.

   save a lot of time.

   But some simple experience from the master is enough.

   If you can get direct explanation from Master, you can avoid more detours.

   Unfortunately, I can’t ask.

   In the night.

   Jiang Lan returned to the Nether Cave and began to practice.

   He wanted to try it for a few days to see if the previous hallucinations would reappear.

   Sun and moon alternate.

   The four seasons change.

   Jianglan resumed his previous practice rhythm. After sunrise, he poured spiritual liquid on plant eggs and watched books to take care of the ninth peak.

   Return to the nether cave before sunset and start practicing.

   The hallucination never appeared again.

   Time flies, like a white horse passing by.

   Ten years of viewing, passing away in the blink of an eye.

   Jiang Lan, who woke up, felt the power burst out, like a torrent bursting a bank.

   is a sign of promotion.

   At this point, he closed his eyes again.

  Because of the powerful force assisted by the threshold of entering the avenue, his power is majestic, and he has a lot of improvement.

   Otherwise, it will take many years to get promoted.

   Jianglan observes the immortal body inside, watching the power surge, as if it is impacting a higher place.

   This view is several years.

   He has never left the Nether Cave in these years.

  , no one has ever bothered him to retreat.

   Xiaoyu began to retreat in the last year of the previous ten years.

   Therefore, Jiang Lan does not need to go out to accompany Xiaoyu.

at this time.

   Jianglan feels his body is like mountains and seas, and his strength is like waves surging toward the mountains and seas, as if he is about to rush toward the mountainside.


   The waves broke through the peaks and merged into the mountainside, as if there was an endless stream of water surging in the mountains.

   So far.

  The power subsided.

   Jiang Lan opened his eyes.

   The real mid-term.


   Seeing his own hands with stronger power, Jiang Lan has more understanding in his heart.

   It turns out that the true fairy is perfect, only then can you fully control the mystery of the fairy body.

   Then the power of the immortal will be magnificent, like the vast ocean.

  When you come to the top of the mountain, you can hit the sky.

   Flying across the world.


   relieved, Jiang Lan continued to retreat.

   is not to practice, but to be familiar with the spells.

   The power of nine cattle, nine steps in the sky, you must be familiar with it as soon as possible.

   The power of the nine calamities is based on the power of the nine oxen, as long as the power of the nine oxen is familiar enough, the power of the nine calamities will be familiar quickly.

   This is a life-saving technique, and you can't afford to lose your shot.

   One month later.

   Jiang Lan just got acquainted with the power of nine cows and the nine steps of the sky, and he felt a message coming to the nether cave.

   "The Kunlun Temple is about to open?"

   After checking the message, Jiang Lan sighed.

   If this time is the ten years of enlightenment after drinking Qiongye Yuye Liquor, maybe he doesn't need to participate.

   It's a pity, this kind of thing can't be met, it's impossible to book the time.

   walked out of the nether cave.

   The light shines on the body, it is a little warm.

   is a sunny day.

   Put the plant eggs away, Jiang Lan walked around the square.

   confirmed the time.

   This year is his ninth peak, the 305th year.

   Three hundred and five years, the middle stage of promotion to true immortality.

   The first level of cultivation is perfect for the soul, and the second level of cultivation is the initial stage of returning to the void.

  Return to emptiness for three hundred years, to become immortal for six hundred years.

   In other words, he still has close to three hundred years.

   Chengxian and Ao Longyu will be married by then.

   I don’t know how far it is from now.

   But there will be many influences, but we should face it, we must face it.

   The true cultivation base is in the middle stage of the true god, and it will take more than a hundred years to reach Consummation, and it will take some years to prepare for the flight.

   This kind of speed should be few people can reach.

   You must know that normal human geniuses need a thousand years to reach the critical point of flying before enlightenment.

   Even after enlightenment, it will take four to five hundred years.

   If you want to continue to shorten, you need a variety of opportunities.

   innate creatures, the same is true.


   The breeze was blowing, and Jiang Lan Yujian headed towards Yaochi.

  The white mist is lingering, and there is sword light coming out from the peaks, but it is not in the same direction as him.

   After a while.

   Jianguang belonging to Jianglan, returned from Yaochi and headed for Kunlun Hall.

   Xiaoyu never left the customs, UU reading www. uukanshu.com he left to go to Kunlun Temple.

   Prevented Xiao Yu from leaving the customs and failed to find him at the Ninth Peak.

   When the Yujian Road passes by the eighth peak, there are several sword lights appearing. It is the brothers and sisters of the Yujian going to the Kunlun Hall.

   "Mr. Brother, early." Lu Jian Yujian passed by Jiang Lan.

   "Brother Lujian." Jiang Lan bowed his head and bowed slightly.

   "I won't accompany the younger brother, we are going to communicate with the first peak." The voice fell, and the eighth peak and his party quickly went to the Kunlun Hall between the roads.

   Looking at the senior brothers and sisters who left, Jiang Lan found that he was perfect in his soul.

   is still the weakest.

   More than two hundred years have passed since Yaochi’s ceremony. Are there no new direct disciples?

   shook his head, never caring about it.

   Maybe there are and cannot enter the Kunlun Temple.

   is not all like him, you can't go if you don't.

  No longer thinking about it, Jiang Lan planned to go to the Kunlun Hall with his sword, but he hadn't moved yet, suddenly a chatter came from his ear.

   Then he seemed to see the fairy clouds curled up and misted.




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