"Oh, often practice in the Nether Cave?" The middle-aged man admired a little:

   "Come on, come on."

   "The predecessor has been rewarded." Jiang Lan said modestly.

   This senior asked him many things.

   is just a normal question of getting started, like small talk.

   has never seen the other party's malice, nor has he heard the temptation in words.

   But my heart is still on guard to make sure that I won’t be negligent.

   "Will you continue to comprehend here?" the middle-aged man asked.

   "I want to try again." Jiang Lan nodded.

   "Can't try again." The middle-aged man shook his head and said:

   "The time is coming. The Kunlun Temple has been opened for more than three years, and it has been a long time."

   Jiang Lan bowed his head and did not speak.

   After a short while, he said goodbye to this senior.

   decided to go elsewhere.

   Take a stroll around the Kunlun Temple.

   Since it is about to end, there is no need to stay.

   The middle-aged man watched Jiang Lan leave, quite strange:

   "The disciple of Ninth Peak, this is the first time I have seen you."

   Then he disappeared in place.


   Jianglan went all the way forward without looking back.

   will be noticed while sitting, some are beyond his expectation, so be careful next time.

  Furthermore, this predecessor is not trivial, and it may even be that emperor.

   But other things, it is impossible to guess.

   The only thing that can be determined is that the opponent's temperament is more special than each peak.

   Very strange feeling.

   But I'm not sure if it comes with itself or the exercises.

   In short, you can't underestimate it.

  Leave the Kunlun Temple first.

   Yujian high above the sky, Jiang Lan wanted to see how to get lost, or find one or two places to stay.

   Waiting for the Kunlun Temple to close and send them out.


   Suddenly a golden light burst out in front of him, and the light broke through the sky and went straight into the sky.

   The movement is quite huge.

   Jianglan stopped and looked at.

   is a vision.

   "Hahaha, I finally realized it."

   Under the high altitude, Jiang Lan found a waterfall. Someone separated the waterfall and smiled.

   is Jingting.

   "Understand, there will indeed be a vision."

   Jiang Lan planned to make a detour, but suddenly a crack appeared in front of him.


   shattered high in the sky, and someone broke out all covered in blood.

   "Senior brother and sister nearby, run away." It was the voice of the northern brother.

   Jianglan: "......"

   Sure enough, there must be some movement in the place where geniuses gather.


   A dragon chant came out.

   looked up, it was a unicorn demon dragon.

   had blood on his body, and his breath was a little unstable.

   "The demon dragon in the middle stage of the human immortal has suffered heavy physical damage."

   "Should be injured by the northern brother."

   Then Jiang Lan carefully glanced at the senior brother in front of the monster dragon.

   The waist was damaged, the sword broke, and the chest was severely injured.

   Power is exhausted.

   The early days of the immortal.

   is still a bit short of the middle stage of the human fairy.

   "It's not easy to manage."

   Jiang Lan frowned.

   He looked back, that senior should be nearby, so he wouldn't ignore this incident, right?


   The other side's cultivation base is through the sky, Kunlun Temple, haunting randomly.

   may not be there at this time.


   Beifang confronted the demon dragon again at this time.

   did not let the demon dragon come out.


   A golden light fell in front of Jiang Lan, shocking the court.

   "Senior brother go first, go to see if there are other brothers nearby, I will help the northern brother."

   confessed, Jingting headed towards the demon dragon.

  His cultivation base in the early stage of returning to the Void had no chance of winning against the monster dragon, but with the presence of the northern brothers, it still had some effect with cooperation.

   Jiang Lan looked at the front, then turned to look at the empty rear.

   sighed finally.

   Even at the surface level of cultivation, he has the certainty of victory, so he chose to flee, but it was a bit unreasonable.

   Human, fairy, demon dragon, under severe damage, the degree of danger is about the fullness of the return to the void or even the later stage.

   is not impossible to kill.

  The saber passed down by his disciple appeared in his hand.

   The Ninth Peak is also part of Kunlun after all.

