the border of the northern desert.

   The western branch of Wuyun Mountain.

   The green-faced ghost warrior is at war with the wood demon.


   Only a little time.

   All wood monsters were killed by ghosts.

   Pakistan logistics.

   Transport stone personnel.


   A young man blasted the wood demon with one punch.

   "Wu Shuang Fist God protects me with both fists, cuts through thorns and thorns, and kills the Northern Desolate Monster Race.



   is another punch down.

   After confirming that no enemies survived, Aoki took out the wooden sign on his neck, placed it in his hands, and worshipped it devoutly.

   "What are you doing?" The ghost will look at Aoki and ask.

  "Respect Wushuang Fist God, protect my fists, and kill countless monsters.

   In the future, the **** of fist dies, and I will become the new **** of fist.

   Now I want to be the master of fist, Pakistan's first punch.

   stands out among all those who worship Wushuang Fist God.

   Earn military exploits and serve as a monument. Aoki said excitedly.

   As if everything can be expected.

   "Are you the first punch? No, the first punch is me." A ghost immediately said.

   "No, I am, I have worshipped Wushuang Fist for three years." Another ghost said.

   "I have worshipped for decades." Aoki said directly.

   "I have also been for decades, and I still have a statue of the **** of fist."

   Aoki refused to accept it and took out the wooden sign on his neck:

   "Then do you have this? Wushuang Fist God's first idol card in Pakistan, I carved it."

   "This..." Everyone looked surprised.

   They looked at the wooden sign and found that the punching posture on it was very imposing, mighty and vivid.

   As if with spirit.

   "Aoki, carve one for me."

   "I want it too, I want it too."

   "Then who is the first punch in Pakistan?"

   "Aoki, Aoki, Pakistan's first punch."

   Logistics ghost generals, looking at these humanities:

   "Hurry up, Aoki cuts first in the middle."

   "Yes, commander." Aoki immediately responded.



   The northern part of the Western Wilderness, an unusually remote location from Kunlun.

   There is a wounded man carrying a dying boy on his back.

   went all the way forward.

   did not dare to stop for a while.

   It seemed that someone would rush up at any time behind him.

   "Ao Man, is the road wrong?" Ao Ye asked.

   Yes, they are the Dragon Clan Ao Ye and the Eighth Prince Ao Man who have disappeared for decades.

   Ao Man opened his eyes with difficulty, nodded slightly as he looked forward, and said nothing.

   He feels like he is going to do it.

   "Hold on, you are an innate fairy, as long as you pass this level, you can be directly promoted to a true fairy." Ao Ye said.

   He is still moving forward, not daring to slow down a minute.

   "Uncle Ao Ye, put me down, you should be able to escape." Ao Man's voice was a little weak.

   "I'm just an ordinary dragon, a rotten dragon who loves to drink.

   But you are different, you are the congenital fairy, and the future powerhouse of our dragon clan. "

   "The innate fairy is actually quite ordinary..."


   "Chasing here again."

   Ao Ye gritted his teeth, then increased his speed, and the Dragon Clan’s secrets surged.

   If the road back to the four seas were not blocked, they would not be so embarrassed.

   Seeing that Ao Man is about to fail, Ao Ye said:

   "From here to Kunlun, it's only a few years, very soon, very soon."




   Kunlun Temple.

   Platform floating high in the sky.

   Jianglan sat cross-legged.

   He never went to comprehend the Kunlun Heart Sutra, but looked at the mountain and sea mirror in the sea of ​​insight.

   Then he saw a mirror surface that was like water but could not be seen through, followed by images of mountains and seas, which seemed to be uneven.

   quaint and vast.

   This is the mirror of heaven and earth creation.

   Feel it at will, and he has a feeling.

  The Great Wilderness World, he can use this mirror to watch.

   But what you want to see requires adequate media.

   cause and effect, breath, objects, everything.

   "It seems to be of little use."

   He has nothing to look for, nor does he want to see.

   But Jiang Lan was a little curious, whether Shan Hai Jing could find himself.

   had no idea of ​​using it.

   is too dangerous.

  He decided to stay here and wait for the end.

   Thinking of this, Jiang Lan suddenly remembered one thing, how long will the Kunlun Temple be open?

   No one has ever said it.

   just said that if you get lost in the temple, you will be sent out.


  The person who cultivates immortality, ten years of life in the blink of an eye.

   It’s been ten years since it was open here, so it’s not special.

   Jianglan no longer worries, but closes his eyes to review the previous Tao and the previous Dharma.

   can be familiar with everything, then began to deduct the formation.

   There are many things that can be done.

   Time will not be wasted.

   Jianglan sat here, no longer paying attention to others, during which time he could perceive other people passing by.

   The other party didn't say anything, just left.

   Some people stayed for two days before leaving.

   No one interrupted.

  Of course, there are people who sit cross-legged like him, trying to comprehend the Kunlun Heart Sutra.

   Only a month later, they left.

   never wasted time here.

   Up to now, few people have adhered to the Kunlun Heart Sutra.

   My heart is so good, but everyone understands that there are some things that can't be found.

   Furthermore, Kunlun Heart Sutra does not mean anything.

   It's not that learning can only go further.

   If you want to go faster and farther, you need to rely on yourself.

   The deeper the understanding, the faster and farther you go.

   Kunlun Heart Sutra cannot help people enlighten the way.

   Within a few months, Jiang Lan was already familiar with all the magic techniques, but he had never tried it.

   Need to go back to the Nether Cave and try again.

   Then he started deducing the formation.

   With this deduction, he fell into a state of selflessness, as if countless formations were presented around him for him to experiment.

   I don't know how long it took before Jiang Lan finally broke through the formation that had troubled him for a long time. At this time, his attainments had improved by the next level.

   When he opened his eyes, all he saw was the stone monument.

   No one has been seen around.

   "How long has it been?"

   Jiang Lan was a little curious.

   formation deduction, easy to forget the time.

   But it should have been a long time.

   "Three years have passed."

   A sudden voice sounded behind Jiang Lan.

   Without any hesitation, Jiang Lan moved forward some distance, then turned to look at the source of the sound.

   is a middle-aged man with a fiery red color on the edge of his white robe.

   looks like ordinary people, but there is a sense of vastness.

   is so strong.

   This is Jiang Lan's first feeling.

   "Senior?" Jiang Lan kept himself This should be the senior in the temple. If the other party wants to do something to him, he won't wait for him to wake up.

  Furthermore, he has always maintained his inherent vigilance, and he will know if someone approaches.

   But, I never noticed that this person exists.

   "What were you doing just now?" The middle-aged man looked at Jiang Lan curiously.

   "I intended to comprehend the mind, but suddenly thought of the formation problem, so I fell into it." Jiang Lan said truthfully.

   He is really not comprehending the mind.

   "Are you a disciple of Fifth Peak?" the middle-aged man asked.

   "The ninth peak of the younger generation, Jiang Lan." Jiang Lan said.

   "Ninth Peak, no wonder I can sit here for so long." The middle-aged man nodded in understanding, and then explained:

  "The Kunlun Heart Sutra is a monument that will arouse the state of mind, let alone comprehend it, even if you sit here, few people are more than three months old.

   You have been sitting there for three years.

   makes me very curious. "

   Jianglan: "......"

   never felt anything.



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