   Then he broke through the air and came to a high place, the powerful aura of the monster dragon, like the waves surging:

   "Two brothers, help me hold the demon dragon for a while, I'll cut the dragon."

   The voice that belonged to Jiang Lan passed on.

   Beifang and Jingting are both surprised.

   Jiang Lan was only in perfect primordial spirit, and it was extremely dangerous to approach.

   But he didn't hesitate, instead he tried his best to suppress the monster dragon.

   The demon dragon is suppressed.

   At this time, Jiang Lan's sword was hanging high in the sky.

   The true meaning of Dragon Slashing began to spread.

   At this moment, the demon dragon that had been suppressed suddenly raised his head and looked at the location of Jiang Lan.

   There was a trace of fear in its eyes, but soon the fear turned into anger.

   seems to be ashamed of the fear just now.


   With a roar, it gave up North and Jingting and rushed towards Jiang Lan.

   Jiang Lan looked at the demon dragon, and the true meaning of Zhanlong spread all around.

   In Jiang Lan's eyes at this moment, everything around him has changed.

   The sound of waves surging around.

   And he stands on the four seas, and in front of him is the demon dragon that stirs the four seas.

   The two sides are opposed to each other.

   At this moment, Jiang Lan seemed to have a higher comprehension.

   The sword rises and the demon dragon is destroyed, and the sword falls all over the world.

   Sword down, slashing the demon dragon.

   Boom! ! !

   The forces of the two sides clashed past.


   Facing this sword, the monster dragon's eyes were replaced by fear.

   But it still hasn't moved back.

   One step forward.


   Jiang Lan was knocked out.


   The moment the sword fell, the sword that belonged to him was shattered.

   At this time, the demon dragon standing in the air completely lost its movement.

   A crack appeared in the center of its eyebrows, and the crack continued to extend on its body until it reached the end.


   The whole dragon was cut open with a sword.

   Beifang and Jingting were stunned.

   That's how it is, slashing the demon dragon?

   Cut the Dragon Sword.

   It turns out that the Dragon Slashing Sword is as terrible as the legend.

   The two soon recovered and immediately went to meet Jiang Lan.

   just passed, only to find that Jiang Lan seemed to be plunged into a mist.

   The north stopped the Jingting in the past, and looked at Jiang Lan said:

   "Senior brother, can the body be ill?"

   Jiang Lan felt that he was about to be knocked out of the temple by the demon dragon.

After    stood up hard, he whispered to the north:

   "Thank you, brother, for your concern, it's okay.

   The two brothers don’t want to talk about things that I hope just now. "

   After they agreed in the north, Jiang Lan disappeared into the air, and he was also happy about it.

   still thinking about how to get out, did not expect to leave like this.

   The only pity is that he shot.

   There will be another time, I have to wait in place until the end.

   Jianglan left, the North and Jingting will naturally also go to other places.

  Prevent there is danger here.

   After they left, the demon dragon that was cut open began to shine, and then turned into two small rays of light and merged together ~www.readwn.com~ to become a complete group of small lights, galloping away.

   This direction is where the Kunlun Heart Sutra is located.

   At this time, on the platform, the middle-aged man appeared here again for some unknown time.

   The light group fell beside him and turned into a small demon dragon, sitting on his shoulders.

   The demon dragon retracted his head to his claws, and shook his head in pain.

   As if to say, it hurts.

   The middle-aged man smiled happily and said:

   "It's all right, it's just a knock.

  Haha. "

   stopped laughing, the middle-aged man looked at the direction of Jiang Lan's disappearance and breathed a sigh of relief:

   "It's so good.

   Fortunately, it's not the Tao of Forgetful Feeling. It seems that the heart is good, and it has nothing to do with the Celestial Heart Sutra of the Celestial Race.

   The others do not matter. "

   He stretched out his hand, and the sky returned to normal.

  " It is rough to write, I hope these three will not be suspicious.


   are all good, all good. "



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